Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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robio (6m)
I blame him and I blame you.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI like both Carnage and Grammaton. I'm probably alone in this, though.
And here I was thinking of being the only person who had problems with that guy. It seemed that if anybody said anything possitive about Nintendo he'd immediatley quote them and ramble on about their "contridictions". It just was very similar with certain JRPG's (aka any that still resembled the 16-bit formula).
Though I do disagree that some of it wasn't funny. I found it funny how he would put obvious contridictions to his points in his posts. Anybody who would argue with him (Dvader especially) would know exactly what I am talking about.
And don't even get me started on Grammon. Though they really weren't that bad. Compared to the System Wars trolls they were just people who disliked Nintendo. Personally I don't really hold their posts against them because...well it's just the internet it shouldn't always be taken so seriously.
Well I personally never saw you trolling that much. The difference between you/most people and Carnage is that he still does it today and does it with Nintendo in general (Wii, DS, Gamecube, etc.) while most people focused on the Wii.
One of the site's forefathers.
Iga I LOVE the newspaper idea. I love the commentary we can add, all that stuff, just great all around and I would be in all the way.
Carnage and Grammaton, it scares me that recently I have agreed with them almost all the time now. Its like they cooled off or something or they are playing some crazy mind games with me cause I am almost always on their side of the arguments now. It pains me everytime I post that I agree with Grammaton, or when I *gasp* defend him from other crazies. Carnage, he is just really really set in his views, he views Nintendo one way and nothing in the world can change that. Just ignore that aspect of him and he has not been bad either. Maybe its cause there have not been enough Nintendo news around, I don't know.
Breaking news from neogaf, http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=318089
Square will bring its classic game library to the PSN starting this week. The first two games will be Xenogears and Einhander, released this week in the PS store JPN. The issue is that we have no clue if this will come to the US. For some reason SCEA does not want to bring over most of the PS1 games over, there are so many games in JPN, we have nothing. They better bring over the Square games to the US.
“Let me preface this answer with a statement to set expectations that we’ve not announced another Z&W and I’m not so sure there will be one on any reasonable timeline.” - Christian Svensson, Vice-President of Strategic Planning & Business Development of Capcom
These are not crocodile tears, they aer the tears of devestation and despair.
In other news Sony has a free PS3 when you buy a Bravia offer. Bravia any good for gaming?
Personally I haven't been to the GGD since hell probably mid-spring. As for being in the GGD actively then probably a year. So personally I can't reallly comment on any of their recent behavior. The last time I saw Carnage was in that "Why are 2D games dead?" thread. With Grammaton I don't even remember.
Oh and Square-Enix is supporting the PSN and not the Virtual Console? Horse shit!
One of the site's forefathers.
I'm liking that idea a lot. In fact it's a damn fine idea.
I'm especially fond of the opinion piece ideas (and other such articles) as long as we continue to have the same blogging facilities etc. heck, you could be able to submit your own pieces (that you post on the blog area) and the GG or whoever chooses which ones per week or whatever.
Apart from that, with the sudden influx of posts, I really think a forum would be quite useful!
The more I think about it, the more I realize that me and Carnage are basically one and the same lol.
Me sort of referring to 16-bit games
Me spurring Wii hate threads, albeit not on purpose
Me arguing you, although I got a little heated, I do miss these type of debates...I'm sadistic, and I don't mind being proved wrong, but I think its good practice.
Me talking about the Wii's market
Our Arguement - Holy Moly! I still remember that. Damn over a year ago too. Hmm...I definately would reword my post for todays time. And ehh you were fine, believe me I've ran into far more boiling headed posters (you should've seen the stuff Carnage said to me, and don't even get me started with the System Wars and SRK stuff).
You Complaining About Fanservice And Unwillingess to Change - I agree with this completely. I am sick and fucking tired with franchises not evolving due to the fanbase having a stick up their ass. Now I didn't like Final Fantasy XII because it felt like a single player MMO, but I do appaul Square-Enix for doing something new in the series. As for Twilight Princess, that was that games ONE flaw it didn't differtiate itself from the others enough. Gannon's "surprise" show up was a real game-killer. I mean here I am just been introduced to this now cast of goodies and baddies when I find out the one behind it all is the same fucking guy from the rest of the games (X out MM).
I remember going on the Atlus forum and arguing with users how Persona 3 wasn't the "bastard child' of the series. See while "Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne" is known to be "innovative" in reality it was anything but. I just followed the stem of what was laid down since the NES games (Yes, Nintendo Entertainment System games). The only thing it did different from the SNES's Shin Megami Tensei II is that the game wasn't a piece of fucking crap and they changed it from first person to third person. The rest of the games were all the exact same despite their titles. They were: First Person Dungeon Crawlers, Involved Demons, had the whole Occult Theme. Devil Summoner PS2 tried some things new but it was so low in production and in quality it's more so the "World of Mana" of the series. Persona 3 however totally turned things around. It introduced new design, core mechanics, and a new style.
