EA Shutting Down a Lot of Multiplayer Servers
Sports games from 2011, Sims 2 and more.
www.ea.com news
Trine 2: Director's Cut review 90%
Brilliant physics puzzles that force you to think on your feet, fun co-op and a huge, gorgeous quest, Trine 2 is eShop gold.
officialnintendomagazine.co.uk impressions
Laser Lemming Reviews The Book of Unwritten Tales
3.5/5 "...a classic..."
laserlemming.com editorial impressions
New US Retail Releases Week of Dec 30, 2012
A Boy & His Blob, Milon's Secret Castle... wait a second WHAT YEAR IS THIS?
gamespot.com news
Blizzard Drops Diablo III Deathmatch
Promises they are still working on PvP.
eurogamer.net news
PC Gamer Reviews Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
77/100 Not as good as the mods you can get for free.
pcgamer.com impressions
Pokemon Announcement Coming in About a Week
I smell a Nintendo Direct a'brewin'.
gematsu.com news
Potatoman Seeks the Troof Review
The review we've all been waiting for.
laserlemming.com impressions
It Took a Complete Stranger to Help me fall in Love with Journey
kotaku.com editorial
Nintendo exec showed Super Mario 64 with briefcase chained to his arm
To Pilotwings 64 team
Have a Violent Video Game? Get $25.
Read The Crucible then go flip $5 games from GameStop.
eurogamer.net news
Nintendo: There are lots of fantastic Wii U games to come in 2013
"E3 will be another great show"
2013: The State of the Games Industry
Multiple devs question Wii U's future, if Nintendo should go third party
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robio (4m)
Yeah GG Walking Dead is pretty much like a point & click adventure game. It has a few more open parts that you get to walk around and inspect things though. The story and atmosphere are top notch.
Oh btw, the u pad map is flipping awesome, I know peeps like to mock any game that uses another screen for a map, but don't. It's so useful and quite large too on screen. Wish they had done more with touch screen support. Maybe put eagle vision om the u pad with gyro support, gyro aiming for guns etc.
Massive missed opportunity here.
Oh can I sext you too!
Ugh that Journey story. Does everyone that plays Journey have their memory erased???? Have NONE of these people ever played a co-op game in their entire lives. "OH MY GOD SOMEONE HELPED ME ONLINE WOW0OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! GAME OF THE YEAR!!!"
That happens in every SINGLE DAMNED CO-OP GAME!!!! Hey remember in PSO when the other teamates ignored the giant boss dragon and instead stood around and wrote fart jokes, oh wait NO CAUSE THEY WERE TOO BUSY HELPING.
The game industry has gone full Twilight Zone on me, maybe I am the crazy one.
lol vader I am with you man. I have been playing games online coop and competivley well before consoles could do either so it is reeaaaally nothing new.
"Oh but the person can't talk in journey so it's awesome cause like I pretend it's an actual scarf person than and that helps me mastur.... I mean play the game better"
Fuck Journey, Fuck that stupid bitch that made the game and now thinks she is some kind of artistic genuis, fuck it's soundtrack, fuck that game.
You required my services, Mr. Travo?
Maybe tonigh after about nine. I defeated the Leviathan, but now have to tackle some level 50 guardians!
Maybe tonight after 9 then... Doing laundry at the moment and wouldn't have too much time to sit for an extended period.
And Zelda is an arcade game. Lol
Walking Dead is done. Wow, one of the best game stories ever told.
Take a crack at Leviathan, Travo?
Is that what you call it?
I like it.
I think the graphics are fine. Its a very slight bump up from previous games as far as I can tell.