Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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The Ultimate WiiMotion Plus FAQ
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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aspro (2m)
Blah blah blah, while you are watching boring men talk I was doing some research.
How the motion plus might work. By Evlar at neogaf
The Wiimote currently has a single bank of accelerometers. A "bank" of accelerometers is three individual sensors aligned along each of the three cartesian axes- X, Y, and Z. Each sensor can only detect acceleration directly along its axis, but using all three sensors together and applying some straightforward vector math allows you to calculate linear displacement (movement) in 3D space. It also allows you to detect rotation... with some limitations.
The information you get from a single bank of accelerometers can tell you that an object is rotating but cannot tell you the point of rotation... what the object is rotating around. If you grab the Wiimote at the top and rotate your wrist around it senses direction of rotation. If you grab the Wiimote at the bottom and rotate your wrist around it will also sense the direction of rotation. But here's the kick: It can't tell any difference between the first and the second movements. It can't tell whether you're swinging around the top, the bottom, or anywhere else. It only knows the relative direction, and it ASSUMES all rotation is around the center of the Wiimote (you're holding it in the middle and rotating your wrist).
Adding a second bank of accelerometers at the bottom will increase the information available to the system, which allows software to do more complex calculations and find the point of rotation. In other words, if you're holding it at the top and rotating just your wrist, it can figure that out. If you're holding your wrist steady and rotating your whole arm it can figure that out, too. It's the benefit of tracking acceleration at two points (one inside the Wiimote, one inside the MotionPlus) instead of just one.
some funny pics
Nerd reaction
MS talking innovation, Wii like pictures in the background. I smell some shit incoming.
More fun social interface. Mii rips confirmed.
*deep fanboy breath* Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Nintendo should sue!
Typical Microsoft. They take someone elses successful idea because they find it hard to do something original on the machine. Then they make it look boring, unappealing and overly complicated.
Technically it's probably miles ahead of what nintendo could do on wii. Ideas wise it's just boring and unappealing to me personally.
RE5 was nice but its RE4 with co-op at the moment, there is not even one new enemy shown yet, just old enemies with new skin.
Gears 2 was sick, holy crap!
So this is somewhere between Mii and Home and its not as good as each.
Wait what is this?? You could be in a gameshow, what?? hmmm....
Don't make me hurt you, Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon, and Lost Odyssey didn't have enough color for you? Heck even Shivering Isles had a bunch of color.
Gah, why am so bored? (Says the XBLA-less gamer)
Give me a fairly priced wireless dongle and I might be interested. $120? Fuck you MS!
Galaga? WTF? Who cares! *hides from Leo*
Woooo! Some really awesome stuff.
Gears of War 2 is going to seriously rock hard. I love the new Halo game idea. Resident Evil 5 is another 'going to rock hard' game and March 13th 2009 is a pretty decent release date. Fable 2 is done! Yessssss! I'm really pumped for this game. I've played some of the Too Human demo and I really like it. This game is a definate purchase for me. I can't wait to get it next month. The Wii motion plus add-on is pretty awesome. Great stuff so far at E3. I love it!
Fallout 3 Looks Boring?
Gears of War 2 Man-Shield=Stupid
Fable 2 Meh?
I've lost all respect for you GG
It was a joke, Hires.
This is all very interesting great stuff but is the 360 really the console for this. I see the 360 as the gamers console, I dont see moms playing this. Still very good ideas. Ohhh new Geometry Wars!!!
This conference kicks ass.
WOah Galaga looks awesome, quiet GG!
I don't give a shit
What was that, south park, eh.
Still great stuff being annouced
I actually like the Netflix idea.
Rare's up!
Wut? There are people out there who actually liked Fable?
Sorry man, never did like it. Gears is boring to me, Fallout 3 demo kinda bored me but I will probably buy it anyway.
You have to understand that if Arika announced Endless Ocean 2 I would be more pumped for it than RE5. That's the type of gamer I have become.
You are ahead of me GG, Netflix?
WOAH!!! Share a movie, holy shit!
Shane Kim: I like to annouce Gears of War 2... oh wait.