Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure - The Musical
Epic Live action youtube video
Japanese Trademark Filing Updates
Ogre Battle, SEGA Chibi Kart game and more.
andriasang.com news
Female Models of Yakuza 5 Selected
Five were chosen from fifteen finalists.
andriasang.com news
Off the Wall Wednesday: Can Beating Tough Video Games Make y
I'm sure we'd probably say "yes"
vglounge.com editorial
Shinen talk Wii U: It's Very easy to develop 4
'I think we currently only tapped 20% of its potential and our first game already looks and plays brilliant.'
The Press Room Episode #121
Yoda and Aspro go over Ouya, Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, Kingdom Hearts and more...
thepressroompodcast.com editorial impressions news
1UP Reviews Skyrim: Dawnguard
A review so half-assed it has to be seen to be believed.
1up.com impressions
ONM Editor: Loads of third party stuff coming to Wii U
'My favourite bit of E3 was finding out about all the cool third party stuff that’s coming for the Wii U, which they decided not to talk about, which was awesome. '
New Medal of Honor Warfighter Multiplayer trailer
It's got guns in it.
laserlemming.com media news
1up: Every Game is Hayao Miyazaki
Japan's most beloved animator is also one of gaming's biggest inspirations.
1up.com editorial
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Huh, sweet.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Anyone else play Plants vs. Zombies on Steam? I'm addicted to this stupid game right now.
It's basically a puzzle game right? Or is it tower defense?
Yeah I put that on my watch list after E3...it looks good, but how good it will be...who knows.
Borderlands was good, but it got very repetitive...felt like it went on too long.
I'm not playing at the moment, but when it was a free game on PSN Plus last summer I was as addicted as a guy could get. Probably better for me if I stay far far away from it.
It's getting deccent reviews from the sites that have already looked at it. 7's and 8's. The main complaint is that it's pretty light on story and character development, and focuses on pretty much just the combat. That's not a bad thing to me, but when a game is 60+ hours long, I need something extra to keep driving me to play.
I disagree. Have you read or seen Justice League the New Frontier?
I think it's a brave decision and I'm glad Warner now has a gaming owned division so it can execute the styles and stories it feels it needs to. Another Arkam game would have been far too conventionally repetitive...... like Arkham City.
I'm playing it now. It's a very simple SRPG, but that can be a good thing sometimes! It reminds me of a late era Genesis game or an early Saturn strategy game. I know I have a much higher tolerance for games of that type than most, so I may not be the best judge, but I'm enjoying it! I'll post more about it when I play more. I've only played about an hour and a half so far.
Why do I keep reading that they butchered Goldeneye Reloaded?
Reviews said the AI was dumbed down, this is the first I've read about the levels being rebuilt, damaging the stealth aspect. I wanted to get the HD version, put off by dual analogue but it sounds like they messed up the game too.
Cool. Keep me informed. If you're still liking it at the 10 mark I'm in.
I don't know how good the rest of the JL will fit into the Arkham City model which revolves around stealth. Superman doesn't need to sneak up on anyone.
That being said I'm all up for a good non-Lego Justice League game.
Read this on GAF about the Harada low clock speed Wii CPU story.
"If you port a gamecode where, physics, AI, I/O and sound is running on the CPU to a platform where physics, AI, I/O and sound isn't supposed to be running on the CPU you may have problem with CPU-speed, once you have moved these functions over to their correct places aka DSP, I/O Unit, GPGPU, then ports that is running fine will be easier to do, despite the CPU running at lower clockspeeds."
That makes sense. I read before that the GPU has the functionality to handle some things usually done by the CPU too, which offloads work from the CPU. If Harada is just porting across code made for the 360 of course he's going to complain till he gets it right.
This is cool:
ONM Editor: Loads of third party stuff coming to Wii U
I was actually thinking a few days ago how to do a justice league game. Instead of this free for all play as any character, where you inevitably end up doing some lacklustre beat em game. Tailor the game and play as one character with one set of abilities and focus all gameplay around that. You play from their perspective as a member of the League and help out the other characters and obviously intersect with them at key moments. This is exactly how this new game could play, it will be Batman focused but with lots of cameos from the other guys and featuring larger events then your usual Batman fare.
50's Batman:
Maybe they will release an enhanced version of the Wii game on Wii U?
They will release a download version of Reloaded I think, hopefully adding IR controls to it. But if it's just reloaded it will still have these problems?
It's weird, I was wondering why reviews of Reloaded were so poor compared to the Wii game. Then I read tons of opinions on GAF from people who chimed in with an opinion or who had picked up the game without having played the wii version. They said that it was because Wii had lower standards etc and the game was crap and couldn't stand up to HD shooters - some reviews said this too. This didn't gel with me because I think the campaign is much better than any COD or Halo I've played this generation.
Then there is another group of people who played the Wii version then picked up Reloaded, a lot of them say the HD version is worse, one review explained it, claiming the AI was dumbed down. A lot say it's worse without mentioning specifics. I really want to check it out but I don't want to have to buy it to see the differences. Shame I don't have a rental package for games.
Raven has reloaded and says it's better, he loves dual analogue though. Raven, have you played both versions from start to end? Anything different other than graphics?
Guys, just so you know....STEAM is having a huge SUMMER SALE right now with TONS of stuff on sale...too much to list....lots of stuff 50 to 75% off! Check it out!!!