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1up No More Heroes Paradise PS3 review
This is the second review I've read where they say the Move controller isn't as responsive as the wii remote for some things. Iga knows more about this? Something about the accelerometer?
So this port is the second port of the game from Japan and it still has all these technical shortcomings?
Wii Remote Plus > Wii Remote > Move > Kinect
Foolz, Homey
Melbourne judged world's most liveable city
Melbourne has vaulted Vancouver to become the best city in the world to live, according to the latest Economist Intelligence Unit's Global Liveability Survey.
In a ranking of 140 cities around the world, Melbourne was given a score of 97.5 per cent. Other Australian cities in the top 10 include Sydney, which ranked sixth best - up from seventh in the previous survey - while Perth and Adelaide ranked unchanged with a joint eighth slot.
Brisbane lagged other Australian cities with a ranking of 21st, behind cities such as Toronto (4th), Helsinki (7th), Paris (16th) and Tokyo (18th).
"Australia, with a low population density and relatively low crime rates, continues to supply some of the world's most liveable cities," said Jon Copestake, editor for the EIU survey.
Vancouver's score slipped to third after a lower rating for infrastructure, placing it below Vienna in Austria. It's the first time since 2002 that the Canadian city hasn't occupied or shared the top slot for liveability.
It seems residents have to pay for what they get, though, with another recent EIU report ranking Sydney as the sixth-most expensive city in the world, with Melbourne coming at No. 7. The survey assessed the cost of living in both cities to be about 40 per cent higher than in New York, mostly because of steep housing costs in Australia.
Residents of Perth boasted the strongest purchasing power in Australia, aided by the fattest pay packets in the land. Even so, the cost of living in Perth and Brisbane - the 13th and 14th most-expensive locations - came in at about 25 per cent higher than New York.
Residents of Perth boasted the strongest purchasing power in Australia, aided by the fattest pay packets in the land. Even so, the cost of living in Perth and Brisbane - the 13th and 14th most-expensive locations - came in at about 25 per cent higher than New York.
top 10 ranking
1 Melbourne (Australia)
2 Vienna (Austria)
3 Vancouver (Canada)
4 Toronto (Canada)
5 Calgary (Canada)
6 Sydney (Australia)
7 Helsinki (Finland)
8 Perth (Australia)
8 Adelaide (Australia)
10 Auckland (New Zealand)
Plunged deeper into Makna Forest in Xenoblade.
I'm starting to feel some size fatigue here. The size of this forest is getting overwhelming, it's not always easy to navigate and there are huge obstacles in your way and not as many landmarks to warp back to.
It's pretty amazing to look at though. There's tons of pop up, but the payoff is huge, literally - the size and scope of the jungle is overwhelming, the foliage detail is an artistic and even a technical achievement on Wii. And some of the monsters begger belief, with a massive size and great animation to boot.
I got my ass handed to me by the boss Melia wants me to beat. I was doing fine in the first part, then in the second part I could not hit anything, and if you can't normal attack you can't build up enough power to use the monando sword to purge the enemy so I was in a catch 22 situation. I guess I have to replace Melia with Sharla to do this? They could have said so before kicking me into the battle.
Also downloaded a few NES games on this 3DS ambassodar programme. They look very sharp and clean, almost like NES games in HD. No instructions yet and most of the games are archaic POS. Why couldn't they give us 10 Genesis or SNES games instead?
Also saw the trailer for this Wayforward game Mighty Flip Champs, it looks perfect, a 2D SNES sidescroller only in 3D with different planes. Shame that it has this SMG style platforming switch mechanic which looks like it will get tiresome.
Yeah and not 1 US city on here, whatever. I know the Anti US thing is widely popular, But this is BS. Take your hate and anti US BS and shove it! Anyone who believes that not US city belongs on this list lives in fantasy world which might as well be Candyland. Thats why these lists are dumb and instantly prove invalid. FU Author of this horseshit, andOh look who the author is some crappy AU newspaper no wonder most of the Cites are in AU and NZ BULLSHIT!
^I hope you are joking.
Take your hate and anti US BS and shove it!
Ah I see you have edited your post. So not only do you lack any form of critical thinking, but you are also a pussy.
