Online Connection Required to Play All of Dragon Quest X?
Only first few hours can be played offline, according to Square Enix support page. news
In gaming, everything is amazing but nobody is happy.
Ars opinion piece. editorial
50 more PSP games discounted this week
Sony has detailed the second batch of PSP games that'll be available at a discounted rate beginning later this week as part of the PSP Power Sale promotion. news
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten (9.7) Review
A deep, funny, entertaining, ridiculous RPG that is totally worth your time. impressions
Dead Island (5/10) PS3 Review
Combat and controls are sub-standard and most of the role-playing elements are pretty simplistic. Very weak graphics, dialogue and voice-overs. impressions
Square-Enix's Dragon Quest 10 event
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Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online info
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Halo creative director quits Halo 4.
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DQ X causes S-E and Sony stock to fall.
Vader clenching buttocks right now. news
TGS rumours: Monster Hunter Tri G 3DS
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Resistance 3 (9.0) AMAZING! Review
One particular scene shows a screaming man having his head ripped-off by one of the ruthless alien invaders, upping the ante when it comes to gore in the franchise. impressions
Kid Icarus: A Retrospective
In a Parallel Universe we Could be Playing Kid Icarus Prime. editorial
Dragon Quest X in development for six years
Says former Square Enix employee news
Capcom Developers Talk Up Monster Hunter on 3DS
New controls, new monsters, and that wacky slide-pad attachment. news
Battlefield 3 on consoles not even 720p
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Batman Arkham City Eurogamer preview
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First Beyond the Labyrinth Gameplay Details
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Gematsu: Baiten Kaitos, Ace Attorney and more set for 3DS
Yoshi, Etrian Odyssey, God Eater and Baten Kaitos among raft of new titles to be announced next week, sources claim. news
CONFIRMED: 3DS second slide pad & Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter 3G 3DSD news
Hot Blooded Tough Guy Kunio-Kun Special 3DS
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Space Marine Ars review.
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You Can Watch Nintendo & Sony’s TGS Conferences
September 13th at noon, Japan time.
gamingeek - Nintendo: All Guns Blazing
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5/10 "there were times when I was ready to throw the Kinect sensor out of the window." impressions
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RE Revelations TGS trailer
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Monster Hunter 3G for Japan only
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Impressions here impressions
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Foolz (9m)
CCPro was just an enhancement over CC though. No new inputs.
This adds new inputs to 3DS, it doesn't optimise their design as a "Pro" version.
It's also very early so more developers could adapt it, especially since it's coupled with a big franchise.
So if it's intended for use wth more than Mon Hun, it may even be incorporated in a future 3DS revision.
Making the initial 3DS batch even more of an ugly duckling than the fat DS, unless you want to miss functions.
Functions which may be nearly needed in certain games, even if they include rudimentary vanilla 3DS support.
And what do they do now the cat's out the bag? Lie about having a revision, lie about including this in it, or announce a revision will in fact include it and make would be buyers wait because they don't want the ugly?
It's just weird, and so shortly past release it's stupid they didn't have these features from start on the base model...
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
3DS inazuma Eleven too... Nintendo getting lots of big guns for Japan.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
CCpro had a different ergonomic shell and four PS style shoulder buttons. CC had some mini-shoulder buttons but they were a bit shit. If a second stick was included in a new 3DS model, I'm guessing it's use would be optional in most games. For FPS you can use the stylus to emulate a mouse/PC keyboard mouse hybrid so what would a second stick be used for? Camera control, which can be done with the dpad as most wii games do, or the touch screen.
Bottom line is that IMO, 3DS doesn't need another stick. A second stick can be useful but it's not deal breaker if a game has a well designed camera or well designed controls.
Why would a developer make 3DS games that require the use of both sticks which would cut out the current 5 million install base from buying said games?
I think this add on probably was initiated by Capcom, like the Classic Controller Pro design. And I think that it will act as a way of using your 3DS to play Wii U games in 3D, giving it the added inputs to make playing on the screen not a control comprimise. And for $10 it's not really a huge problem.
Even if it is incorporated into future 3DS designs, we've had bigger things than that added to DS revisions, Dsi had SD cards and digital downloads which no existing DS Phat or Lite owner could use without buying a whole new system. At least this second stick is a $10 optional add-on.
I agree it didn't need it which is why I won't like it if it ends up being used for more than MonHun. With it there, some developers WILL use it, if it's allowed. With the inputs it has, you could have the same controls as say, Call of Duty on CC Pro. If the experience of the game is tuned like that, ie, a home console style COD, then you can't properly convet it to the touch FPS controls you like. For those controls to work the whole gameplay and experience has to be designed around that, because if you use touch controls with stylus, you only have access to circle pad, dpad, touch screen, and one shoulder button, vs a full CC Pro like setup with using the ugly shell, with two circle pads, d pad, 4 shoulder buttons, and non stylus touch on top of all that. Very different gameplay designs are possible, unlike a CC Pro game that would work largely the same on a CC, just with better positioning/grip etc on the Pro. So if the plan is for 3DS to end up including all this, the old model will inevitable feel bad for some games, even if some support is shoehorned for the vanilla setup. So I feel Nintendo should have stuck with their guns instead, the games would have been enough to turn this around, this uglyness just hurts it.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
One problem I see with the add on is that it adds a couple of centimetres onto the left side of the unit. I don't have huge thumbs, so trying to access the touch screen with my right thumb in the midst of gameplay will be a problem. It's already a very minor problem because of the viewing angle of the 3D screens where a moderate angle tilt will give you slight ghosting.
