GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
New RE6 Gameplay Footage Underground level. media aspro
[] Minecraft 360 Hits 3.6 Million Sold PC sales are over 7 million. news aspro
[] Pokemon Typing (DS) Trailer Coming to Europe at some point. media aspro
[] Dark Souls "PC" Dated for Consoles PS3 and 360. Has about 10 extra hours of content. news aspro
[] Didn't Play Heavy Rain? You Are The Problem Says man who made Heavy Rain. news aspro
[] Giantbomb Reviews Rock Band Blitz 4/5 "...offers something old and something new." impressions aspro
1UP Reviews Rock Band Blitz B+ "...a welcome addition to the home of any rhythm game fan". impressions aspro
[] Joystiq Reviews Rock Band Blitz 3.5/5 "The emphasis on score over performance is what really makes Rock Band Blitz so weird." impressions aspro
[] Borderlands is Latest PSN+ Game news aspro
[] First Angry Birds Trilogy 3DS-specific screenshots gamingeek
[] Wii U release date 'November 18 in US', leaks peripheral firm Gaming accessory-maker PDP let slip at GameStop conference today, claims report gamingeek
[] ZombiU: A survival horror epic in the making? gamingeek
[] Star Wars 1313 Gameplay clip gamingeek
[] Another Team ICO Developer Quits Sony Kenji Kaido tweeted on Monday morning that he left Sony. news gamingeek
[] RUMOR - Details on Wii U GamePad range Maximum Range - up to 100 meters on max power gamingeek
[] SUDA: Killer is Dead is cel-shaded gamingeek
[] Star Wars 1313 artwork gamingeek
[] Video: Halo 4 Scattershot gameplay gamingeek
Wii U GamePad screen updates faster than some TVs gamingeek
[] Scribblenauts Unlimited Wii U - Nintendo Power details New shaders, cool particle effects, and more gamingeek
[] Lollipop Chainsaw is Grasshopper's Most Succesful Game 700,000 copies shipped says Suda 51. news aspro
[] Shin Megami Tensei 4 Debut Trailer But still waiting for a western release announcement. media news aspro
[] New THPS HD DLC Leaked Airport and LA levels. media news aspro
[] Eurogamer Review FF7 Re-release (PC) 8/10 " deep as it is broad - and as unforgettable as it is divisive. " impressions aspro
[] Skyrim: Hearthfire Announced Buy land, build a house, adopt children. (The Sims). news aspro
[] Red Bull Gets Into Game Publishing Too late for a Kid Icurus game. news aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews Dark Souls: Prepare to Die 9/10 "an endless feast" impressions aspro
[] NBA2K13 Will Have Dream Team Intact Pippen! Boom-shaka-laka! news aspro
[] Sony Stumbles With PS1 Support on Vita in North America Makes incomprehensible blunder. news aspro
[] Last Week's UK Charts Sleeping Dogs won't lie, still on top. news aspro
[] Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Videogamer Review 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Classic 'Resident Evil' could return, says series producer But only on handhelds gamingeek
[] You can use a 128gb SD Card in 3DS Bodes well for Wii U? gamingeek
[] DMC : présentation GamesCom gamingeek
[] Binding of Isaac Remake for 2013 according to Ed McMullen Lots of added content. Out on PC, consoles, mobiles news bugsonglass
[] Lost Planet 3 Gamescom Trailer Gameplay footage mostly. media aspro
[] Crytek: Microsoft and Sony could struggle next-gen  If they fail to embrace free-to-play gamingeek
Experience Resident Evil's Raccoon City at Universal Studios Japan Vader, Japan. Nao gamingeek
[] Sony Cross Play trailer gamingeek
[] IBM reconfirms the Wii U/Watson connection Squashing the rumours that the Wii U CPU is just 3 Wii processors gamingeek
[] How Assassin's Creed started as a Prince of Persia game ' I’m a bad employee, if you think about it. I was asked to do a Prince Of Persia game and I didn’t. Ubisoft were like, ‘That’s not what we want.' gamingeek
[] Walking Dead Ep.3 Dropping PSN Tuesday Everywhere else the next day. news aspro
[] Nintendo Direct for 3DS and Wii Scheduled Tomorrow night in Japan. news aspro
[] Giantbomb Reviews Madden NFL 13 3/5 "If you can forgive the technical problems and often cumbersome menus, there's a football game worth liking here." impressions aspro
[] CODBLOPS2 Has Zombies *That's* what gaming was missing! news aspro
How 13 Classic Video Games Got Their Names news aspro
[] Wii U Playable at PAX This Weekend Pikmin 3, New Super Mario Bros. U, ZombiU, and more. news aspro
[] EA To Start Including Female Athletes Starting with NHL 13. news aspro
[] Star Wars: First Assault Trademarked/ Domained Filed for all multimedia applications (including "interactive video games"). news aspro
[] Bastion Heading to iPad Today Trailer. media aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews Mass Effect Leviathan 7/10 "Leviathan feels a bit like [a]... deleted scene. " impressions aspro
[] Japan: Nintendominaton continues On the hardware front, 3DS outsold every other platform combined, despite a drop in sales from 110,000 units the previous week gamingeek
[] September Conference won't have Japanese Wii U launch info "the announcement of the Wii U in Japan is planned in a way NOT involving the Conference" news gamingeek
[] Capcom announces Phoenix Wright: Trilogy HD for iOS Isn't this really old news? news gamingeek
[] N.Direct : video Animal Crossing 3D OMG OMG gamingeek
[] N.Direct : vidéo Project X Zone gamingeek
[] N.Direct : vidéo Ex Troopers Okami like cel-shading in a 3rd person shooter? gamingeek
[] The NEW Professor Layton is the LAST Professor Layton Sorry, Bugsie! news phantom_leo
[] Informed speculation on the wireless range of the Wii U controller You want to play it in bed? Read this gamingeek
[] Zelda: Majora's Mask 3DS listed on GAME's website Update: Hoax. news gamingeek
[] The Secret World sales disappoint Funcom to focus on smaller games gamingeek
Fan-Art: Animal Crossing custom-made GIFs gamingeek
[] Wii U game performance seeing "awesome, huge improvements" Our reliable French journo says gamingeek
[] Wii U GamePad Latency/Lag Analysis (not final hardware) Tablet is faster gamingeek
[] Famitsu Capcom & Level-5 scoops coming, more TWEWY content an 'amazing' scoop - related to Capcom gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Reviews Rock Band Blitz 7/10 "its shortcomings taint its good intentions". impressions aspro
Latest Famitsu Reviews Including DQX Max Payne 3 also. impressions news aspro
[] Sony Screws Vita Even More New update locks PSN account to memory card. news aspro
New Taiko Drum Master for Wii Will feature 100 songs. news aspro
[] GameStop May Get Into Retro Gaming That'd be cool. news aspro
[] Madden NFL 13 Sells 900K on First Day It's all about the install base. news aspro
[] Double Fine's Next Game (It's iOS) "Middle Manager Of Justice" news aspro
[] Future Publishing closes Nintendo Gamer magazine Company 'draws the curtain on 20 years of independent Nintendo mags' gamingeek
[] Sony CEO: Vita sales 'pretty much near expectations' But the system is "maybe trending behind in certain territories" gamingeek
[] Ex-Team Bondi announce next gen game: Whore of the Orient Set in 1936 Shanghai news gamingeek
[] Aliens CM Escape mode trailer gamingeek
[] CryEngine 3-powered Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 headed to Wii U This must be the Cryengine 3 Wii U game Crytek talked about gamingeek
[] Big Boss 'can command vehicles' in MGS Ground Zeroes gamingeek
[] Eurogamer: How Powerful is the Wii U Really? Crucially, developers Eurogamer spoke to as part of a wide-ranging investigation into the innards of the Wii U now have final specifications. gamingeek
[] LocoCycle : première vidéo of gameplay ! XBL gamingeek
Darksiders II Patch Detailed for all Platforms V-Sync for PC; Better Stability for all! news phantom_leo
[] Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes Gamespot preview The scene starts in a remote military base with heavy rain. The camera is following a shadowy figure in a business suit and hat... impressions gamingeek
[] New Far Cry 3 video gamingeek
[] Hands-On: Rhythm Hunter HarmoKnight a Musical 3DS Challenge From the Pokémon Team gamingeek
Sonic Racing Transformed looking rough on Wii U? 'I had a go on an early build of the game, using both a Pro Controller and the GamePad, and it seemed like a world away from the PS3 version.' gamingeek
[] GAME's Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D listing a hoax Send this guy hate mail, now gamingeek
[] RUMOR - Wii U RAM talk, mass production and bundles Launch may have multiple SKUs/bundles gamingeek
[] Layton and the Miracle Mask dated for Europe Simultaneous retail/digital release news gamingeek
[] Metal Gear Solid Ground Zero shown!!! Open world Metal Gear, next gen, Big Boss! news Dvader
Robotgeek Reviews Papo & Yo 6/10 "...more boring than abhorrent". impressions aspro
Tom Towers Reviews A Virus Named Tom 7/10 "Wonderful sense of humour that permeates pretty much everything" impressions aspro
Playstation All-Stars: Is This The Game You Wanted? editorial isntchrisl
[] Metal Gear hollywood movie announced Produced by Avi Arad news Dvader
[] Command and Conquer Collection Announced All 17 games. Yes 17. news aspro
[] Gotham City Imposters PC Goes Free To Play news aspro
[] DS Game Dementium 2 Getting PC Port You read that right. news aspro
[] Trailer for Super Time Force Apparently a sight to be seen. media aspro
[] Need For Speed: Most Wanted Gameplay Footage media news aspro
[] NCSoft Closing City of Heroes As well as the developers who made/ service the game. news aspro
[] New Warface Trailer from Crytek media news aspro
[] PAX Heading Down Under Australia more specifically. news aspro
[] Resident Evil 6 street date 'broken' Capcom's biggest game of 2012 appears in the wild a month ahead of release gamingeek
[] Will EA Roll the Dice on Online Gambling? Probably. news aspro
[] Torchlight 2 Finally Dated 20th September 2012 news aspro
[] Bethesda struggling with Dawnguard on PS3 "This is not a problem we're positive we can solve" gamingeek
[] Behold the Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ultimate Box All 13 games, one box gamingeek
[] Earthworm Jim creator on bad blood between him and Perry "he promised me that I would maintain creative control (I don't), that would always get my royalty (I don't), and that I would always get credit as the creator of the character (I don't)" gamingeek
[] Video: Mario themed Skyrim mod For the love of mushrooms gamingeek
[] Hands-on with Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion "Power of Illusion gave me a warm smile. It brings back the nostalgic moments of platforming games back in the day, with the addition of some interesting concepts" gamingeek
[] Assassin's Creed III is Ubisoft's biggest project ever roughly 600 members of Ubisoft Montreal’s staff will have worked on it gamingeek
[] $5000 found in NES cartridge Don't BLOW it all in one place! media news Ellyoda
[] Nintendo Power 282 - issue preview, full pages Layton, Sonic, Pokemon impressions gamingeek
[] Firm says investors are considering Wii U a failure at launch With competitors proposing methods of play that look similar to Nintendo’s with the use of a portable device that connects to a game console, the company hardware may no longer be a key competitive gamingeek
[] Harmo Knight, the 3DS rhythm game from the creators of Pokémon "now we’re pretty confident the developer can keep the beat about as well as it throws Pokéballs." gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey 2 - new frontiers interview gamingeek
[] Trine 2 Getting Steam Expansion Next Week "Goblin Menace" news aspro
[] EA Prez Lays Out Plans for Next Gen Consoles EA is preparing three-to-five new franchises. news aspro
[] Nintendo Almost Made a Knitting Add-On for NES media news Ravenprose
[] Double Fine's The Cave is Coming to U In addition to PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. news aspro
[] Indy Darling 'To The Moon' Coming to Steam Has a great story based on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. news aspro
[] New Press Room Podcast Reminder Listen for how to win Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2. editorial impressions news aspro
Buy 2 3DS Games Get 1 Free Best Buy Weekly Deal news Ravenprose
[] MGS Ground Zeroes is current gen PS3, 360 and PC Sony employee confirms Konami's multiplatform push; Denies next-gen shift gamingeek
[] Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes 'is not Project Ogre' gamingeek
Spector discusses some ideas for a DuckTales game "That a duck can be Indiana Jones, basically. That's what I'd want to keep. I think the DuckTales TV show did a pretty good job of that" gamingeek
EA Bites the Apple with FIFA13 Goes all out on iOS devices. news aspro
[] Halo 4 Has Griffball Mode The mode operates similar to soccer. news aspro
[] MGS Ground Zeroes Trailer! Mind blowing graphics. media news Dvader
FF XIII Versus Will Not Be at TGS Tweets the game's producer, Shinji Hashimoto. news aspro
1UP asks the hard question about multi-platform gaming... What hardware do I buy THIS game on? editorial edgecrusher
[] Double Dragon Neon Hitting PSN Nowish September 1, $10 USD. media news aspro
[] MGS: Ground Zeroes Confirmed for PS3 Not an exclusive though. news aspro
[] New US Retail Releases Week of September 2, 2012 Skyrim Hearthfire, Trine 2 expansion, that's about it. news aspro
[] Trauma Center/ Etrian Odyssey Director Now on FF14 He also helped create 7th Dragon and The Last Ranker. news aspro
Final Fantasy 14 Reboot Trailer and Screens "A Realm Reborn" media news aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews Droid x360 Handheld "The Most Blatant Hardware Clone Ever" impressions aspro
[] Metroid Wii U: A wishlist for Nintendo's big shooter gamingeek
[] Dead Island Riptide: First screens and details released gamingeek
[] Insomniac's Overstrike Becomes Fuse gamingeek
[] God Of War Ascension Furies Trailer gamingeek
[] New Little Kings Story screens gamingeek
RUMOR - Will Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes hit Wii U? Article is in German. news gamingeek
[] Paper Mario Sticker Star - trailer analysis impressions media gamingeek
Assassin's Creed III - Naval Battles Were Almost Dropped Video content. media news gamingeek
[] Video: RE Revelations 3DS vs XL recording Video Content. media news gamingeek
[] Fluidity: Spin Cycle - first screens Awesome sequel to an awesome WiiWare game media gamingeek
A look back at Nintendo-Gamer magazine (1992 to 2012) OMG Super Play gamingeek
[] MGS Ground Zeros video online at 6pm EST  Will be on youtube at 6EST today. news Dvader
The Press Room Episode #128 Yoda and Foolz with Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2, Papo & Yo, Awesomenauts and more... editorial impressions news aspro
Lightning Returns: FFXIII revealed. ONLY play as Lightning. Near real time combat. Countdown timer to end of world news Dvader
[] Surprise Ending of TWEWY iOS Teases Sequel Keepin' the hope alive! news phantom_leo
[] Unfinished Swan Story Trailer No release date yet. media news aspro
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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 04:16:15
_Bear said:

I have to say I HATE MGS I hope it goes away soon, please please please.



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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 05:31:57

I'm not a Chevy guy. But I like this.

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 05:49:19
Foolz said:

Watched the MGS trailer, eh if that was next gen, fuck next gen. If you actually look closely at the ground and the like when the camera is zoomed in close to it it's sludgy crap, and there's hardly any detail on any zoomed out shots where a lot is in view like the military prison at the end. You get better, more detailed humungous environments on Oblivion with a draw distance mod FFS. I see no reason that this couldn't easily run on PS3/360. Obviously it won't look as good, but it wasn't really all that impressive. Meh.

And the hair still sucks. Hrm


Watch Dogs doesn't look that great either.

You are insane. I watched tons of PC maxed graphics videos of various games and none look that good. Crysis is still the only one that impresses me to that degree. So I ask show me a video of gameplay that looks that good.

And what do you think mud looks like? Sludgy crap.

Edited: Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:04:08
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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:00:20

I was always thinking that next gen wouldn't be that big a jump. That we don't need it, this gen is still pretty good. After watching loads of videos today I have changed my mind, this gen is DONE, the difference from the MGS video and everything we have is huge. I was looking at some MGS4 vids, I remember when that was mindblowing and you look at it now, it is so common. Just the face models alone are a world of difference. I looked at Uncharted 3, God of War 3, the Killzone games; they all have this video game like look, its hard to describe but you can see it. This MGS video, I could watch a movie of it, it has movie quality CG faces.Yeah some textures still look gamey but its just the beginning of next gen.

