Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Site may be down due to excessive E3 traffic
Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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E3 has a lot in common with Gamespot. They've both gone way downhill over the past few years, and they're both full of shit.
Gamespot was always shit.
So very true Edge.
Iga: Word.
dvader, I wasn't referring directly to you or anyone else specifically, just the overall tone of the negative comments.
Wow, that's harsh, hires.
BTW, all I meant was that games are supposed to be fun, and some people take this crap way too seriously. Do I think Nintnendo's conference sucked? Sure. I wanted to see a bunch of games announced that haven't been so far, but I prefer to focus on the positives instead.
Note: I did not leave earlier because I was mad. I left because I had a class to go to (I'm currently between classes at school). I'll have to catch the Sony conference later tonight.
Do not bother, watch some porn instead!
I tend to focus on the negative because I feel nothing bad changes unless you confront only gets worse. So I may focus on the negative, but its for a positive reason, if that makes any sense.
Now I will await hands-on previews of games that I will someday play, while eating funyuns and drinking Hieneken.
I am not taking it seriously, thats why I am playing it as a raving lunatic, its fun. Making fun of bad conferences is forever an E3 tradition. For real the lineup sucks this year from Nintendo, I will live. Next year they will show Zelda and I will have make up sex with them.
^What if Tingle is the main character, and its broken up into minigames where Tingle goes around and bounces all the little elfs off his lap?
Actually I am glad that they did not show Zelda. The always used to show it early and than 75% of the game is spoiled before you even begin. Fuck that! Waiting two years for a Zelda is also fucking annoying!
Technically, whether they show the game or not, you wait the same length of time to play it.
Igonarance is bliss.
Did you guys see this Madworld trailer?
Madworld looks great!
All the videos and info from Nintendo in one place
Insane amount of stuff there.
Ubisoft conference live now
Rayman Rabbids is the worst thing ever. Where is real Rayman???
I'll be back in a few with Too Human impressions. Stay Tuned.
Oh I cant wait. Edge you are my eyes and ears, dont hold back.
I do not even dare to watch that one.
PS Where is my Rabits RTS?
Hello again!
Wow there's like 28 new pages since this morning! Can't read it all!
What did I miss? What did I miss?
Megaton? Earthbound? Kid Icarus? Wii Hard Drive? Pikmin 3? New DS? Lots of classic VC releases?
YAY ! ! !