Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
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Little Big Planet never ceases to amaze me.
Its like heaven in a box.
New adorable trailer
I love this game so much, I want it now.
Vader I you can't really wait, try downloading a level editor from the internet. I saw some youtube videos of Super Mario World hacks, where new levels are created in a Super Mario World style. You could see it as a practise run.
Ok thats cool, thats not Little Big Planet, not even close. LPB is supposed to make it easy, i kind of suck with level editors. Anyway I want to try it in a new game, will make it fresh. I tried a Zelda editor, yikes... my mind is so set on how the game is that I go blank.
Zelda editor? What did you try to make?
Dead Rising Wii? I feel about the same as I do about GTA DS. Either the lack of power could truly lead to something cool and interesting or it could be just plain shit.
....The scan of Dead Rising looks as if it was a DS game.
One of the site's forefathers.
Zelda Classic, awesome program, tons of original Zelda games. I tried to make just one dungeon, I started off excited and full of ideas. Then you execute them and the gameplay is all unbalanced, things were too hard. Puzzles did not work correctly. By the time I finished it was just a few rooms, and it took forever. The guys that make those games are amazing, I hand it to them, the thing is the program is set to NES Zelda rules (with a few additions) so it feels like i am stuck to rehashing Zelda 1 in my own way, any attempt of me to think outside the box is limited by the program. I dont believe I can make a better Zelda 1 game than Nintendo, so whats the point. But give me something like LBP where you can create all sorts of things and its a rather open platformer, and most importantly comes with no preconceived notion of what it should be, now I can make something orginal.
We shall see, even if the creator does not turn out as open and easy as I hope there still should be a ton of people that create levels. It will be like a platformer that never ends.
Baby steps vader, baby steps. Start with something simple and go from there. Designing zelda dungeons is the most difficult thing to do. Do not feel bad at failing, because even capcom failed with dungeon design (see Okami).
Platforming should be easier to handle, but I think most levels designed by players would be those impossible difficult ones like you see on youtube. So let the cursing begin!
Actually to be fair to Zelda Classic it does allow for some outside the box thinking if you have the skills. You can paint the sprites to make whatever you want so people have made Sonic Zelda games, Mega man zelda games and more. Its still Zelda but very cleverly hidden. The thing is I have no idea how to make sprites, I am no artist. I always had this idea of a Resident Evil game I could make using Zelda, where the bow and arrow is the gun, coins are ammo (since coins are your arrow ammo), the sword is the knife, magic wand with book is the bazooka, potions are herbs, stuff like that. But i could never make it cause I dont have the skills.
But with LPB, take a picture, upload, done. I have a background. I cant wait to do stuff.
Thats what I dont like about these editors to classic games. It seems like most peoples ideas of making something new is to make something stupidly hard. Having to make 10 consecutive impossible jumps is not good level design. I saw this Super Metroid mod, supposedly the next big thing, you have to wall jump half the game, its impossible. Difficulty does not equal great gameplay.
I am hoping LBP is different and brings out the more creative side of people rather than the "lets make Mario but 100x harder" type thing.
Well the lesson here, people are jerks!
Dead Rising was one of, if not the first 360 that caught my attention. I haven't played it though (no 360) so a Wii version sounds good to me!
Now whether to laugh or cry.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI dont know if they do it on purpose, I think some people geniunely think making something super hard is somehow clever game design. I love a hard game as much as most but there needs to be a balance, Nintendo are masters at this. Sure they have gone away from being hard but they still have perfect balance between challenge and being fun. No one does it better than them. Mario Galaxy is an example of that perfect game design.
Well some of them do! And yes Galaxy has a perfect balance. The game gets better and better the further you get into it. And Luigi's purple coins and the daredevil comets are really hard. You die a lot in Galaxy, but the checkpoint system means you will never be frustrated.
After finishing the game with 121 stars the death counter told me that I died around 400 times with Mario and 200 times with Luigi, but I was never frustated.
really hard?!

Did we play the same game?
Though I've not played through it as Luigi.
Yes hard, dying a lot means that it is difficult, correct.
P.S. before calling me a crappy gamer. I finished F-zero GX story mode on very hard.
I'll have to check my stats, as far as I can remember I didn't die much. And on TP I died a total of 3 times (including the 50 level dungeon or whatever it was) and it was due to me messing around!
I'm not a great gamer though, but something about a lot of Nintendo games I find really easy.
In zelda it takes alot to kill you. Mario one mistake and you are death. Mario is hardcore like that.
Edit: Foolz to see your death count you will have to get 121 stars. To get 121 stars you need to finish with Luigi at 120 stars. Luigi part is same difficulty wise as mario. Some levels are harder, because he slips to his death alot. And some are easier, because he jumps like a man. The cosmic racer are a lot harder however, because cosmic luigi knows what he is doing.
Well this is suprising and I'm not sure what to think of it before we get more details. Dead rising is a game that has really satisfying combat and a sandbox game design yet crushes you with unbelievably strict and annoying restrictions on saving and time and missions. IF they fixed these features it could be a cool game. I remember playing it and thinking that it would be cool on Wii with that hunting knife, slashing could be so satisfying, aiming would be miles better. Whamming massive shelves into people with a gesture could be really fun too. I just hope that this isn't a watered down version of the 360 game and is instead something original and well made.
Didn't HiRes post any news yesterday?
What? So..... not Red Steel 2 or POP Wii spin off? So really it is Dogz and Petz?
FUCK Ubisoft, no wonder they locked us out of their fucking forums. 
And again with the Animal Crossing jibes.
Let me ask you this, if Nintendo had announced and shown the next Zelda in place of Animal Crossing, you'd still be talking about a crappy conference but the gamer in you would be relatively happy. Nintendo announcing Animal Crossing for winter this year for me is the same as them announcing Zelda or the next mario for others. I played Animal Crossing every day for a year, it gets you that addicted and it has that longevity. It's a game that makes Oblivion's 100 hours look paltry.
I know it's not everyone's cup of tea - if they even gave it a fair shot in the first place - but even to compare it to a niche franchise like Pikmin is a joke. While people are all hyped up about game X, Animal Crossing DS sold upwards of 4.5 million IN JAPAN ALONE. This is a major, hugely popular franchise and given nintendo's recent form I wouldn't be suprised if they delivered yet another 'best ever' game in a popular franchise. We've all kinda of ignored it, but they've also just introduced and elegant solution to what we've all been crying out for in online Wii games so far: voice chat. I wouldn't be suprised if it outsold MGS4. Didn't mario kart outsell GTA IV on PS3?
What I'm trying to say really is that because of the sheer longevity and value that Animal Crossing represents, this game will keep me occupied till probably the end of 2009 personally and there are a bunch of other people who have become addicted to the title. If no one has checked this out before it's worth a look.
I'm even stevens. I laugh and cry like a bitch but I always try and see things from a business perspective to try and understand what people are doing and why. That's why I sound less fussed. We've all be gaming for years so this crap is nothing new really is it?
He tasted the salty tears like we all did. It turned me on.
That's why I put us on the same days, so we could spoon it baby.
Crap I can't keep track of all the updates posted I think I'm going MIA tommorrow on news posting
Dead Rising wii scans:
A whole load, shit game looks like a port. I have played this already Capcom *shakes fist angrily*
Oh well if they fix the bad shit and get the controls right it would actually be good as Dead Rising 360 was so frustrating it had me quit several times then restart because of the addictive gameplay. Those asshole in the jeep better die once and stay that way though.
CALL OF DUTY 5 Wii video
COD4 engine looks great, large environments and stable frame rate. Just.... WWII .... *sigh*