Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
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robio (2m)
^^^^Yeah but the actual textures aren't that good, its mostly artstyle making those pics look so great.
Also, ONO states that core gamers have a short memory span - Finally someone sees it!
One of the site's forefathers.
Prime 3 still owns it. Go into first person mode and mario galaxy doesn't have anywhere near the detail of MP3. Not only that galaxy only has to render a small planetoid and then can just throw around effects.
ONO says what? You mean NOM as in Nintendo Official magazine writer.
BTW did anyone else get the impression playing Mario Galaxy, that it looked so sharp and so clear and so dazzling in colour, that you didn't feel like HD was even needed?
If you played it on an HDTV however you probably had to put up with scaling that added jaggies and lost definition.
Oh I played several more hours of GTA IV. The missions so far aren't very good, drive from A to B, ferry someone from A to B. Drive to point A, beat up person X. Repeat, rinse.
The vehicle controls are starting to grate a bit. I used to abuse the handbrake turn in the GTA games, now it always oversteers and making a decent quick turn while pulling full throttle on a motorbike is almost impossible. Even the aiming has this stupid lock on system. Yeah I know you can turn it off.
But it's still not FUNNY.
ONM Gamer's Short-Term memory Problem
"The problem is that people these days are too impatient. They're too busy looking forward and worrying to look back and realise that Nintendo hasn't been ignoring the hardcore gamer and hasn't been abandoning its popular franchises."
So true.
Wrong GG, there are a few levels in Galaxy that are pretty big, like Beach Bowl Galaxy, and many of the planatoid level have a sick draw distance. Plus about texture close-up yes you are right, but Galaxy is not designed for close up looking. It's a platformer and not a First Person Metroid game.
And Punk, Graphic = artstlyle + technology + animation. You can view them seperatly, but I view them together. And therefore Galaxy > Prime 3, but only just.
Om nom nom.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileAnd Beach bowl looked like crap on a stick compared to some other levels for instance the lava levels with bump mapping. And the textures are simple too. Look I love galaxy's visuals, but it's far less demanding in design terms than what MP3 is pulling off. Metroid has the art style and the technology and the textures. Galaxy is like a rollercoaster game, it's set out to wow you at every turn with fireworks and whizz bang effects and eye searing colour. Metroid has a more serious tone but still manages most of that apart from the garish colour. But it also manages to render larger areas with faaaaar more intricate and detailed textures.
True, but personally, I have to say that graphically speaking: Wind Waker > Galaxy > Prime 3.
Yes, I'm being serious. I started replaying Wind Waker again last night, and I'm still blown away by its graphics.
I think Prime 3 definitely looks better than Galaxy. Nobody can compete with Retro when it comes to graphics and art. Except maybe Kojima Productions, Shinji Mikami's defunct P.S. 04, and Rare.
EAD always seems to be just a step behind these guys (in 98, Banjo looked better than Zelda...and released a half-year earlier. MP looked better than Sunshine in 2002, etc.).
GG, if you're getting sick of GTA 4 now (which is the impression I get) than its only gonna get worse, because the first 10 hours or so is easily the most impressive part of the game. I felt after that, it never really did anything new or exciting, and once the wow-factor of next-gen GTA graphics wear off it starts to sink in that its not as good as past games. Well, except for the combat (which still isn't incredible). I don't think the game deserved all the 10's at all, that was a joke. People are lit up.
I'm continuing to play Okami Wii and Persona 3. Okami is definitely better on Wii, but I still don't feel its even close to Zelda, I'm sorry. Twilight Princess had me totally hooked from start to finish, while Okami....I'll play it for a few days, then lose interest. Play for a few days, lose interesy....rinse and repeat. It just doesn't hold my attention. I don't know, its like a great benchmark for a game, yet seems to be missing...something. The pacing feels off and the story doesn't do much for me, and combat is totally boring. When it comes to Zelda style games, I still like Beyond Good & Evil and Star Fox Adventures more.
GG just keep going until you reach three leaf clover.
You smell like Darth Vader's fried balls.
I'm not getting bored with GTA IV I'm just sort of plumbing through wondering when it's going to kick off and get good. I guess I keep thinking about Bully. I can off the top of my head just list moment after moment, after moment in Bully that is either funny, delightful or memorable. - see those videos that I linked. So far apart from getting off the boat in GTA IV after something like 5 hrs I can't even list one.
I agree on Okami, with Twilight princess the pacing is incredible it's such a long game and yet it never feels like filler. I'm the same with Okami, play it for a while, lose interest then continue a few days later. It almost seems like several games in one in that you sort of save one area at a time and face off with the boss and then have this mini-ending than move on. Whereas in a Zelda game it all feels like one world, like you're always working towards that one big larger goal and the secondary objectives are just stepping stones. Combat is a bit crap to be honest. I thought that Okami was better than BGE etc after the moon cave and all because there is so much content, but I almost feel after ploughing through Oni island that it would have been better to have a more focused experience and a shorter running time.
It's still a great game though, no doubt but it just has a hell of a competitor. Kind of like comparing most 2-D platformers to Super Mario World.
Microsoft still pretends that they didn't rip-off Miis
"It'd be remiss to say that we don't enjoy playing on the other systems and we have a lot of respect for the work that Miyamoto-san and Nintendo do, but I think it's a logical extension of our Gamercard, Gamertag and Achievements. People want to personlise their Gamertag and so when we look to the future and think about building a brand new Xbox experience, Avatars is a logical extension of that innovation. I think it's another avenue of self-expression and there are a lot of opportunities here for consumers." - John Schappert, Microsoft
What a load of BS.
Majora? Eh, I don't remember being particularly blown away by Majora's graphics. I remember hearing it used the expansion pak and thinking it would be amazing looking, only to find out that it basically looked like Ocarina. Great looking game, but not N64's limit by a long shot IMO. Banjo Kazooie 2 didn't even use the ram pak, and looked better than Majora. And Conker's Bad Fur Day is probably imo the best looking N64 game.
I remember showing that to a friend, and he thought it was a Dreamcast game for a minute.
A lot of oppurtunities here? Dude....its a fucking avatar. Not the 2nd coming of Halo. Sometimes I wish these companies would just work more on the GAMES.
Why am I busy on the days I do the updates.
GG GTAIV is a nice restart but it kind of starts fresh. Think of it like the new GTA3 not like VC and SA. Its like the started from the start and focused on getting the engine down for this new GTA. Its an excellent game but not as good as SA or VC. But the potential for the next games to be better is there.
You're wrong. Everyone gave it 10's. Its the best game ever made.
Its not even comparable to GTA 3 because that game was revolutionary.
EDIT: Why do I keep getting "error on page" over and over?!
Buy Pixeljunk Eden!
I will have videos of it up hopefully later today.
I'm all about the Zelda's, most of Rare's shit.....Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Banjo series, Jet Force Gemini, Conker, etc.
Ogre Battle 64. I liked Turok 2 a lot at the time. Obviously Mario 64. Excitbike 64.
Rareware really made the N64 worth owning for me. It would have been a wasteland without them.