Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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I haven't seen it yet. I'm going to see it tonight. I'm sure I will absolutely love it though. Did you watch Gotham Knight by any chance? I thought it was really solid, but I felt like the individual segments were all too short. Outside of that, I really loved it. It is always nice to hear Kevin Conroy Batman. He's got the best Bruce Wayne/Batman voice out of all of the people who have ever portrayed Batman.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
Wow...its as deep as a 12 year old game? That's amazing. Why did he compare it to the N64 game, and not the Gamecube sequel?
OMFG...any lesbian shots? Or maybe some DP?
That's no excuse. And now you show up right when I have to leave. What an asshole.
No I did not, must look into it. But Batman is one of my favourite heroes, did you watch Justice League series? He has no super power and he still kicks ass, even if he is in a team full of people and aliens with super powers. I read a comic once with Batman and Judge Dredd fighting each other, so fucking awesome. Judge Dredd comics are awesome by the way, if you are going to start reading comics Judge Dredd is a good place to start.
P.S. Bruce Wayne is not Batman that is a common misconception. Batman = Adam West Fact!!!!
I'm pretty sure it's because Katsuya Eguchi worked on Wave Race 64, not Blue Storm. Blue Storm was made by NST, and Wave Race 64 was made by EAD.
I think you'd love Gotham Knight since it is Bruce Timm and Kevin Conroy plus a bunch of great anime studios. There is one in there by the guys who did Tekkon Kinkreet, as well as a really cool one by the Vampire Hunter D/Ninja Scroll dude. Like I said, each one is too short, but they are very beautifully animated. The blu-ray is gorgeous.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
Wait did you say animated? I am an animation junkie (anime, cartoon, Wario Land Shake), I must watch it now! Oh this was the comic I talked about.
Not true I've seen Mask of the Phantasm, in fact I picked it up on VHS when it first came out and I still have it. Excellent movie by the way.
Nice cosplay pics too. I'm down for some hot female elf on female elf action. Hehe
Interview: Rare speaks on the10th anniversary of Banjo.
A small portion:
Legally, has there been no problem bringing an N64 game, Nintendo logos and all, over to 360?
Mark Betteridge: There's been no problem. We still have a good working relationship with Nintendo. There was a lot of misconception when we joined Microsoft that we'd fallen out with Nintendo and we've never fallen out with Nintendo. We're still continuing to work on handheld and we have conversations with them.
We're assuming the other way around - getting Banjo onto Wii Virtual Console - wouldn't be so simple?
Betteridge: It would have to be with our blessing. I guess that's a question for Microsoft who owns the Banjo IP now.
Ooh, okay I am liking you more and more! More female elf on elf action! See here!
It's just a mystery why there are so few girls on gaming forums. What could possibly be scaring them off?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI'm off to see the Dark Knight, as well as get a home cooked meal! Later dudes.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
Are you pondering what I am pondering?
Fuck you IGA. Stop telling people about my Horsez adventures and fix me a proper Castlevania game instead of that shitty brawler.
Oh man that's hilarious.
Oh shit, it's my watch now.
Anyone here downloaded the MGO expansion? I hear that it's casuing a lot of headaches and other non-pleasantries.
I think so, but if we didn't have ears we'd look like weasels.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileEhh, I'd go more towards being just misc. Sometimes they announce the game far in advanced (Fire Emblem DS, Pikmin 3) though I do agree that it usually is right before.
Not to try to keep playing "Nintendo Defense Force" here but I think I can answer those questions.
They don't need to. With their upcoming line-up their games are going to sell regardless of advertisements. Metroid Prime 3 had barely any advertisments outside of gaming website headers and the optional downloadable Prime 3 channel on the Wii, yet it's sold a million and a half copies. This is the reason why Nintendo will never snub their fanbase, it has NOTHING to do with "loyalty" but more so easy money. Metroid, Fire Emblem, Advanced Wars, Wario, F-Zero, and the likes have their fanbases and their set sales. Can they increase the sales of these games by advertising more? Probably but why bother when you have something enough when you can invenst in much more profitable things? This is where stuff like Wii Sports Resort and Wii Music come in. Is it upsetting? For some maybe but honestly this is no different then what the majority of publishers do. Capcom, Square-Enix, SEGA, EA, Activision-Blizzard can all be accused of the same. As much as it sucks for our games not reaching a broader audience it's just cold hard business.
With real games not expanding, the thing is you are giving reference to third party games and it has been proven that third parties don't follow Nintendo for crap (I don't even think I need examples for this). Third parties follow what sells for them and that is dictated by the market. The amount of real games amongst third parties are increasing (Dead Rising Wii along with what else has been announced over the course of a month) but this doesn't make up for the crap slew that was annoucned prior to this.
Then again perhaps I and others are being a little too hasty as this is just the begining of the press event season.
One of the site's forefathers.