Retro Pitched a Demo of MP4 and Nintendo Liked It.
Plus MPT reportedly has been done for a while.
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Okay, I just caught up with you tonight. I'm starting to like it less and I'm kind of on the fence with it right now as to whether or not I want to keep watching. It's getting just a little too slow, and the characters are quite compelling enough to carry the show when the plot doesn't move quickly enough. And I have a feeling the blurred memories that are starting to cause problems in the present timeline are going to just make me mad at some point.
GameSpot reviewed Kingdom Hearts 3 and it’s gr8.
You think you're Pokemon Go setup is as good as this?
Kingdom Hearts with great reviews!!! What a week we are in for, two excellent games right away.
I only played Kingdom Hearts on PS2 I didn't even play Kingdom Hearts II.
So before I play Kingdom Hearts III I have to purchase Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far which has all the games in the series on 2 discs with some movies for some of the games. I need to play those to get caught up.
I plan to get that game and then eventually around April or something I will get Kingdom Hearts III.
I didn't watch it but I did see the trailers Nintendo posted on their YouTube channel.
^^ I think that’s why I’ve stayed away from the rerelease of those two games. It feels like it would be too archaic for me to enjoy them.
Yeah while I did enjoy Shenmue back in the day I’m not really chomping at the bit to revisit them myself either.
I’ve enjoyed it for what it is, a good character study. I wonder if Hays has already solved the murder and his 2015 self just cannot remember.
That’s some pretty big news on the Metroid Prime 4 development front. The good news is that we’ll probably be getting a better game. The bad news is that we’ll probably be waiting longer for the game now.
I’m not sure who was developing the game prior, it might not have ever been mentioned. I fully expect a Metroid Prime Trilogy HD for the Switch to come out in the meantime. They may have already been working on it so it could be this year but if not then probably next year.
Ok I just looked it up and all I found was that it was “suggested” that Bandai-Namco was assisting in the development of Metroid Prime 4 in some capacity.
I was getting pissed then I saw Retro Studios. All is mostly forgiven, Nintendo.