Monster Hunter series supervisor Ryozo Tsujimoto was interviewed about the cradle, and said it was the "secret weapon" which gives players the same feeling of control that they had when playing the Wii version. However, it appears the add-on will be optional and the game will still be playable without it.
Really seems like a Capcom Monster Hunter thing at this point, but Nintendo said that more detail would be given at a later date which will probably be at this september 13th conference. So if the rumours are true we will get a fuckton of new games announced, a 3DS revision and an explanation of this new nub. I might sell my 3DS depending on the free gba advance games list.
The NES games are too retro for me. Regardless, the new revision hardware won't have access to the 20 free games for ambassadors? Well, at least not free.
Inazuma 11 3DS, will it be a port of the Wii version?
Anyway blah blah, have you seen the anime? I tried watching it the other day, pretty fun in a Pokemon-esque way but aside from the main character who I think it Ash from Pokemon - most of the english voice actors are pretty bad and put on silly voices. Also the opening song is terrible.
Haven't watched it no. Don't really care about football myself, but the games sounded interesting enough. Not the Wii one though, the RPGs. The Wii one seemed to me like hearing Pokemon is coming to Wii and then it was just another Stadium instead of a proper title...
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Wow. How ridiculous. I just popped in Resistance 3 to give it a try and was greeted with a 656 MB patch.
Ugh. I hate console games sometimes.
I've been reading some Playstation history. It launched 1994 in Japan.
On April 25, 1997,Sony released playstation controller with an analog stick as a response to the N64 which launched in 96.
On November 20, 1997,Sony released their third analog controller to the market: the DualShock. The controller featured similar twin analog sticks to the Dual Analog, although they featured convex rubber tips rather than concave plastic ones.
Vader would be all over that.
Is this pic from Hurt Locker?
Cap looks like he could use some vitamins.
Think for a second what would have happened if it wasn't for 01net stirring up rumours?
Monster Hunter 3G 3DS would be announced and we'd all go, ah another controller doohickey for monster hunter. It wouldn't even register.
We don't even know the real deal with this thing, everyone is assuming that this thing will be required to play all future 3DS games or something stupid and having a meltdown. Nintendo is making it? Well they also made uDraw and the Classic Controller Pro and how many games use those? Even motionplus only supports like 30 games and less than 10 are even worth playing.
At the moment I would say that this whole ruckus is totally overblown. So 01net got a rumour about the controller accesory correct, but all the accompaining stuff in the article and reasons for it might have been all conjecture or just shit stirring. It's like hearing about Kinect a couple of weeks before release and then speculating in the article that Microsoft think that core gaming is dead and that people behind the scenes at Microsoft aren't happy and that developers are rebelling.
Capcom gives more details on Monster Hunter 3G, Slide Pad Accessory
The following commentary comes from director Kaname Fujioka...
On 3D visuals...
"The entire game has 3D support, but basically it's not a game designed to rely on 3D. You can hunt all you want without having to concern yourself about 3D, so you've got the option to play the way you like there. However, the new portside area we've made for the game was created with an eye for 3D visuals -- giving it more depth, placing objects on top of each other, and other concepts to make the 3D more prevalent. It's been a fun development cycle, but working with 3D has also given us a surprising amount of stress, so hopefully people turn on the 3D the first time they play!"
On controls...
"The bottom screen will have a panel with assorted useful functions for hunting; you'll be able to tap on things to use it. There are several types of panel, too, so you can choose which one you'd like to display and play like that."
Controls example from Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto...
"There's a target camera panel that, if you turn it on when you're in the same area as the target monster for the current quest, the camera will turn you toward the monster whenever you reset it."
On the Slide Pad Accessory...
"It feels really good holding it in your hand, and its center of gravity is toward the front, so controlling it is a breeze."
On the main monster, Blakydios...
"Brute Wyverns up to now were largely seen as charging monsters. A lot of them didn't use their front arms very much. As a result, we put a lot of that sort of thing into this monster, making its arms a lot larger and capable of punching things. It also headbutts its enemies, so it's got a pretty straightforward fighting style, but when it punches, it also releases this sticky material on the ground that gradually builds up and explodes over time. Blakydios's moves are pretty simple, but it's spewing this goo all over the place, so players have to a close eye on their positioning at all times."
On weapons...
"There will be 12 types, filling out the set of genres we've introduced up to this point. All of the weapons will be operable in the underwater areas, too. The bowgun in Tri had a lot of customization skills, but that weapon's going to be streamlined a bit and divided into 'light' and 'heavy' categories. The bowgun has a lot of new features nonetheless, though, so I'm hoping bowgun users run it up to the G level and get to check all of it out."
How is everybody today? I'm quite horny.
Crappy, my back hurts and my PC is acting assy again.
Anyone remember Renegade?
It's being remade for 3DS
I used to play this on the old Amstrad computer
Created by Technos Japan, Kunio-kun began his life starring in side-scrolling beat-em-up known in the Western world as Renegade. Renegade has been termed "an extraordinarily shitty game" by pretty much everyone on the planet, although it must have garnered some attention at the time. But this terrible arcade beat-em-up made way for one of the goofiest, flat-out fun games for the NES and Famicom.
The star of the games, Kunio-kun, is your typical Japanese school punk, a student in Nekketsu High ("kun" is an honorific attached to people's names that is usually used in denote kids in school, although it has other uses.) His partner in crime is Riki, another troublesome, athletic badass. Together with the other students at Nekketsu High, ("Nekketsu" means "hot blooded"), they travel around and fight rivals in other schools and around the world. There are over twenty games in the Kunio series, with most of them being on the Famicom, and a handful for the Super Famicom and PC Engine
Kunio Kun!