Yeah, Borderlands 3 Is Happening
Word on the street was that they were moving on. news
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It's $25 on Amazon. Too high! Maybe I could rent it to give my verdict.
You mentioned dark souls in one of your posts, and you were talking about making it so each battle was life or death. How is it false to say you want it to be that way?
Anyway, who fuckin' cares man. I just find it funny when you say something is crap when its clearly not, then you admit its not really your thing, then you say its not that bad and keep playing.
There are many others who feel Diablo 3 is a bit too easy, but I've never seen anyone come out and say its complete shit unless they were trolling a la ye good ol' forumers of yesteryear.
I started messing with Resident Evil HD. I still love this fuckin' game...and it feels great to play considering there's literally NOTHING like this anymore.
Didn't they say it was going to be letterboxed or some shit if you played in widescreen? Or was that just on the consoles? Because I have the PC version and its full true widescreen....takes up my whole screen. The character models got a nice bump up in quality. No jaggy edges at all. And the sound is a huge improvement. Its also great hearing those classic Zombie moans again.
It's impossible to ask for a Diablo game where every single fight matters in they way I understand what you're trying to say, D. With the amount of mobs you get to kill at any given time, what you want would be akin to someone wanting a deep swordplay and parrying system in a Dynasty Warriors game. It's not happening, and it will never going to happen, that's not the way those games are designed because it's not practical. Loot is what the game revolves around, not gameplay mechanics, and that's precisely where your disappointment with the game comes from. That doesn't mean the game is shit. You could have argued that back in the days of rhe RMAH and the days where a single leg drop took months instead of the cornucopia of legs you youngins have nowadays. Right now? D3 is as perfect and polished an example of a whole subgenre as you're going to get, and the fact you're not in agreement with its design conventions (that spawned a whole subgenre of games, I must say) has nothing to do with its quality.
Greater rifts are awesome!!!!!! I went in one with four people, total insanity, it's timed and it's a survival mode basically. Super hard. Now I'm kind of hooked.
So this last rift I opened I went in with someone one, we were equally skilled, it was torment 2 and a rift level of like 16. The first enemies were blue and tough but doable. We took some damage and it was taking time but still manageable. Then the bastard I was with ran out and left my game leaving me alone in this tough greater rift. So there is a time I need to beat to advance and a certain amount of enemies to kill in that time, a nifty timer shows if your progress is ahead of the scheduled time or not.
So the first battle took forever alone and I was way behind in the timer. Screw it I was not going to waste a greater gem. So I went in, badass mode engaged I began to take down the hordes. Little by little my time was getting close to even. I would hit a major horde clear it and ipget a big time bonus. I am even, half the time left. Even is not good cause the boss will take lots of time.
i continue my solo run against incredible odds. I find a bonus fountain! Lighting damage to all, I am now walking death! My time is going ahead and ahead, I'm going to make. Two minutes left, I see another bonus fountain but I will ave it for the boss. 1:30 to go the boss appears, I hit the fountain 400% damage, YES! I unleash every thing I have on it. The health is going down but so is the damage bonus ends but it still has 25% health, with 40 seconds left. I do so much less damage, his ho is going down so slow. 10 seconds, Noo, 10% health. Timer up, so close but didn't make it. I still killed him and got a super gem.
if the whole game was that exciting I would love it.
It's possible I just don't think you have an idea of what it could be like cause you have not played something like it. First lower the amount of enemy mobs, fighting 50 tiny grunts is pointless, it's a power fantasy, it makes you feel good and powerful but nothing is really happening cause they are insignificant. Relocate it with 5 or 6 enemies at a time that matter, maybe they have different attributes that feed into one another. One maybe shields another, one tries to stun you and so on. Now this actually happens in D3 but you almost can't tell cause the whole screen a mess of colors and shit and most of the time any damage to you is petty. So you attack and attack as much you can at anything you can hit. Imagine you had better targeting skills and dodging, if picking out the right enemies and attacks meant something.
Most of this is already happening in D3 it's just sped up and filled with fluff to the point where it's just an endless stream of attacks and cooldowns. You can't tell me you are really thinking Much as you play this game, you are just attack as best you can and avoiding the color spots on the ground. The loot system you love so much will not change it can be enhanced, because of the better emphasis on specific attacks, loot can give better powers, not just stats but POWERS. Even you have to admit gaining abilities is more fun that watching numbers go up in a menu.
It can be the exact same game, just better focused and engaging the player.
But i don't know if people want that. I think people like the mindless carnage.
And come on people when I say the game is shit I mean it is shit to me. How many times have I said I know the game is great to others. I take offense to any of that when I have done nothing but provide countless specific examples of why I don't like it and how I think it could be better. Never once saying to anyone how could you like such garbage or anything of the sort.
Rising 2!!!!! Can't wait.
Metal Gear Rising 2: Rerevengeance?
They are saying Rising 2 will be a top-down, loot based game with multiple character classes and elements of Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart and Dying Light!
Fuck me! Day one!
If platinum makes it I trust they will make it work. Mario kart inside a Diablo game would be really sweet.
...oh! ...and The Witcher 2!
Revengance with a vengeance
Screw that then.
Rising 2: Revengeance Harder!
Platinum can do no wrong with me at the moment. I'll play it, maybe not day one, but hobo price.
Metal Gear Raiden Rising Harder: Snake Swallower