There is a clear difference between this, Watch Dogs and stuff like Crysis on max settings from everything we have been playing this gen. I was playing Gears 2 today, and I know it is pretty old but it was a stud graphically and now I was just bored of how it looked (that was before watching the MGS footage). I am ready to move on, we have maxed out this gen in every way possible. Bring on next gen NOW.

I hope this MGS, Watch Dogs and even GTA5 are actually next gen games and they dont try to compromise to squeeze it into this dying gen.  Yes I have flipped on GTA5, delay it if you have to, it would be a waste to make it for this gen, though I would play it  no matter what.

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:08:50

Well it would not be a waste on this gen. INSTALL BASE.

I am expecting a crazy level of this gen/ next gen cross over releases ala Gun or Zelda:TP. And a lot of PC cross overs as well.

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:13:38
Dvader said:

You are insane. I watched tons of PC maxed graphics videos of various games and none look that good. Crysis is still the only one that impresses me to that degree. So I ask show me a video of gameplay that looks that good.

And what do you think mud looks like? Sludgy crap.

Last time I checked, mud wasn't grey and made of stone.

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:14:46
aspro said:

Well it would not be a waste on this gen. INSTALL BASE.

I am expecting a crazy level of this gen/ next gen cross over releases ala Gun or Zelda:TP. And a lot of PC cross overs as well.

Yeah there is that. No way Rockstar doesnt release GTA5 for this gen but damn so late it seems like a... waste isnt the word... its the same thing that happened with GoW2. It came out at the very end and it seemed like they should have just waited and made GoW 2 on PS3. Now GoW2 is still the best in the series and a masterpiece but imagine if it looked like GoW3.

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:15:46
Foolz said:

Last time I checked, mud wasn't grey and made of stone.

Muddy stone. Nyaa

I want videos. I have enjoyed looking at graphics today.

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:19:26
Foolz said:

Last time I checked, mud wasn't grey and made of stone.

Mud can be grey.

Edited: Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:21:22

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:28:57

"During a panel today at PAX Prime 2012 in Seattle, Valve writers Chet Faliszek and Erik Wolpaw revealed some interesting tidbits about their time in the industry. Foremost among these pieces of trivia is the fact that Portal’s protagonist Chell was originally planned to marry a turret in the second game."


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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:31:09

I'm not sure how mud can cling to the side of a cliff in heavy rain. Speaking of rain, it and the night setting managed to mask a lot of shit that could have been going on in the graphics. The detailed cinematic opening was all small shots with not much on screen, then the wider angle gameplay shots had the horrible rocks and ground, and washed out, detailess POV camp. There wasn't as much going on with Snake's suit there compared to the clothes earlier on, either, and you couldn't really get a great view of the guy on the tower with the billowing rain coat to get much a sense of the level of detail. To a degree it comes across as being smoke and mirrors, so I don't think it's a huge stretch of the imagination that it couldn't run on current gen consoles; just not quite as pretty.

Similar sort of tricks seem to be going on during parts of the Watch Dog gameplay demo as well from what I've seen of it---indoor areas where there lots of people blacked out with textures covered up; and it's not as if those were dynamic shadows and impressive in and of themselves. Anyway the Watch Dogs shit was too boring for me to watch the whole thing, so I could be wrong. Nyaa

Anyway I don't think you understand what I'm saying. The trailer looks great, and comparable to the games you're mentioning, which do look a lot better than the best looking console games of this gen, but if next gen (Wii U aside) looks like Crysis (a game from 2007) then what the fuck is the point?

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:31:52
aspro said:

Mud can be grey.

Mud also isn't necessarily sludgy crap. That's not the point. Nyaa

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:34:51

Remember when this was mind blowing.

How far we have come.


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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:44:27

Saw this on gaf.


This is on PS3. That model is insane. What kind of voodoo magic is this.

