1UP Reviews Rock Band Blitz
B+ "...a welcome addition to the home of any rhythm game fan".
1up.com impressions
Experience Resident Evil's Raccoon City at Universal Studios Japan
Vader, Japan. Nao
Darksiders II Patch Detailed for all Platforms
V-Sync for PC; Better Stability for all!
justpushstart.com news
Sonic Racing Transformed looking rough on Wii U?
'I had a go on an early build of the game, using both a Pro Controller and the GamePad, and it seemed like a world away from the PS3 version.'
Tom Towers Reviews A Virus Named Tom
7/10 "Wonderful sense of humour that permeates pretty much everything"
robotgeek.co.uk impressions
Spector discusses some ideas for a DuckTales game
"That a duck can be Indiana Jones, basically. That's what I'd want to keep. I think the DuckTales TV show did a pretty good job of that"
FF XIII Versus Will Not Be at TGS
Tweets the game's producer, Shinji Hashimoto.
gematsu.com news
1UP asks the hard question about multi-platform gaming...
What hardware do I buy THIS game on?
1up.com editorial
RUMOR - Will Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes hit Wii U?
Article is in German.
wiiux.de news
Assassin's Creed III - Naval Battles Were Almost Dropped
Video content.
youtu.be media news
The Press Room Episode #128
Yoda and Foolz with Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2, Papo & Yo, Awesomenauts and more...
thepressroompodcast.com editorial impressions news
Lightning Returns: FFXIII revealed. ONLY play as Lightning.
Near real time combat. Countdown timer to end of world
1up.com news
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Aarny (10m)
WTF?!?!?! Why does Universal Studios Japan get Resident Evil. We get fucking Silent Hill... Silent Hill.... fuuuuuuuuuuck yoooouuuuuuuuu!!!!!! This is all the Walking Dead's fault I bet, cant have two zombie attractions in one place. So stupid.
Nintendo Direct in about 15 hours. No Wii U info.
I like SH much more. *runs away*
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning is coming to North America on November 6th with a celebratory Anniversary Edition, publisher Natsume Inc. announced today.
A New Beginning marks the series' 15th year in North America. The special edition is available in limited quantities exclusively through the Natsume Online Store starting September 24th, and includes a foot-long plush doll of the iconic Harvest Moon spotted cow. Pre-orders through GameStop and Natsume will net buyers a smaller plushie of a yak.
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning was announced to Nintendo 3DS back in May and boasts expanded customization options for character appearance and layouts for farms and homes.
Classic 'Resident Evil' could return, says series producerBut only on handhelds
Right...because all the old school Resident Evil fans now only play on handhelds...
I've hit gaming rock bottom. I just quit El Shaddai and then played Black for 3 hours and quit it.
I've got no where to go now.
EDIT: Help!
Ben Howard (some British guy) replaces John Davison (noted British guy) as gamespot.com boss. Davison off to make some gaming news thing for "mobile" probably an iOS thing.
Must be nice to keep quitting top editorial jobs to the next high-paying gig.
Gamespot can't have been good for his reputation.
I would buy this.
^Me too. Kellog's has great mascots.
I want to watch this (never seen it) :
^Oh cool, it's on YouTube. Thanks Universal!
EDIT: This movie brought to you by, The Tourist Board of Utah, The Tourist Board of California, Universal Theme Park, Vision Street Wear, Nintendo, Nintendo Power and Hostess Cakes.
EDIT 2: Nine year old reading Cosmo. Later, same girl adressing concerns relating to to truckers, "Oh don't worry, I know truckers".
Images found while looking for high society "well I never Simpsons lady"
EDIT 3: Chris Slater playing SMB3. Makes me wish I were that cool.
Great soudntrack though.
EDIT 4: "It's a Power Glove"
EDIT 5: What's that one called? "Teenage. Mutant. Ninja. Turtles"
You never saw The Wizard. It was a giant SMB3 commercial.
Four hours until Nintendo Direct on 3DS and Wii. I'll be asleep.
FYI Gerstmann was talking about how he almost bought a $96,000
MazdaNissan GT-R for cash this weekend on the latest giantbombcast.CBS has been very, very good to him.
You sure it wasn't a Nissan GT-R?
I see no Super Mario RPG under SNES or Virtual Console
Give Custom Robo Arena a go. Not too heavy, plenty of fun, and collectible elements if you get into it.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileFor GG. Enjoy
It's blank for me.
Nintendo direct starts in 10 minutes. Watch it here