Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
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Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
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I mean in terms of potential this conference was horrible but in terms of comparing to what the current E3 conferences are like...
One of the site's forefathers.
Do you people live on lala land. MS showed GAMES, They showed RE5, Gears 2, Fallout 3... they annouced new stuff that gamers will actually used and they had the biggest megaton possible, Shut up about MS having a bad conference. This is a bad conference, that was ok.
Its still bad, IMO it may be even worse than Sony's 2006 conference, the more I think about it.
All the forums are down, neogaf, and
Yeah games (on other consoles) that have been announced and shown for months, how is a press conference that's main draw is new reveals does that matter?
One of the site's forefathers.
Well yeah I think last year Smash bros wasn't even shown at the conference but had its own special conference.
Yeah but they actually showed games, they had trailers and on stage demos. Wii has some 3rd party titles that could use face time, King Story, Oboro Musa whatever, Fragile, Tenchu whatever. This was a completely casual focused crapfest.
They could have at least put the focus on third party games, for instance they could have done a decent COD5 on stage demo and hyped it. There are so many unanswered questions:
If I remember correctly Edge predicted that Nintendo's biggest game was Animal Crossing, and he was pretty much spot on, besides GTA Chinatown.
Hoi, sword fighting cool! The motion control looked impressive with the frisbee!
I love AC and it is a game that anyone can enjoy, but in NO way is it a core game in the sense of zelda. This is as bad as Capcom saying that spyborgs was the something like dead rising game coming out.
Sony save us!!!!! PLEASE!
Edge is a prophet, nothing but AC.
No shit....its like anyone making real games doesn't matter to Nintendo now. Fucking Metroid Prime 3 came out a year ago, and they have nothing to say about Retro?
Again....traditional games don't matter now to the Nintendo casual cash cow.
What kills me is that Conduit is so hyped among the base and Nintendo acts as if it doesn't exist. A game that hyped on the other machines would have been raised to a pedistal. And don't get me going on Fatal Frame....Nintendo's publishing it and it comes out in Japan like next month....not one mention of it. This is the closest Wii has to a new RE game, and no mention. Matt C. was right; they're gonna give it the usual zero marketing then act like they really care when its too late.
Different strokes different folks I guess.
Listen I've been saying for weeks, big announcements are held during the press event season and not just E3. Look at last years E3, besides SONY's the other two's sucked ass. But by the time the event season ended (TGS I think) all 3 systems announced things that would have well been suited for E3. Nintendo just revealed Mario Kart and Wii Fit by the end of the event season there was Wii Ware, Monster Hunter, Brawl (the update site), and what not. Same thing with Microsoft as they announced plenty of stuff.
This isn't the early 2000's/late 90's anymore announcements are now spread out throught press events as well as inbetween them. Thinking that E3 will be the main pit of fire for Nintendo, Microsoft, or SONY would be a mistake.
One of the site's forefathers.
Agreed. Wii Motion Plus is the best announcement at E3 so far.
Wii shall practise our sword fighting skills and beat some sense into these non-believers
Well said, MS treats their third parties like kings, bringing them on stage, advertising their products. Nintendo pretends they dont exist. There are plenty of good 3rd party games, real games, that Nintendo wants to not be a part of cause it does not go along with their new plan which seems to focus only on the casual market.
Don't those companies have press events of their own still to go? (I.E. Capcom) And again there are still many press events left. Last E3 there were pretty much zero third party games during their conference the announcements of games like Monster Hunter happened during other press events and inbetween (as well with other companies). I still don't see how this is any worse then Microsofts "let's show what has already been shown" and Nintendo's last year "Mario Kart Wii and Wii Fit".
EDIT - Who else laughed at this shit? "There are now 19 Wii Third Party Games that have sold over 400,000 copies in North America alone!"
A remarkable feat.
One of the site's forefathers.
Pah! I was half expecting a bad Nintendo conference. I was pretty sure that Nintendo's idea of a "core game" was not the same as ours, and my suspicion was correct. I haven't bought a single AC game because with my tastes, I see it as a waste of money, and that's what they call a "core" game. To hell with that!
The Wii has some good stuff coming, so there's plenty of hope to be had. But it looks like Nintendo's E3s are now reserved almost solely for selling games and systems to an entirely different audience than Sony and Microsoft's. *sigh*
Companies are taking their time in announcing/showing new titles now. I honestly hate it when companies announce a game years before it ever comes out (RE5, Spore, ect). By the time many of these games finally do come out, I'm bored hearing about them. I'd rather have a surprise or two every three months than just once a year.
I agree with you both. MS shows games that we have known about for months, if not years. The only suprising thing was the FF13 announcement and that is multiformat game. However they actually focused on the content and did a conference for gamers to highlight some titles and features.
There are tons of projects or potential projects on Wii that they could have highlighted and done the same thing as MS. They could have shown FFCC, or Fragile or Monster Hunter 3, or EA's litany of new games. But instead they chose to highlight things that would gain them mindshare with the mainstream media that will sexplode over wii music or wii sports 2. Remember how we all cringed when wii tennis was demoed for the first time? Or the silence when wii fit was shown? Look at what happened with those titles, look what happened to brain training or nintendogs.
Like last years E3 there are still games coming, Dvader I feel the same in that the conference was personally for me, shit. But at the same time you can't view the conference as a buying guide as to what lies in store for the console's future as we already know that there are many more already announced games or unamed projects to come.