Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Site may be down due to excessive E3 traffic
Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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I'm on IGN's right now, and I didn't have to download anything.
Does 1up have anything. G4 has a stream but I heard its horrible. IGN works perfect, I say install the player.
How cool is this eh? Our first E3 together?
Feels like a family Christmas only without the drunk uncle (Godmode)
Where is he?
Resident Evil 5 confirmed to be showed at MS, OMG!!
IGN feed is behind a few minutes...
Boring guy.
K I installed the player. It works. What is that black controller the fall out 3 guy is using?
Ohhhh Fallout 3!!
The feed is dying for me. Combat is like Oblivion with guns...
It looked boring, fallout 3.
Oh resi 5.
RE5 is looking better than I originally thought.
RE5 looks like a remake in a 360 type/wartorn type setting. I don't like playing as women in videogames. Jade was allright I suppose, this new woman has funny hair though.
Damn. Every animation looks SO similar to RE4, even the sound effects are the same? What the? Everything literally everything is the same?
F this, this stream is messing up and RE5 is being shown. I am going to watch this on TV, I will come back later.
Holy shoot, nearly a year away for RE5?
Fable 2 is finished! Woot!
Hey, a 360 RPG that actually has color.
Doesn't that break some sort of rule?
It's coming out this October. Cool.
Fable 2 was looking good..... till the voice acting kicked in. I was never a fable fan, I made it through 10 hrs of Fable 1. Visually the style remains, the awful british regional VA remains, the bloom remains and my interest is lost. Sorry Raven
All the "new" concepts in these 360 games seem to be Co-op over Live.
Fallout 3 has FPS elements?
I was hoping for a more Oblivion type rpg experience.
Gears 2 looks exactly the same as the original. Probably a rental for me.
Gears 2, OMG that splinter cell type man shield looks stupid. Seems to be a bit more colour in this one though
Demo's going on a bit long though. *huff*
EDIT: Booooooooooooooooring.
Boring sales info and misleading horn tooting.
Uh oh, Mattrick is talking up family game nights. Motion contoller alert! Will it come?
Why is this sucker ignoring wii hardware sales? Only comparing it to PS3? WTF?
Why is this turd announcing that they are going to outsell PS3 as if because they said it, it's going to happen?
On demand movies. Exactly what I was watching this conference for....