Call of Duty: World at War Screenshots
Why couldn't they just make it a vietnam game
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Resistance Website Countdown Over
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When should Games say goodbye
Interesting article about when a game should end and not drag along
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Say it ain't so, Nintendo!
The Conduit: New screens and impressions
Click main page for impressions
How to fix your old NES
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robio (3m)
Wrong Raven, see above, next gen is next in line. That is what it means. It's really simple definition!
That reinvention hasn't been that groundbreaking. The best most innovative games are still on the power systems because they have the power to do stuff games on the wii cant.
There is lots of potential with the wii but it seems hampered by its own hardware.
I hope we will not have a list wars here!
I agree with your on the definition of "next gen." I thought we were sharing our personal opinions of what we believe constitutes the next level in gaming. My mistake.
Remember Raven next level of gaming is something different all together. You could have that on the Game Boy Advance. Next Level can be thinking of ideas no one else has done yet. Next level of gaming is something subjective, next gen is not.
To be honest talking about next level is gaming is more productive than the next gen, but hey if people want to try, they are welcome to fail!!
Iga wins with his perfect logic. You are right.
Hooooooo, Victory dance
^^^ Remind me to make that an option as an emoticon
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYou know Yoda even with all those stuff Giant Bomb has going for it self, the fact remains Insert Coin >> Giant Bomb.
Yeah, come on! I mean, inserting coins lets the games begin. Giant bombs only blow shit up, not start them up.
Speaking of site progress... Yoda and GG, did you guys have any long-term vision for Insert Coin, or is it a seat-of-the-pants thing (I do not mean that in a bad way)?
There are a lot of minor improvements that I do regret not being able to get to immediately.
In terms of a longer view, everyone seemed to want to work toward an editoral side of things, so here's the idea going forward as I have collected from the group:
We'll be entirely designed as a gaming news source, including visual design. I have started working towards this end, and have drawn some inspiration from the NY Times site.
There is also aimed to be a full writer's side with official articles, reviews and previews that go through an editorial process. GG Weekly will have a free-written section at the top for anything that doesn't directly fit as a news story, such as Famitsu scores.
A full forum will likely follow as well.
It can be categorized as "seat of the pants" though, as I absolutely will add things as they are suggested and requested, and I do have to work at a rather inconsistent pace. This is driven by what everyone wants, so the "vision" of sorts is just what seems to be the direction of consensus.
I just have to get through with a separate nightmare site project first. That will be done with July 31 at the absolute latest, so I'm almost there to get working a bit on this site again.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile^^Cool so we are still going with that idea, awesome! We shall rule the internet!
Not to side track any of these great conversations (penis)...
[Wee IS a next generation machine.]
But... (Butt)...
Anybody think Matt C. from IGN made a big old (cock) BOOBY of himself by all of his Pre-E3 rants, speculation and rumor-mongering? (felatio)... Only to have NONE of them come true (sphincter)...?
He set the bar sky-high by pretty much assuring the world he knows Nintendo and we should expect Kid Icarus for the Wii at the show. He played a HUGE (mamoth wang) part in the backlash from the hard (erection) core gamers. Matt C. promised, Nintendo failed to deliver what he HYPED everyone for (scrotum)!
...he even SLEEPS (bangs) with a marketing person from Nintendo! Can you imagine the conversation in the bedroom NOW?
Mrs. Casamassina: "Matt WHY did you tell everyone to expect things that we had no intentions of announcing at E3? Is IGN that desperate for traffic? And, DAMMIT why is your schlong still flaccid? If I put on my Princess Peach dress will that get you (micro boner) aroused?"
Seriously, his type of sensationlistic, hearsay-based "journalism" has a LOT to do with the hype-machine that ruins this industry rather than runs it. Any respect I had for the guy (dick) was shattered by his behavior over the last few weeks and I ALREADY thought of him as the most smug yet nerdy, pompous yet clueless Nintendo geek of 'em all...
Coming from ME, that says A LOT! (nipples)
We ARE talking about Matt here - the master of Nintendo fan wankery! This is the same guy that's been giving the Nintendo hardcore hope for a new Kid Icarus for it to blow up in his face (yes, that can be taken for a sexual reference).
I have to rework the database a bit for adding the new previews and editorials sections, so that'll take more time than writing a 30 second SQL query.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileLeo, Matt is a good reviewer, journalistic and technical skills, he has none.
Matt's wife does not work for Nintendo, see works for a marketing company and her client is Nintendo. I doubt she know what Ninty is up to untill they tell her. Nintendo of Japan doesn't tell stuff to Nintendo of America, so he knows nothing.
I know that.
...and now so does the rest of the gaming industry, journalists, gamers and developers alike!
I was just looking for something to psuedo-rant about to have fun with the genital reference counter.
I don't like him all that much, though. His reviews are overly-optimistic (even for a lifelong Nintendo fan like me) and his previews are over-the-top, mega-hype. If IGN needed a face to represent their Wii page, couldn't they have gotten someone a little less dopey looking and acting? He just rubs me the wrong way and gives ALL Nintendo fans a bad name...
Way to lose Credibility, Matto!
I think people have given Matt C too hard of a time in the past, but bogus rumours as fact is pretty bad.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile