GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
Tecmo Koei's TGS Lineup *crickets* *tumbleweed blows through* news aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews JoJo's HD 7/10 " much lost treasure as it is bizarre curio". impressions aspro
[] Pokémon Dream Radar English Trailer E-shop game that has AR features. media news aspro
[] Valve is Hiring Hardware Designers "We’re frustrated by the lack of innovation in the computer hardware space..." news aspro
[] Scribblenauts Unlimited Coming to Steam PC and Wii U release. Ok. news aspro
Sega PAX Screenshots 56 of 'em. Sorted by game. media aspro
Dev mentions Wii U for Unannounced Fantasy Medieval RPG Paris based dev, PC/Mac game too news gamingeek
[] Warface: Favela screens from PAX gamingeek
[] Developer hints that UE4 supports Wii U? Rumor gamingeek
[] Far Cry 3: New 15 minute gameplay video gamingeek
[] Halo 4's ending reportedly revealed gamingeek
[] ONM podcast: Why ZombiU isn't the next Red Steel gamingeek
[] Dragonquest Wii U info coming at TGS In 17 days time gamingeek
[] Kojima on The Boss having her own game The Fox Engine for Silent Hill and movie hopefuls gamingeek
[] Guild Wars II Tops UK Sales Charts First time PC exclusive tops charts since 2010. news aspro
Namco-Bandai's TGS Lineup How can they be making this many games? news aspro
Square-Enix's TGS Lineup news aspro
[] Ratchet Deadlocked HD is a Thing Coming to PSN. news aspro
[] Fan Re-make of Half-Life Launching Sept. 14. Black Mesa will have 8-10 hours of play. news aspro
Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 is "New IP" Except.... isn't it an existing IP? news aspro
Ace Attorney 5 Details Confirmed as 3DS release. news aspro
[] 4K TV's Explained in Basic Terms "If this isn't the future of TV, then TV has no future." editorial impressions aspro
[] MMO Tera Downsizing from 11 to 3 Servers “We’ve got several metrics ... and many of ours are below the mark,” news aspro
[] 'Xbox Games on Windows' Explained How XBLA will work on PC. editorial impressions aspro
[] Steam Community Gets Overhaul Changes are now live. news aspro
[] Final Fantasy XIV REBOOT Gameplay Video Content. media aspro
[] XBLA Went Down for Four Hours "The issues with Xbox Live are now fixed" news aspro
[] PAX: Harold Preview SUPERB animation, but is it just another case of Graphics OVER Gameplay? impressions phantom_leo
[] PAX: State of Decay is not just another Zombie game Hmmm... It LOOKS like just another Zombie game. impressions phantom_leo
[] PAX: Torchlight II Preview Please come to 360! Please come to 360! impressions phantom_leo
[] PAX: Guacamelee! is like a co-op Super Metroid Just a reminder! I've posted a similar title a few times before! impressions phantom_leo
[] SEGA renews Skies of Arcadia trademark Whatever. Probably for an iOS port. news phantom_leo
[] PAX: Hands on with NiGHTS Into Dreams Silly hands-on. Woman reporter never played the first! impressions phantom_leo
[] Skyrim: Hearthfire DLC is Only 75 MB A tenth of a usual Skyrim patch. news aspro
[] EA Labels boss: Xbox 720, PS4 are 'spectacular' gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey 2 screens look a bit N64-era CVG think the Move to HD hasn't helped boost visuals much media gamingeek
[] Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker pulled from Xbox Live gamingeek
[] Rumour: Wii U release date and launch bundles outed by distributor 3 Skus, 3 prices, Nov 11th gamingeek
[] Brothers in Arms game will become new IP Gearbox ditching the Brothers in Arms brand gamingeek
[] Valve confirms the jump to the hardware gamingeek
[] Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit Images SEGA media gamingeek
[] Devs: Dead Space 3 has 100 hours of replay value gamingeek
[] Joe Danger 2 Coming This Month to XBLA Looking pretty good, new vehicles. news aspro
[] Amazon France lists Epic Mickey 1 & 2 Wii bundle gamingeek
[] Six amazing Animal Crossing facts and secrets gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Reviews Tales of Graces F 8/10 " of the last great traditional Japanese role-playing games". impressions aspro
[] GameSpot's Escape From Mount Stupid - Zelda Video Content impressions media gamingeek
Nintendo registers 4th extension on Eternal Darkness trademark It truly is "Eternal" Darkness gamingeek
HarmoKnight screens gamingeek
Sony's TGS Lineup That's a lotta games. news aspro
[] Summer of Arcade Has Lost it's Sizzle Gamasutra analyzes and reveals poor sales. news aspro
