Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
Every article, every video, one place.
The Ultimate WiiMotion Plus FAQ
Site may be down due to excessive E3 traffic
Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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Foolz (10m)
You scum. What did you think of the movie. One thing you need is surround sound for this film, I adore the music. I wish i could remember the name of this UK company that were doing this wireles motion controller, they described how their tech worked better than wii. Damn, I can't remeber. Moving in and out of the screen works fine in Elebits, I really don't understand how they did it when so many others failed but it's steady and accurate.
Nintendo could decide to bundle it with all future wiis and have a scheme to provide free units to existing owners, like they do for controller sleeves and wrist straps. They could bundle it with a big game like a 1:1 zelda or wii sports 2. I mean frankly the wii balance board is an expensive peripheral that is bundled with a game and it's getting absurdly good support. A modular add on that can be bundled with a game? It'll do well pig, it'll do well.
And also not many games will need it, frankly I'm pretty happy already with the wii remote combo, I would just want it so that in games like elebits for instance you motion wasn't restricted by having to point at the screen.
It's also a stroke of PR genius releasing this info now before MS and Sony reveal their motion control rivals. Without having to radically re-design things, nintendo offer a cheap, modular option that you can snap onto existing technology. This is what nintendo do and I'm very happy with this announcement.
Good question asked at gaf, where does the nunchuck plug in?
Looking at the pic, there appears to be a little door on the bottom. The new, longer Wiimote sleeve has an opening on the bottom too.
Bobo prediction # 2 they will anounce a wireless nunchuck. Just kidding Raven is right, it looks like the link cable slot of the original Gameboy.
Dvader did you put in that Wii motion plus story? I already had it covered if you scroll down. Besides I still have 3 whole minutes on shift! Damn you sucker! You're obviously trying to impress the boss Yo and make me look bad. Whoever thought you would be this skilled at office politics... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
It has a through port just like a USB device through port like I have on my laptop cooler. It's very simple actually. The nunchuk connects to the bottom.
I thought this news just happend. I have no clue when my shift starts.
As I said before, we need something to make major stories stand out. Thats a MAJOR story and its not even visible.
20 minutes until the Microsoft Press Conference, and Gamespot crashes. . . as usual.
G4 has the conference live. What an awesome day we live in where E3 is broadcast on TV.
Damn, I don't get G4.
And the internet crashes, GS, gaf, down. Thank god for Insert Coin.
True, major news should probably be either in a different shade or sectioned at the top or something. But seriously what the fuck guys? I didn't spend all that time co-ordinating your schedules only to have you guys forget!
Dvader you do I believe 13:00pm - 21:00 pm Miami time on Mondays and Thursdays.
It should corrospond to my 18:00 GMT cut off point on both those days.
Like a well oiled machine...
... going into Steel's backside.
I know what days I post, thats good enough for me, times, eh I can estimate. GG the world will not explode if we post on different times. Seeing how many duplicate posts we have, the shedule thing is not perfect.
I noticed GAF crashing
I couldn't get past page 5 of that Wii motion thread.
Best response:
I don't get G4 so I may have to check out the eurogamer live text updates at the link I posted in the news.
You are on shift now, from 18 minutes ago to be more precise. May the force be with you
I get to chill till Thursday morning. 
IGN has a live feed and it seems to be working, go there GG. No need to read a blog, watch it!
OMG E3 is about to start, it didn't feel real until now. WOOOOOOOO!
A new link for a stream
The only thing that bothers me is that this MotionPlus thing might make the controller back-heavy. But I'm really excited about this thing!
If it addresses the cursor lag problems, that's great... but it does more!
I hope the new sleeves are free, like the old ones....
So where's the best stream for the conference?
One of the site's forefathers.
Hello? Oh ok it is working.
Kotaku spoiled the conference, Portal!!!!
Microsoft community manager Chris Paladino does a video walk through of Microsoft's E3 line-up. Games mentioned in the clip include: Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Guitar Hero World Tour, Rockband 2, Lips, Uno Rush, Galaga Legions and Portal: Still Alive. Wait, wait, wait. Portal: Still Alive? The game is hitting Xbox LIVE Arcade in 2008. It will feature single player and "a new challenge mode." Last April, Valve's Doug Lombardi stated, "You won't see a new Portal at retail this Christmas because of that. That's the trade off. People want more, but we don't want to give them more of the same right away because that would just be boring."
Does not work and IGN says I have to install some BS player of theirs?