John Carmack interview
Plays the Wii alot, no plans for making games on it
The future of Insert Coin (Important)
Guys get over to my blog quick, read it and leave a comment
The 29 Most Ridiculously Hot Female Fighters
Where is my Zero suit Samus?
3rd parties do sell on the Wii
but but the Internetz has told me otherwise
Order by:
Thank god someone else has watched the videos of this game. It really has shaped up. It's 60 FPS, has great music and style, a fixed camera and some excellent effects. It's looking just like my type of game. Did you read the Elebits Wii interview?
BTW Master Chief in Fable 2 has stiching on his crotch.
BTW you guys are crap, where are your online times or codes? How are we suppossed to arrange a smash-a-thon without them?
My internet is back up, check out Boom Blox in a few hours or Saturday morning to see if my levels are there, they should be on the create mode. i think one of them is messed up, the fireworks one. The best is the ape one, you have to clear the way to let the gorilla mother get to her kids.
BioWare's Miles Holmes has said that the developer is looking at possibly bringing Mass Effect, Jade Empire and Dragon Age titles to the Nintendo DS, according to
The lead designer of the upcoming DS RPG Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood described the title as an effort to get BioWare's handheld division off the ground. He explained that the developer would consider making more DS titles to support its console games, saying: "Basically anything that reinforces the franchises".
"We have a lot of big plans for Mass Effect. Having a DS version would be an awesome way to keep interest alive and keep it going in addition to the next one [Mass Effect 2]," said Holmes.
Holmes commented he would personally like to see a Mass Effect title on the DS: "I tell you which one I would want. I want the Mass Effect one".
Hai guys! I'll be leaving town this weekend and the next one. My sister is getting married.
I don't know if I will be able to update this couple weeks. IGA, can you be a kickass dude (which you usually are not) and help me out a bit if I can't make it for tonight and tomorrow morning?
So you're marrying your sister eh?
And you would ditch GGWeekly for this!
*turns back, wipes away tear*
I knew I was going to feel the heat for telling you the reason of my temporary leave. I should have just said I was going to get hemorrhoid surgery.
So your sister is slicing hemorrhoids off your ass eh?
"A representative for Nintendo told that by March this year there were 26 Wii titles that shipped in excess of one million units, 12 of which were from third parties - accounting for almost half."
It's screenshots like these that have me worry about the level design of this game. And :barfs: that art-style. I'd far prefer the game to have the N64 graphics (no joke) or a evolution of it (think Crash for PS2).
I admit not playing the game, but these reviewers were like "WTF?" to me when I saw them. What's sad is that A LOT of people on forums agreed with them. I've seen plenty of people say that "GTA IV is the next step in gaming into being realized as a full fleaged art form. Biggest step since Shadow of the Colossus."
I wonder what the games are? So far I know some are: Gamez Party, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Guitar Hero III, Carnival Games, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, Red Steel, Rayman Raving Rabbids, and uhhhhhh yeah....what else?
One of the site's forefathers.
Why does it looks like the Banjo levels are actually built inside a circus tent or some shit?
Sure no problem, but why are you always calling me IGA as in In Game Advertising of some sort of disease. It's Iga as in Hattori Hanzo of Iga.
I got Red Steel. 10 bucks.
I call you IGA because I like to think you are Koji Igarashi.
Good point. Weird that. I like the art style though, it looks like an evolution of the N64 games to me.
Punk........ people say that GTA IV is the next step for gaming to be realised as art?
What the hell?
Games sucks.
Gets better once you hit tokyo. Make sure you turn the volume of the wii remote speaker to zero cause it interferes with the reticule. Aiming takes a couple of hours to get used to.
IGAAAAAAAA is also the battle cry we have in our dojo. IGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I think they fixed that Wiimote Speaker glitch in the later prints because the copy I bought new last fall works just fine with the speaker on.
You bought it in autumn of 2007? Did you own it before that? What I like about red steel is how you can just blow stuff up, like aim a shotgun at a car and just... KABOOM in one shot. I like how the duck mechanic works in that it's fast, easily accesible and reliable and makes the game a lot more arcade like in the sense that you can easily pop into and out of cover. Shame it was so unpolished. I feel for edge, he's got to play this on an HD set which will make it look even worse. Even on SD there were some N64 textures.