Last of Us Gameplay Footage Previously seen only at E3. media aspro
[] Notch Not Happy With His New Game Minecraft maker misses mark. news aspro
[] Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm Beta Launches "...will initially be limited to a select group of pro-gamers, members of the press, Arcade contest winners, and shoutcasters". news aspro
[] U.S. Gaming Population Shrinking Every segment except for mobile and downloadable/online. news aspro
New Call of Juarez Likely Ubisoft making announcement tomorrow. news aspro
Last Week's Japanese Sales Vita has a rare good week. news aspro
[] Pikmin 3: A guided tour of the trial map gamingeek
[] Assassin's Creed 3 'the last of the triple-A dinosaurs' Creative director says "monster" productions are dying out gamingeek
[] Capcom want to pump out sequels more often So is shortening development gamingeek
Wii U's 4th sku outed: The Ultimate Edition You want this (Joke pic). gamingeek
[] EA bemoans lack of "reward" for launching new IP Defends sequelitis, gamingeek
[] Snake does NOT have white hair in Ground Zeros Kojima says that it is just the reflection effect gamingeek
[] RDR may be coming to PC gamingeek
[] EA proud to have not greenlit single-player experiences " I have not green lit one game to be developed as a single player experience. " gamingeek
[] Fluidity: Spin Cycle - gameplay details, 3D disabled gamingeek
[] Ace Attorney 5 - magazine scans YES gamingeek
Ace Attorney 5 - first round of details, playable at TGS Set one year after the events of Ace Attorney 4 gamingeek
PAX: multiple Wii U game imrpressions from N.E.S ZombiU was easily the best looking Wii U game on the show floor and it was hard to imagine too many people being disappointed with its visuals. gamingeek
[] Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise and Freakyforms dated Austrailia, get your Rhythm fix news gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 4 - tons of scans gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Reviews Skyrim: Hearthfire 5/10 "You just won't feel any ownership of the places you build..." impressions aspro
[] Ubisoft Launches Charm Offensive Over DRM "...we haven’t always been clear and consistent..." news aspro
[] [Nintendo] “just doesn’t get it” [with the Wii U] "Nintendo is partying like it's 1985", says Pachter in his latest anti Wii U tirade. news Foolz
[] PAX: Project P-100 One of the Better Wii U Games at the Show impressions phantom_leo
[] Wii U Zelda coming in 2013 news phantom_leo
[] August 2012 NPD Another 20 % drop in sales. Though HD software holds steady. news aspro
[] City of Heroes Fans Not Taking Cancellation Well Petition has 14,000 signatures so far. news aspro
[] Vita Hacked Maybe this will increase hardware sales. news aspro
[] PC Gamer Reviews Sleeping Dogs PC 74/100 "a bland, bloody tale in a setting that deserves better". impressions aspro
Unreal Opens New Seattle Studio Focused on UE4. news aspro
[] Retailer GameStop Wants to Carry Ouya "Everything we've read is great". news aspro
[] PC Gamer Reviews Guild Wars II 94/100 "Tomorrow’s MMORPGs will be held to account against its standards..." impressions aspro
Sega Updates TGS Line-Up Cool pics of the freebies from the show. media news aspro
[] Dishonored: In Depth,  Behind-the-Scenes Look Video Content. media aspro
[] Need for Speed: Most Wanted Preview "...another critical success for the Burnout veterans". impressions aspro
New Call of Juarez is Old West PSN and XBLA. news aspro
[] PC Gamer Reviews Out of the Park Baseball 13 78/100 " struggles to capture the passion". impressions aspro
[] Trial Evolution DLC Announced Its first DLC pack. news aspro
[] Madden 13 Selling Like Crazy In first week 1.65 million, an 8 percent year-over-year increase from last year. news aspro
[] Rayman Jungle Run for mobile revealed. Its basically a game of treasure chest levels. news Dvader
[] Ghost Recon Online 'on hold' for Wii U Old, but sites are reporting like it's new gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 4 direct pics gamingeek
[] Sony confirm Killzone trilogy gamingeek
Rumor: Nextbox delayed to 2014 because of poor processor Produced CPU does not pass quality checks gamingeek
[] Oculus Rift: It's amazing until it makes you want to hurl 5 minutes made player want to hurl for half an hour later gamingeek
[] ZombiU: The star characters and backstory revealed gamingeek
[] Famitsu mag online preview Ful page Layton, Ace Attorney, Capcom impressions gamingeek
[] RUMOR: Wii U European launch date and price revealed? 349 Euros?! December 7th? gamingeek
[] Ace Attorney 5 website opens gamingeek
Ace Attorney 5 Screens (not scans) Also, confirmation it's coming west. media news aspro
[] Cancelled Crash Team Racing 2010 Footage No confirmation, but looks legit. media news aspro
The Press Room Episode #129 Vader and Aspro go over the week's news, talk about Binding of Isaac, Paper Mario and Gears 2. editorial impressions news aspro
[] Feature: Difference Between East and West Devs The DmC devs talk to Gamasutra. editorial aspro
[] Giant Bomb Quick Look: Borderlands 2 Video Content impressions media aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews Mark of the Ninja 9/10 "a much-needed shot in the arm for Live Arcade..." impressions aspro
[] Ars Reviews Mark of the Ninja "Buy It" impressions aspro
[] Dark Souls Not Getting Easy Mode Namco says it was a mis-translation. news aspro
[] Guild Wars 2 Hacked 10,000 accounts effected so far. impressions aspro
[] X-COM Enemy Unknown PC Feature Will have better graphics and AI than console versions. impressions aspro
[] ME3 Wii U dev making another big game in a well known franchise For Wii U out in 2013 plus a game of their own IP gamingeek
[] Mass Effect 3 Wii U dev very conscious of not wanting to mess up "It's a new, different and sophisticated piece of hardware, so there's a good deal of technical energy that's been expended making it happen." gamingeek
[] Vita hack 'doesn't let you play pirate retail games' Damnit gamingeek
[] Bethesda not yet sold on Wii U Yet they believe there is still plenty it can still do on the current generation of consoles. gamingeek
[] Borderlands 2 review - First score is huge 95% gamingeek
[] Wii U specs praised by the creator of Rayman Ancel stated that the Wii U has "almost no limitations with memory" gamingeek
[] Thunderwolves trailer gamingeek
[] Ubisoft unveil Thunderwolves screens Helicopter combat digital game media news gamingeek
[] Evil Sackboy images gamingeek
[] Crimson Dragon is out in 6 days: on Windows phone gamingeek
[] New Remember Me video gamingeek
[] Michel Ancel very high up on Wii U, talks 'enormous' memory New Rayman Legends info, BG&E 2 future gamingeek
[] Spector on why no one wants to greenlight a musical game " I have literally been told that if there are songs in a game, gamers will reject it and not buy it. " gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 4 weapon details gamingeek
[] Dry Scotch Scottish games industry employs 200 people, creates zero revenue says government report . news aspro
[] US Game TV Channel Killed Report: G4 To Be Reformatted, Name Change Possible news aspro
Square Trademarks Circle of Mana Plus three other game names. news aspro
[] Steam Big Picture Mode Launches Monday “simple, easy-to-read navigation designed specifically for TV” news aspro
[] NYT Explains Valve to Normals "Behold the future of video games." news aspro
[] Capcom has no plans to localize E.X. Troopers gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey 2 - Disney Gulch interview gamingeek
[] New US Retail Releases Week of Sept 9, 2012 NHL13, Iam Alive (PC), Joe Danger 2, Tekken Tag 2... news aspro
[] Study: Why We Make Good Moral Choices in Video Games "...the majority of people will try to do the ‘right’ thing if they can..." news aspro
[] PC Gamer Reviews Endless Space 82/100 "... the most important thing is… everything". impressions aspro
[] 5 Gameinformer Nintendo Land screens show new stuff gamingeek
[] The Making Of: Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell “There were guys out on the field crying after being teargassed. One of the programmers on Rainbow Six ended up with huge bruises on the shoulder and arm after shooting a 12-gauge shotgun" gamingeek
[] Final Fantasy XIV devs show improvements in hour-long video Got an hour to spare? gamingeek
[] Capcom on the difference between East and West development " in Japan, you tend to be much more compartmentalized; if you're a programmer, you're a programmer." gamingeek
House of the Dead's Takashi Oda discusses sequel ideas gamingeek
Nintendo Land Balloon Fight: Trip Breeze attraction revealed Metroid Blast has everyone dress up in Samus' armor gamingeek
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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 12:08:49
edgecrusher said:

Where are we getting this info that the new Xbox is going to be so superior to the PS4 even, nevermind the Wii U? Granted the GPU they're using is really powerful but I can't see it being that far ahead of PS4 to even matter.

Okay, seriously I cannot find all the stuff I have read in the past but here are a few things.

Developer on Neogaf talks Wii U's power compared to Durango/PS4

Post 1:

"I'll put wiiu as a low specs Pc compared to the others (durango, PS4) with the actual data"

Post 2:

"Ps4 is not final yet and can change a lot but Xbox 3 it's more or less clear right now and the gap is big in almost every part "

Post 3:

When someone said nobody will notice a major difference in graphics between Wii U and other consoles, the person disagreed.

"mmm no, it will be noticeable (technically speaking)."

Post 4:

When asked if gap between Wii U and Durango will be a gap like "PS2 and Xbox 1" or "Dreamcast and Xbox 1"...he said...

"Difficult to measure ... But i think Is more Like the Second one (Sorry about the capital letters I'm On ny iPhone XD)"

Latest reliable Orbis and Durango specs

Disclaimer: Everything isn't final, but the general range of these system are more or less set in stone.


AMD CPU, 6-8 cores

Ram 3-4 GB


Total processing power 1-1.2 teraflops

Note: I've heard of 8GB ram from reliable people on this form, but a certain, well respected, insider on B3D is certain that 3-4 and 1 teraflops is near final. His information is the most up to date that I've got.

Unreal 4 needing 1 TP is pretty indicative.

It seems that the IGN's 6x more than 360 article isn't that far off, but it's more like 4x 360.


AMD CPU 4 cores x-86

AMD GPU 1150 SPU, 1.8 teraflops, 800 mhz

2GB GDDR5 (unlikely this will be bumped to 4GB)

This is more reliable: The Curious Case of the Durango Devkit Leak

Eurogamer said:

Beyond that, further information is sketchy and unreliable. DaE reckons that the current devkits were dispatched to studios in February, and feature Intel CPUs and a graphics card that carries the NVIDIA brand - but he doesn't identify either part more specifically. He also claims that the Durango kit features more than 8GB of memory (other sources have suggested 12GB), and that it is 64-bit in nature - at this point it's worth bearing in mind that dev hardware typically features double the RAM of retail kit in order to accommodate debugging tools and other systems. DaE also says that Microsoft is targeting an eight-core CPU for the final retail hardware - if true, this must surely be based around Atom architecture to fit inside the thermal envelope. The hardware configuration seems difficult to believe as it is so divorced from the technological make-up of the current Xbox 360, and we could find no corroborative sources to establish the Intel/NVIDIA hook-up, let alone the eight-core CPU.

