Polygon COD: Ghosts XBONE better than PS4
Call of Duty: Ghosts suffers from consistent framerate drops on the PS4, especially during multiplayer when action got especially hectic. The Xbox One version suffered no such drops
Project CARS dev comments on Wii U tech
On the CPU side, WiiU also supports multi-threaded rendering that scales perfectly with the number of cores you throw at it, unlike PC DX11 deferred contexts which don't scale very well.
Suda 51 on Wii U: 'It’s a possibility...'
Nintendo Consoles Are Very Important To Us'
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Go torrent some shit. That's far less harmful than buying AC IV.
Damn with these new console launches, I'm depressed seeing nothing I want to play at all or look forward to. Thre only thing I'm even a little excited about Mario 3D Wii U thats the only thing I plan to buy the rest of the year new release wise, I might buy some other stuff onsale though. But I won't be buying a PS4 or Xbone this year or anytime in the foreseeable future. Have not even be able to game AT all lately except on my pc. Boo Hoo gaming depression, or maybe just general not sure being that sick really took it out of me.
I've played so many games in the last 5-7 years, I swear at times when I am playing they all just blend together. I wonder when I'll hit the wall, break and just play a single game for the rest of my life (like Dota 2).
Watching Dvaders Killzone videos helped, yeah it's more of the same, but at least it is pretty to look at.
Suda hasn't directed a game in years. Shadow's of the Damned is not his game, Lollipop Chainsaw isn't either nor is Killer is Dead. He just sort of endorses them (thinking putting his name on the box will sell more copies) ... like sort of how Tarantino did with Hostel etc
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Chobot popped out a kid?! Mind blown...
Fallout 4 guys!!!!
1 million PS4s sold in one day. Biggest launch in console history.
More suckers born every year.
I would like to read more about this. That would explain a lot.
That busts a lot of "consoles are dead" theorizing. I guess the gaming pie has gotten that big. That's cool.
And why does getting a new console that will last 6 years with tons of excellent games make you a sucker. That makes no sense.
Buying it now makes no sense, buying games that suck or are marginally better than current gen games just to have games is a suckers play. Owning the console now means it's more likely you will buy games you would not have that's why. Makes perfect sense, you bought into marketing hype.
of course I have been guilty of this for many years, but not this time ...
It has nothing to do with hype, its wanting the new piece of equipment first. Its being a part of the exploration process of a new system. Its the celebration of a brand new gen with a bunch of people.
And killzone is fine, Infamous will be an excellent game and soon Destiny, MGS, witcher 3 and more are coming and all those are games most everyone would buy regardless of a new system or not. Actually you can buy the crappy versions of some of those games if you want to hold off but why not go for the best versions.
If there are no games you want to buy now and you have zero interest in having a new console then of course wait. But for the next two years the system will probably be the same price, buying it today or a year from now changes nothing for me except that I get to enjoy the new console first.
I don't see the problem. Maybe Vader enjoys it for more than just the games. Sounds he's having a blast recording videos at the moment.
It's a bit harsh to call people "suckers" for buying something they want, and will likely enjoy for many years.
What did you play this weekend? I did more Dark Souls in NG+. Doing some things different than first go around. I didn't place the Lordvessel right away after beating Smough and Ornstein and I talked to Kingseeker Framt's evil twin in the abyss after killing the four kings. By doing so I discovered the Darkwraith Covenant (all those invading cunts are members of) but did not join it and I think I will definitely have to do the Dark Lord ending - but that's the one I need since I did the good ending first time around. Have now found all covenants but I'm still a Chaos Servant member until I unlock the shortcut to Lost Izalith so that I can rescue Artorias from going mad. After that I will have to join three other covenants in order to obtain all the miracles and get that trophy. I am also well along the way to get the sorceries trophy - just one left which I will get when I kill Big Hat Logan after he goes hollow. But before that happens I will go fight Seath the Scaleless and this time around I really have to cut off his tail in order to go for the rare weapons trophy. I figured since I'm enjoying this so much, I may as well try and go for the platinum trophy.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
i could be a lot harsher
Just stating my opinion on all this posting by Vader without much gaming, to me it's a huge waste of time. Again my opinion.
On a larger scale it's sad state of whats to come for gaming with more hype and BS and less gaming, it's depressing for me.