If you had any form of logical thinking nay if you can read, you would have found out that the rankings are based on the Economist Intelligence Unit's Global Liveability Survey.
Let's say you are skeptical, you could always Google it.
Well according to Wiki the Economist group has offices throughout the world, including London, Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva, Paris, Dubai, Johannesburg, New York, Washington, DC, Hong Kong, mainland China, Singapore, Tokyo and India.
So the argument, of course Australia is over represented because the article is from Australia is not true. The Economist Group is not Australian, it is international.
Also if you read about the survey itself
They are using data to calculate this stuff. An apparantly US cities do not score as high. Neither does the city I live in, but you don't see me throwing a hissy fit because of it.
Of course what criteria you check for is subjective, there are also other measuring systems
It this list the top 10 in 2010 was:
1 Vienna
2 Zurich
3 Geneva
4 Auckland
4 Vancouver
6 Dusseldorf
7 Frankfurt
7 Munich
9 Bern
10 Sydney
And there is yet another list
Their top 10 ranking
1 Munich
2 Copenhagen
3 Zurich
4 Tokyo
5 Helsinki
6 Stockholm
7 Paris
8 Vienna
9 Melbourn
10 Madrid
As you can see for different criteria, you get different results. Maybe you do not agree with the criteria? Fine. Make your own set and then calculate what the best cities in the world are. But saying this list is anti-American because no American cities are in it? Well that is just wrong, unless you really think cities like New York have better public transportation, safety and medical care then Melbourne?
Also I read the petty insult direct at myself, before you edited your post. So I am not welcome in America, hey? So who is going to stop me? You?
You seem to think that I posted the top 10 because I am anti-American. If you read the first sentence you would see that I mentioned both Foolz and Homer. Maybe I posted it because they are from Melbourne and it would seem cool to mention it to them? While at the same time laughing at the fact that Sidney scored lower?
No it must be because I am anti-American and the article itself is also anti-American, because it does not believe that that the good old US of A is the best.
Seriously the post and article was not meant to be anti-American at all, you overreacted. You made a mountain out of a molehill. It is not the first time you have done it and probably won't be your last. It was just a list, nothing more than that.
Oh and if you are wondering you are always welcome in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
I want to live in Australia. I wonder if the australian health system would give me work.
If the US blows up, I would move to Australia too.
Watch out you two, the prices of games in Aussieland are very high. They did not take that into account when they were making their list of most livable cities.
Don't think so. The Wii and Move both have accelerometers in them. An accelerometer measures acceleration, or change in speed. They are very sensitive devices, they are used for example in cars to measure when to deploy the airbags. The criticism that accelerometers are not ' accurate' is not really a fair complaint. They are very accurate. For example with airbags if they are deployed at the wrong moment they can be dangerous. You do not want the airbag to go off if you brake hard for example.
And here is where the problem lies with NMH move edition. As with an airbag waggle needs to be deployed. With airbags it is employed when a certain threshold is reached. When you have a certain deceleration that can only happen during a crash the airbag is deployed. Put the treshold to low and the airbag will deploy everytime you brake, put the treshold to high and it will deploy when you are flying face first through your front window.
This same is true with waggle, you do not want it to react when you breath to loudly. It seems that the problem with the move port of NMH is that the treshold is too high. In other words, you have to accelerate the move so hard before the game recognized that you want to do the finishing moves. It is highly unlikely that this is a hardware problem. Everything points that this is a shoddy port.
Huh? What's happening on Sept 9th?
Pointer controls for Wii don't use the accelerometers, they use the 100hz camera in the front which tracks the two IR LEDs on the sensor bar so it happens as you do it. The Move doesn't have an equivalent to that, tracking the light ball alone isn't enough data for the pointer, since it's just one point of reference (possibly also the distance by its size, but still nothing to show direction), so it needs to compensate for that with the gyroscopes (I doubt the accelerometers are used for pointing functions), which is what causes the lag in comparison to Wii depending on the implementation (there are games with bad pointer controls on Wii too, such as the original Red Steel, but that indicates major development fuck ups).
For anything other than that function the Move should in theory and technically be superior but games like NMH, Wii Sports, or even Red Steel 2 are mostly gesture based too and won't benefit from the extra precision all that much, if at all. It definitely shouldn't feel inferior though, if done right.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.