However, another source, speaking in the wake of the Durango developer meet-up that took place in London just before GDC this year, corroborates that the system is 64-bit in nature, adding that current DirectX 11 engines developed on PC can be ported to 64-bit and that they will run with no problem on Microsoft's new console. The platform holder achieved immense success by basing the Xbox 360 workflow closely on existing PC development tools and the DirectX API and it looks as though it aims to continue that recipe for success with its next-gen offering.

In an effort to prove the authenticity of his devkit leak, DaE also leaked a screenshot of Microsoft's Visual Studio coding tool, apparently set-up for Durango. None of the developers we spoke to disputed what they were seeing. "As an aside it's got my favourite MS return code in there: ERROR_SUCCESS," chuckled one source.

The presence on this screen of the "immintrin" element strongly suggests that the Durango coding environment is built around x86 CPU architecture, supporting the AVX (advanced vector extensions) instruction set that was added in last year's Sandy Bridge revision. However, AVX is now supported on some of the most recent AMD processors too.

Basically, PS4 will be about 4 core GPU with 2-4gb RAM, Durango will have 8 core CPU, 4-8gb RAM? You have to read through all the speculation and counterpoints etc in the threads and stuff but you get the gist, even as a non-technical person. Orbis (PS4) will be closer to Wii U than Durango which will be ahead. The chatter has been that MS is being serious with their hardware, Sony is serious but to a lesser extent, probably because of what happened with PS4. But Sony's specs were less firm than Durangos which are locked in. PS4 could be hypothetically bumped up or bumped down between now and next year.

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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 14:48:27
_Bear said:

Playing Mark Of The Ninja, WOW surprised no ones talking about this game. It's like Shadow Complex mixed with Ninja Gaiden. Purly 2D glory I love it. You guys should at least check out the demo.

I downloaded it and enjoyed it very much.
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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 15:44:50
I've been playing War for Cybertron lately and just finished it actually. Very solid game that I'd rate an 8 out of 10. Now onto Fall of Cybertron.


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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 16:16:05

Sup bitches. Finally I got to play something yesterday after a shitty week. Had to travel to cancun for a boring meeting and got back friday night. Still, I picked up Saints Row 3 at Sam's at a low, low price and started playing it last night. It's weird, crazy and impossibly fun.

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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 17:17:04
I almost bought that today.
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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 17:47:36

My daughter borrowed Rhythm Heaven Fever from a friend, she's been playing that all morning.

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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 19:24:35

Edited: Sun, 09 Sep 2012 19:35:58

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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 20:30:47

NYT's article above is good read.

“I get freaked out any time one person leaves,” says Mr. Newell, a bearded bear of a man with John Lennon-style glasses. “It seems like a bug in the system.”

Valve’s most striking recruiting campaign is a recent move to establish a hardware group to develop technologies that can enhance the playing of games. The company posted a job listing for an industrial designer, hinting that it planned to get into the computer business itself. “We’re frustrated by the lack of innovation in the computer hardware space, though, so we’re jumping in,” the listing read. “Even basic input, the keyboard and mouse, haven’t really changed in any meaningful way over the years.”

Valve also recruited Jeri Ellsworth, an inventor and self-taught chip designer, whose pinball machines decorate Valve’s offices. Ms. Ellsworth recently gave a tour of Valve’s hardware laboratory, proudly showing off 3-D printers, a laser cutter and other industrial tools used to cobble together hardware prototypes. While interviewing for the job, she said, she was dubious about Valve’s interest in hardware.

