Pokemon Sun/Moon director interview
talks about naming the game, time differences, more
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robio (5m)
I will pay you money to not buy NX.
Breath of the Wind doesn't even have good graphics by Wii U standards.
Digital Foundry are saying the PS4 Pro GPU isn't actually capable of native 4K resolution games.
"clearly not a native 4K capable part. However, there will be full 3840x2160 resolution software"
It's upscaling- like when your Wii U outputs a 1080p image despite the game running natively at 720p.
"Activision took to the stage talking of 4K and 60fps for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, then showed a section of gameplay that while impressive, was clearly neither."
"However, a trio of the Sony first party efforts looked seriously impressive: Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone and Infamous First Light. All use the same cutting-edge upscaling technique. Previously we've talked about the 4x4 checkerboard process, where a 2x2 pixel block is extrapolated out into a 4x4 equivalent - next-gen upscaling, if you like. It allows developers to construct a 2160p 4K framebuffer from half the pixels - a much closer fit for the Pro's GPU prowess."
Sounds good.
"Going forward, the challenge remains. PS4 Pro will offer boosts to those with 1080p screens, but the impact will be limited and the big gain really is in 4K and HDR. We've noted some apathy towards 4K gaming but based on today's showing, the results are mostly very impressive. What we saw today is an upgrade worth having, but the reality is stark - right now, you're not just looking at a console upgrade, but one that practically demands a new display purchase too. And the issue there is that getting the best 4K HDR experience certainly isn't cheap, even when PS4 Pro itself looks set to offer great value. It's a potential minefield and one we'll be hoping to guide you through once the new PlayStation 4 Pro launches."
So the question is, are you going to buy a 4KTV anytime soon?
What's the consensus on PS4 Pro here?
I didn't watch the event myself, GAF seems really subdued about it.
Oh...the PS4 Pro actually IS the Neo? So this is Sony's answer for the next 3 or 4 years?
Kind of seems like a waste to me. It's going to get destroyed by the Scorpio a year from now, so why didn't Sony just hold off until then and come out with something on the same level, instead of releasing this thing NOW when the PS4 is doing fine as it is? Seems dumb to me.
What the fuck is a SCD?
I think the PS4 Pro is ok, it's stronger then the PS4 so that's a plus. It's not as strong as the Scorpio so that's a minus. You can't play 4K blu-rays which is odd however I'll have a Scorpio that'll do that so it doesn't matter to me.
It was too far along in development one would assume. MS is already dogpiling in on the specs compared to Scorpio.
Supplemental Computing device. It's an external box with its own memory and GPU etc that can help a stationary console execute a game with better performance. Nintendo was granted the patent for it recently and it mentioned you could daisy chain a few of them together for better performance. Or they can be used for cloud computing.
Are you getting a 4K tv then?
All this money and you can't throw Splatoon a bone?
If MS is smart they'll have Halo 6 ready for Scorpio pushing visuals the PS4 can't compete with. That would be the best way to launch it.
WSJ says analysts think NX will either be shown before TGS next week or early october. A games journo on GAF says the info release is imminent.
Really boring stuff. They are trying hard to push for 4K and HDR but most people don't have that so the upgrades won't be as impressive. If you have a normal HDTV devs can auto pick enhancements for the game or give you a choice like 60fps or 30fps with all the added effects turned on. Seems 60fps is still not happening for a lot of games. Which is stupidity.
So Scorpio will be better but MS is trying to end generations which is horrible. As usual MS is trying to ruin the industry and Sony at least has our back. So Scorpio hits and we have what, two years left on the generation before the next gen begins. Scorpio will be some middle thing, who knows what games it will be able to play from the next gen, do you need another Scorpio?
At least with the pro you know what's up. It's just for this gen. Get it if you want your games to be a little prettier. And in 3-4 years you know you get a ps5.
This is all sounding too complicated.
Are we reaching a point where these more powerful tech upgrades are coming up against the wall of consumers at home not being able to tangibly see the difference? How do your market these things? We have VR and to people who have never experienced VR, it's tough to get the message home about what it's like and why people should want it. So most of us shrug it off.
There was the same problem with 3DTVs and even 3DS. You can't really advertise 3D because the TVs or PCs we are using to view videos are not 3D. And all the screenshots are in 2D as well.
Now PS4 Pro is having HDR which is harder to explain to the consumer and if your TV doesn't have HDR then you wont be able to see or use it.
And now 4KTV. Same thing.
How do you combat apathy with things you cannot even properly display or advertise?
Spoken like a true Sony fanboy. LMAO
Sure eventually. Prices for them have gotten pretty low and will continue to do so plus most, if not all, movies coming out these days has a 4K version.
I could have purchased Splatoon long ago but I simply don't want it.
Seems the new hip thing to do is to launch your hardware alongside a Mario spinoff.
This is the best argument I have read so far as to why Sony and MS would want to ditch generations in favour of a model more like that seen in the mobile market. They could keep selling hardware based on incremental updates, without having to splash out big in R&D for an uphill battle against the law of diminnishing returns.
Absolutely. This is why the Wii U didn't sell well. Because most people couldn't tell the difference from the Wii they already had.
"PS4 Weaksause"!!
But Neo needs either HDR on your TV or a 4KTV and at 2x PS4 power, it is an incremental upgrade.