Really hope they go all out to make the sequel better in every way.
Of course, we're obviously further along already -- just like art critics, nobody knows what the hell these game reviewers are talking about.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI rented it back in December 2006, and played through it twice back then. I decided to buy it last fall when my local Circuit City was selling it for $8.
Aiming, Moving and Throwing
Oh boy yeah. It was okay for the time but MP3 and MOHH2 and now even the Conduit have blown it away on every level. Zooming was an interesting idea, poorly excecuted, they need to copy a few features from MOHH2 such as the analogue lean feature and the rotating zooming.
Swordplay and the Parry System
1:1 is a must, which is happening but also not locking you into using the sword the one on one. You should be able to whip it out anytime you want, just like your man bits and slaughter people samurai style.
Also get rid of the nunchuk parry.
Interactive Environments and Cover System
"The first game, to its credit, did a great job of putting you in environments that were surprisingly interactive – Laundromats, brothels, caryards and more, all littered with things to blow up and fracture. With 1:1 motion now in, imagine being able to properly pick up Havok-enabled chairs, crates and other inanimate objects in order to either hurl them at your opponent Half-life 2 style, or to properly create custom cover points from tipped tables that you've rotated and shifted around. A new cover system with a lean-out or blind-fire option wouldn't go astray, either."
Some great ideas here, you could create cover before, but using objects like chairs or whatever to smash over peoples heads with wii motion plus and physics could be insanely fun.
Tokyo Drifting ...With Guns
"In the original game, you suddenly get presented with a silver street machine and are told to get to the next location in it. Alright, sweet – some crazy car chases are surely around the bend! …Nope. You simply appear next to the parked ride – a whole opportunity missed. We want some car chases – even if only on-rails – in the sequel."
Another great idea. Why not make it like a smaller GTA and have locations trigger the missions? Aiming while driving is painful in GTA IV, hold the LB button, while steering and use the right stick to aim while driving? Horrible. With the wii remote you dont even have to think, you point, you shoot and you use the analogue to steer. Mario galaxy proves this independent aiming can work very naturally on wii.
Better Cutscenes and Storytelling
Hell yes. Poor still concept art with VA over it are not cutscenes Ubisoft. I want real time.
Fewer Loading Screens and Transitions
I don't neccessarily agree with this criticism. The slight pause in missions is like Halo when you go from area to area and it saves for like a fraction of a second. It makes no difference. Sure there is some loading but nothing heavy.
Proper AI
Again, I didn't spot any flaws in RS AI like all the horror story reviews. I was quite impressed generally. I loved it when I pulled out a shotgun and ran into a room only to have a guy run like hell away from me and dive behind some crates to hide. The only thing I can complain about is that they are dead eyes.
Menus and Interface Options
Yep, it was just silly.
Online Multiplayer / Offline Co-op
This is a must, especially with wii motion plus sword fighting on the cards.
Linearity and Weapon Flexibility
"Finally, our fingers are crossed that the sequel will free up the level design a little more, with flexible objectives and multiple routes. In the original, it felt like we were being led by the hand through every stage and puzzle sequence, with clear-cut objectives and 'find the key to exit' problems to be solved. Every hallway between major areas was 'S' shaped, and "
It is a linear and arcade like experience. I would like more freedom in design, something like goldeneye which had multiple routes and replayability.
I think only Shenmue 2 and Endless Ocean cross into that games as art divide. Shenmue 2 made me feel like a virtual tourist, I still vividly recall walking up the mountains of Guanzhoa. Or the majestic score diving in the abyss and watching a sperm whale glide by, or gliding up to the sun in a central chamber filled with swirling dolphins.
I see. I need to eventually play this again but I still haven' even had time to get into smash bros or finish mass effect, GTA IV, Okami or boom blox. Did anyone answer me last week on the VC games on an HDTV issue?
I will start with the second round of updating, but first this rant.
Stop with this Art BS.
If some one can make a picture of his trash and call it art than everything is art. Art is subjective and therefore there is nothing to discuss. One might say that Superman 64 is art because it makes you feel the pain and senselessness of living. I just call it a bad game.
What is the defintion of art anyways. I say it does not exist. Fuck art.