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I'm not a Chevy guy. But I like this.
You are insane. I watched tons of PC maxed graphics videos of various games and none look that good. Crysis is still the only one that impresses me to that degree. So I ask show me a video of gameplay that looks that good.
And what do you think mud looks like? Sludgy crap.
I was always thinking that next gen wouldn't be that big a jump. That we don't need it, this gen is still pretty good. After watching loads of videos today I have changed my mind, this gen is DONE, the difference from the MGS video and everything we have is huge. I was looking at some MGS4 vids, I remember when that was mindblowing and you look at it now, it is so common. Just the face models alone are a world of difference. I looked at Uncharted 3, God of War 3, the Killzone games; they all have this video game like look, its hard to describe but you can see it. This MGS video, I could watch a movie of it, it has movie quality CG faces.Yeah some textures still look gamey but its just the beginning of next gen.
There is a clear difference between this, Watch Dogs and stuff like Crysis on max settings from everything we have been playing this gen. I was playing Gears 2 today, and I know it is pretty old but it was a stud graphically and now I was just bored of how it looked (that was before watching the MGS footage). I am ready to move on, we have maxed out this gen in every way possible. Bring on next gen NOW.
I hope this MGS, Watch Dogs and even GTA5 are actually next gen games and they dont try to compromise to squeeze it into this dying gen. Yes I have flipped on GTA5, delay it if you have to, it would be a waste to make it for this gen, though I would play it no matter what.
Well it would not be a waste on this gen. INSTALL BASE.
I am expecting a crazy level of this gen/ next gen cross over releases ala Gun or Zelda:TP. And a lot of PC cross overs as well.
Last time I checked, mud wasn't grey and made of stone.
Yeah there is that. No way Rockstar doesnt release GTA5 for this gen but damn so late it seems like a... waste isnt the word... its the same thing that happened with GoW2. It came out at the very end and it seemed like they should have just waited and made GoW 2 on PS3. Now GoW2 is still the best in the series and a masterpiece but imagine if it looked like GoW3.
Muddy stone.
I want videos. I have enjoyed looking at graphics today.
Mud can be grey.
"During a panel today at PAX Prime 2012 in Seattle, Valve writers Chet Faliszek and Erik Wolpaw revealed some interesting tidbits about their time in the industry. Foremost among these pieces of trivia is the fact that Portal’s protagonist Chell was originally planned to marry a turret in the second game."
I'm not sure how mud can cling to the side of a cliff in heavy rain. Speaking of rain, it and the night setting managed to mask a lot of shit that could have been going on in the graphics. The detailed cinematic opening was all small shots with not much on screen, then the wider angle gameplay shots had the horrible rocks and ground, and washed out, detailess POV camp. There wasn't as much going on with Snake's suit there compared to the clothes earlier on, either, and you couldn't really get a great view of the guy on the tower with the billowing rain coat to get much a sense of the level of detail. To a degree it comes across as being smoke and mirrors, so I don't think it's a huge stretch of the imagination that it couldn't run on current gen consoles; just not quite as pretty.
Similar sort of tricks seem to be going on during parts of the Watch Dog gameplay demo as well from what I've seen of it---indoor areas where there lots of people blacked out with textures covered up; and it's not as if those were dynamic shadows and impressive in and of themselves. Anyway the Watch Dogs shit was too boring for me to watch the whole thing, so I could be wrong.
Anyway I don't think you understand what I'm saying. The trailer looks great, and comparable to the games you're mentioning, which do look a lot better than the best looking console games of this gen, but if next gen (Wii U aside) looks like Crysis (a game from 2007) then what the fuck is the point?
Mud also isn't necessarily sludgy crap. That's not the point.
Remember when this was mind blowing.
How far we have come.
Saw this on gaf.
This is on PS3. That model is insane. What kind of voodoo magic is this.
Yeah I have read about all that, I really dont care about the techinical stuff, I just want it to look good. Even if it uses tricks it looks stunning.
As for Crysis, again I think it is still the benchmark game, I have seen nothing on PC better than that game on max. Please show me some if you found some. That said Crysis character models are crap compared to this MGS video. That is the most stunning part of this video, its the mix of the incredible looking environment, lighting and character models with faces that can rival CG movies.
Anyway Crysis has not been out done by any PC game so its kind of crazy to expect a next gen console to leap further than what the max PCs of today are doing. If you have been playing PC games yeah this next gen wont seem like much of anything but for me it is a pretty clear difference.
No, that was never "mind blowing".
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSo you were frozen on ice during those years huh.
Absolutely horrible animation aside I think the character models in Crysis are still pretty comparable. They're not wearing epic billowing cloth, though, but neither was Snake.
And I agree; Crysis is still equal with anything, but there's quite a few that are comparable. And Crysis probably still beats them due to DA FOLIAGE and everything blowing the fuck up.
This actually pisses me off about PC as well. Look at the CryEngine 3 demos. Now they are mindblowing. Then look at the Crysis 3 demos; they look like Crysis 2 FFS! So much wasted potential.
I'm not even a graphics whore or anything; I'll take graphics that look good over graphics with more pixels, but I miss progress. It used to be a big part of the fun of gaming.
I think you can blame a lot of that on this gen taking forever. A lot of PC devs never wanted to push cause most of them wanted to port to consoles. Once we get all devs on board (except Nintendo sadly) to start pushing all boundaries we will see some crazy stuff.
As for the face its more about the face animation, the eyes, the way the skin on the face moves. In Crysis it has that sort of current gen look, where it looks really good but it still has that game look. What I saw with Snake was an almost LA Noire like realism to the way the face moves.
Look at this
Just look at what he is doing with his eyes, his slight facial movements. The way the rain is on the skin. Its different than what I saw from Crysis, subtle but different.