“At one point, I said a hardware lab could be very expensive, it could be like a million dollars,” she recalled. “Gabe said, ‘That’s it?’ ”


With big-picture mode coming to Steam I am considering hooking my new PC up to the TV and keeping this one as my internet/ production computer.


In more Steam news:

To the Moon is now on Steam in German, French, Italian and English, as promised earlier this month, and it's on sale for 20 percent off through September 14. With the sale, To the Moon is $8 as a standalone or $10 bundled with the soundtrack, which includes two bonus tracks not in the game.

Edited: Sun, 09 Sep 2012 20:36:55

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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 21:19:45
gamingeek said:

Basically, PS4 will be about 4 core GPU with 2-4gb RAM, Durango will have 8 core CPU, 4-8gb RAM? You have to read through all the speculation and counterpoints etc in the threads and stuff but you get the gist, even as a non-technical person. Orbis (PS4) will be closer to Wii U than Durango which will be ahead. The chatter has been that MS is being serious with their hardware, Sony is serious but to a lesser extent, probably because of what happened with PS4. But Sony's specs were less firm than Durangos which are locked in. PS4 could be hypothetically bumped up or bumped down between now and next year.

Thanks for the post GG.

Hmm it sounds to me like Sony still have no idea what they want to do direction wise, and are trying to balance some kind of middle ground between what Nintendo and Microsoft do. If that's the case, I see no hope for them, honestly. What is the point in the middle ground Sony console that's slightly beefier than Wii U and less beefy than Xbox 3? That means inferior multi-platform games to Xbox yet again, and possibly even to Wii U depending on how well the Gamepad is implemented, how easy development is, etc. And IMO Sony cannot live off 1st-party published greatness the way Nintendo can, either.

Sony has shown no real leadership skills in the console industry in a long time, and this sounds like they are once again trying to just see what Nintendo and Microsoft are doing to put themselves in a position to copy them. It will likely cost more than Wii U, launch much later, and not offer much of a jump up to really matter. While the Xbox 3 will launch around the same time for a similar price? Sony is going to get hammered IMO if this is true.


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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 21:31:03
aspro said:

With big-picture mode coming to Steam I am considering hooking my new PC up to the TV and keeping this one as my internet/ production computer.


In more Steam news:

To the Moon is now on Steam in German, French, Italian and English, as promised earlier this month, and it's on sale for 20 percent off through September 14. With the sale, To the Moon is $8 as a standalone or $10 bundled with the soundtrack, which includes two bonus tracks not in the game.

I don't get it...big picture mode is just a way to navigate Steam with say an Xbox pad instead of a kb/mouse? Well, sounds handy. I do get tired of having to launch a game like Sleeping dogs with my mouse then switch to the Xbox pad.

Speaking of, I'm trying to finish that game tonight....still having fun with it, but much of its initial wow factor (because of the graphics) wears off after awhile. While its a quality game, it doesn't have the charm that the best open world games have, and the gameplay never progresses the way that it does in GTA or Red Dead. Right now its looking at a low 8's score.


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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 21:35:49
Started up Fall of Cybertron and I must say it impressed me right away with how much it appears to be improved from the first game. This one is more colourful, looks better graphically, and seems more fast-paced and "actiony". It seems that I'm really going to enjoy this game for sure.


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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 21:40:33

This is going to be a LOOOOONG year for the Dolphins.

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Sun, 09 Sep 2012 23:52:03
Archangel3371 said:
Started up Fall of Cybertron and I must say it impressed me right away with how much it appears to be improved from the first game. This one is more colourful, looks better graphically, and seems more fast-paced and "actiony". It seems that I'm really going to enjoy this game for sure.

How did you like the flying missions in WFC? Those were my favorite parts of the game.

So this one is even MORE actiony than the last game?! In what way?

Dvader said:

This is going to be a LOOOOONG year for the Dolphins.

Patriots look great. cheeky


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