Wii U has a really great processor and more RAM
Says Gearbox director - Wii U will have one of the best looking versions of Aliens
Wii U's Reportedly Underwhelming Hardware questioned
1up - 'at the very least means it is more powerful than the anonymous sources would have us believe.'
Wii Fatal Frame Has a Haunted Mansion Mode
Crimson Butterfly promises updated graphics, new controls, and new modes of play.
andriasang.com news
Iwata: DLC shouldn't be as if you removed game content
More Fire Emblem DLC details here
1UP Reviews Kinect Star Wars
C- "Kinect Star Wars offers little".
1up.com editorial impressions
RPGamer reviews Xenoblade
5/5 - Brilliant story and voice acting. Tons of content. Locations are stunning.
rpgamer.com impressions
The Press Room Episode #107
Kid Icarus, Resident Evil: ORC hands-on and MORE. Vader and Foolz this week.
thepressroompodcast.com editorial impressions media news
Nextbox Devkit Specs, Includes 16-Core Processor?
More likely 16 threads, 4 cores with 4 threads each?
Tokyo Jungle Guest Player List Announced
Keiji Inafune, Suda 51, Yoshinori Kitase, Toshihiro Nagoshi and others to try out new PS3 title.
andriasang.com news
PAX: Sega does what Nintendon't
Hell Yeah! Gorgeous 2D game inspired by Drill Dozer!
1up.com impressions
Wii U triples the amount of memory on a single chip
'Making for extreme game play.'
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travo (4m)
Master Cheif looks alot better than he used to....I never really liked his character model the way Bungie went with it after Halo 1. He looked too......I don't know, mascot-ish? Not gritty enough? Generic?
Yeah I'll second this. I've been on the site all morning and haven't had a problem.
Killer is Dead Black and White art
This is one of the things I like about Suda's games. You can look at this art, study it, and yet you'll still have no clue what the hell you'll be doing in the game. Not even a hint. You just know it's going to be way the fuck out there.
I have Xenoblade! Never thought I'd be able to walk into a local store and see tons and tons of copies of it lining the counter shelf, cuz, you know...why the hell would you be able to see that for one of the best RPG's in years or one of the best games anyone ever made for the Wii? Too much sense.
The artbook is pretty cool too.
WTF at the story about the iOS app
I just removed 5 security risks and now everything is working.
A LucasArts Wii U MMO is listed on E3 2012 floor plan.
Star Wars?
I started playing Little Big Planet today. Yeah, I never got around to playing that one. It just never grabbed my attention despite the hype.
I'm only a few levels in but so far its not really blowing me away. Its cool, it has a nice vibe to it...graphics are nice. But the controls feel kind of floaty and....well WTF is the point?
It doesn't feel ike it has any kind of main goal or driving factor like a typical platformer. Will definitely play more though.
IBM on the Wii U RAM
"The new memory technology, a key element of the new Power microprocessor that IBM is building for the Nintendo Wii U console, can triple the amount of memory contained on a single chip, making for extreme game play."
For the people who say that you can't have 360 power in a smaller case, well here is the result of technology progressing and components getting smaller. 3 times the memory on the same sized chip.
Just like has always happened with technology.
Like I said the other day, if they didn't have to fit a DVD into the Wii it likely could have been half that size. It was just big enough for a disc and controller ports.
3DS can arguably do better visuals than Wii, although the texture resolution isn't as good and it's a fraction of the size.
Wii would be about an inch shorter if it didn't have GC controller and memory card ports.
That's actually one of the things I liked about it - the plot was just barely there. In fact that's my biggest complaint of LBP2. They tried to make a bigger more cohesive story and it was just really awful and made the main part of the game feel like a chore.
Oh really? I can see that being kind of silly seeing as how the game wasn't really set up to have any kind of background story to it. The levels are pretty inventive though, the way you can use all these random things to get from point to point. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
Resident Evil 3ds looks better than 99% of the games that have come out on the Wii in the past 2 years alone.
LBP is pointless as a platformer. Its level design is hit or miss and its physics and controls are shit. I'd say the only redeeming factor of it is the chance of building your own levels and checking out the community built ones but to be honest, the level editor in there is as user-friendly as a kick in the balls, and most of the stuff people came up with, while abundant and not lacking in the effort and dedication department, suffered from the same shortcomings in regards to physics and bad level design. You can gild a turd, but underneath it will always be a turd.
So far this game is giving me the exact same feeling that almost every exclusive PS3 title that is supposed to be a system seller has given me. And that is that its certainly ambitious and had obvious effort put into it, but at the same time feels kind of "off" and nowehre near as great as the media made it out to be. I've gotten this from all of them outside of Uncharted and MGS4. That to me was the PS3's biggest problem as a console, that it didn't deliver the truly great exclusives like PS2 or PS1.
Yeah mechanics are off but the levels have some excellent design. Pretty much every level has some new thing to do. The point of the game is the community aspect though, this is why LBP can be just another game you play or one of the greatest experiences this gen.
You know I always though Master Chief would die in Halo 3, oh well. Still need to play it so dont say anything.
May 16th... please be good.