Despite it being a SPIN-OFF title fans bitched unbelivably. "Where's the Occult!?" "Why isn't everything a dungeon?", "No negotiatiing!?". It then got marked down a similar road of "Rainbox Six Vegas" as casualized for RPG n00bs. I personally just laughed at this I mean it was a very well made game and in no way for casuals being as hard as it is. I told them that obviously it won't be good as Nocturne that game was built off of an almost 15 year old formula. How could Persona 3 compete for doing something TOTALLY NEW for the FIRST time? But nope they said "I didn't know what I was talking about" and that "the game was dumbed down".
This is the same shit with Resident Evil 4. "It isn't as good as a SURVIVAL HORROR GAME as the previous Resident Evils". NO FUCKING SHIT IT ISN'T. How many Resident Evil games that followed that formula were around before 4? Nearly 10? Not to mention that the series copy and pasted "Alone in the Darks" formula. And from what I've heard the series truly thrive until the 2nd game. So that's what the THIRD try? And Resident Evil 4 was pretty much the first game to do that third person over the shoulder view. At least the first Resident Evil had Alone in the Dark and Adventure games to put its head over. I'm sure Capcom was concentrating more so on "let's see if we can make this perspective work" then "lets make a game that defines survival horror".
I could easily list more examples but I think you all know where I am going with this. See this is how you get genres like the Fighting genre or the Adventure genre or the Strategy genre. Basically when a new game does something new it gets ignored and when a popular series does something new it gets bitched about and ignored by the fanbase.
One of the site's forefathers.
I feel like an ass right about now. I've talked a lot of shit about Grammaton lately, and here I am hanging out and talking with him about the whole 'should they or shouldn't they include Star Wars characters in SCIV' thing and he is the only person I've talked to that views it as a negative who has been able to rationally explain why Star Wars+Soul Calibur=bad times. Couple that with him being a Tekken fan, and I can't stay mad. Tekken fans have to stick together to fight off all you unwashed Tekken hating heathens.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
Sonic Chronicles (DS)
I just don't understand why anyone would want to turn Sonic the Hedgehog into an RPG. Bioware may be great at this RPG stuff, but I just can't imagine playing a 20+ hour RPG where Sonic has to go around talking with all those lame characters all the time.
One of the site's forefathers.
Heh, no kidding.....where the fuck are all the old FF games and Chrono Trigger and shit? Well, at least PS3 is getting 2 of the best PS1 games ever, Xenogears and Einhander. Einhander, damn...remember when Square made stuff like that?!
The Mighty Xenogears, circa 1998:
PRE: someone mentioned Tekken, so I had to post that!
First screens of Majesco's Major Minor's March.
(from the people who brought you parappa the rapper!)
36 updates today damnit.
We Love Golf! (Wii, Capcom): B
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon (Wii, Square Enix): B+
Battlefield Bad Company (PS3/Xbox360, EA): B
Civilization Revolution (PS3/Xbox 360, 2K Games): B+, A-, A-
Top Spin 3 (Wii/PS3/Xbox 360, 2K Sports): C+
SingStar (PS3, Sony): B+
Haze (PS3, Ubisoft): D+
Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3, Konami): A-, A-, A
Supreme Commander (Xbox 360, THQ): C
Spectral Force 3 (Xbox 360, Atlus): B-
Don King Presents PrizeFighter (Xbox 360, 2K Sports): D+
Ninja Gaiden II (Xbox 360, Tecmo): B-, B, B+
Final Fantasy IV (NDS, Square Enix): B
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2 (PSP, Sony): B-
Penny Arcade Adv. Eps.1 (Xbox 360 XLA, Hothead Games): B
Lost Winds (Wii Wiiware, Frontier): B
Roogoo (Xbox XBA, SouthPeak Interactive): A-
Echochrome (PS3 PSN, Sony): B
Nanashi no Game (NDS, Square Enix): 8 / 8 / 7 / 7 - (30/40)
Panpaka Panya-San (NDS, Starfish): 6 / 5 / 5 / 5 - (21/40)
Riku to Johan: Kaeta Nimai no E (NDS, Fonfun): 6 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (27/40)
Akko de Pon! Ikasama Hourouki (Wii, Success): 4 / 5 / 4 / 3 - (16/40)
Jawa: Mammoth to Himitsu no Ishi (Wii, Spike): 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (28/40)
Initial D: Extreme Stage (PS3, Sega): 6 / 7 / 7 / 6 - (26/40)
Capcom has licenced UE3 for a western developed game.
Someone ban this guy now please.
As someone who posted daily for years on GGD, threads I'm talking, it was no fun being verbally raped by pedantic asswads like that every day.
I have an Elephant memory, I never forget some of this crap:
The Misery of General Games Discussion: A Board filled with Haters
And it goes on and on: The Revenge of the Hater
My God: The Mother of all Carnage Heart Threads
If this place is invaded by assholes than I'm retreating to my blog. I'm sick of pointless bickering.
I noticed when using another comp that on IE6 there is no scroll bar for the daily updates and it's just one long page/list.