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:49:53
Foolz said:

I'm not sure how mud can cling to the side of a cliff in heavy rain. Speaking of rain, it and the night setting managed to mask a lot of shit that could have been going on in the graphics. The detailed cinematic opening was all small shots with not much on screen, then the wider angle gameplay shots had the horrible rocks and ground, and washed out, detailess POV camp. There wasn't as much going on with Snake's suit there compared to the clothes earlier on, either, and you couldn't really get a great view of the guy on the tower with the billowing rain coat to get much a sense of the level of detail. To a degree it comes across as being smoke and mirrors, so I don't think it's a huge stretch of the imagination that it couldn't run on current gen consoles; just not quite as pretty.

Similar sort of tricks seem to be going on during parts of the Watch Dog gameplay demo as well from what I've seen of it---indoor areas where there lots of people blacked out with textures covered up; and it's not as if those were dynamic shadows and impressive in and of themselves. Anyway the Watch Dogs shit was too boring for me to watch the whole thing, so I could be wrong. Nyaa

Anyway I don't think you understand what I'm saying. The trailer looks great, and comparable to the games you're mentioning, which do look a lot better than the best looking console games of this gen, but if next gen (Wii U aside) looks like Crysis (a game from 2007) then what the fuck is the point?

Yeah I have read about all that, I really dont care about the techinical stuff, I just want it to look good. Even if it uses tricks it looks stunning.  

As for Crysis, again I think it is still the benchmark game, I have seen nothing on PC better than that game on max. Please show me some if you found some. That said Crysis character models are crap compared to this MGS video. That is the most stunning part of this video, its the mix of the incredible looking environment, lighting and character models with faces that can rival CG movies.

Anyway Crysis has not been out done by any PC game so its kind of crazy to expect a next gen console to leap further than what the max PCs of today are doing. If you have been playing PC games yeah this next gen wont seem like much of anything but for me it is a pretty clear difference.

Edited: Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:52:36
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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:52:22
Dvader said:

Remember when this was mind blowing.

No, that was never "mind blowing".


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:53:16
Yodariquo said:

No, that was never "mind blowing".

So you were frozen on ice during those years huh.

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 06:59:04

Absolutely horrible animation aside I think the character models in Crysis are still pretty comparable. They're not wearing epic billowing cloth, though, but neither was Snake.

And I agree; Crysis is still equal with anything, but there's quite a few that are comparable. And Crysis probably still beats them due to DA FOLIAGE and everything blowing the fuck up.

This actually pisses me off about PC as well. Look at the CryEngine 3 demos. Now they are mindblowing. Then look at the Crysis 3 demos; they look like Crysis 2 FFS! So much wasted potential.

I'm not even a graphics whore or anything; I'll take graphics that look good over graphics with more pixels, but I miss progress. It used to be a big part of the fun of gaming. Sad

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 07:05:58
Dvader said:
Yodariquo said:

No, that was never "mind blowing".

So you were high on ice during those years huh.


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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 07:10:05
Foolz said:

Absolutely horrible animation aside I think the character models in Crysis are still pretty comparable. They're not wearing epic billowing cloth, though, but neither was Snake.

And I agree; Crysis is still equal with anything, but there's quite a few that are comparable. And Crysis probably still beats them due to DA FOLIAGE and everything blowing the fuck up.

This actually pisses me off about PC as well. Look at the CryEngine 3 demos. Now they are mindblowing. Then look at the Crysis 3 demos; they look like Crysis 2 FFS! So much wasted potential.

I'm not even a graphics whore or anything; I'll take graphics that look good over graphics with more pixels, but I miss progress. It used to be a big part of the fun of gaming. Sad

I think you can blame a lot of that on this gen taking forever. A lot of PC devs never wanted to push cause most of them wanted to port to consoles. Once we get all devs on board (except Nintendo sadly) to start pushing all boundaries we will see some crazy stuff.

As for the face its more about the face animation, the eyes, the way the skin on the face moves. In Crysis it has that sort of current gen look, where it looks really good but it still has that game look. What I saw with Snake was an almost LA Noire like realism to the way the face moves.

Look at this

Just look at what he is doing with his eyes, his slight facial movements. The way the rain is on the skin. Its different than what I saw from Crysis, subtle but different.

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