Nintendo's Stock Back on the Rise
Likely in anticipation of Nintendo going to the Nikkei. news
Japanese Retailers Phasing Out 360
Halo Reach bundle goes for $130. Games for $1.30. news
Vita RAM Cut Put to Rest
System still has 512 MB, rumors said it was slashed to 256 to cut costs. news
Pop Cap Anxious To Start Working on EA IP
"I do see a lot of synergies for, probably, cross promotion." news
El Shaddai Review from 1UP
"B" "Is El Shaddai unconventional just for the sake of being different, or were the developers going for something bigger?" impressions
Xenoblade soundtrack availible to anyone who registers
You can look forward to downloading the official soundtrack.
N-Europe reviews Xenoblade - 10/10
"The biggest and most ambitious game on Wii by a long-shot. Xenoblade Chronicles reignites the JRPG and adventure genres in one classy swoop" impressions
PS Vita gets a warioware like game
With the worst advert known to man media
Head to a tropical paradise in Go Vacation
Europe: Break out the beachwear news
Konami Bringing Out Lemmings Style Kinect Game
Called "Leedmes". Could they be less transparent? news
Blizzard Still Wants to Bring Diablo 3 to Consoles
The PC beta hits in September. news
Gamepro hands on RE Revelations
Capcom's trying to give it the feel of a TV show, where individual episodes are standalone storylines complete with cliffhangers impressions
Edge Reviews Xenoblade
Xenoblade Chronicles manages to impress, enrich and, best of all, inspire wonder - 9 impressions
Notch Wants to Settle "Scrolls" Suit With Duel
Challenges Bethesda to a Quake III tournament to resolve lgeal issue. news
Gabe Hopes EA Can Come Back to Steam
"We have to show EA it's a smart decision to have EA games on Steam". news
Dark Souls May be *Too* Difficult (Hands-On)
Even the game's producers is dying over 200 times a day. impressions
New Skyrim Screens Show Playable Races
Argonian, Dark Elf, Khajiit, Nord, Orc, Redguard and plenty more. media
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Anyone else love night driving. I had to drive from the airport to this town called Bath, its in the middle of nowhere in NY state. There is a sign that says Town of Bath when you enter, reminds me of a Zelda 2 town. Anyway it was late so I drove down a dark road. There I am sitting in the car in the dark listening to some awesome music and I honestly could go on forever. There is something about driving at night with some of your favorite music that feels peaceful and calming.
Some are the same like the robot construction one. Some are similar like the table tennis instead being set in the sky with a monkey and you fly about. Or the Samurai slicing through things. Some are all new.
I like night driving in gaming, not in real life. The dark cuts your viewing distance radically and on some roads with no street lighting it's almost hazardous.
Damn French get a steel case and artbook
Japanese versus US box art. Japan wins again.
Until you hit a hobo. So I've heard.
Anybody see the Urban Champion 3D trailer on the 3DS e-shop? Looks nuts, several generations above the 8-bit game it once was. They did a really good job with the 3D and perspectives.
I like driving on the highway at night with hardly anybody else on the road. Feels like you're in control of the whole world.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
"Xenoblade is hands-down the Wii’s best JRPG, and arguably the most competent and refreshing example of the genre this generation."
- Games™ (9/10)
"Xenoblade Chronicles is the best Japanese RPG of this generation."
- IGN (9/10)
"The best Japanese role-player of the current generation and a big step forwards for the genre in terms of accessibility and ambition."
- Metro (9/10)
"Monolith Soft’s grand Xenoblade Chronicles has arrived, bringing with it a sterling soundtrack, a phenomenal visual impact, vast amount of customisation, intriguing story and massive value for money. With it definitely proving itself to be of the highest calibre on Wii it is time for RPG fans to take a stand and show their appreciation for this sublime classic."
- Cubed3 (10/10)
Google buys Motorola for $12.5 billion.
EDIT: Just read this, "Motorola split into two companies, Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions, earlier this year. Motorola Mobility is the company Google is seeking to acquire and the one which has been embroiled in the Microsoft patent cases."
"Cell phones can help prevent unwanted personal interactions - 13% of cell owners pretended to be using their phone in order to avoid interacting with the people around them."
- and none of you can pull it off, you look like idiots.
That story that Eurogamer ran on the idiot who called the Vita a car wreck story is blowing up everywhere. I don't know why, it's just more of the same iOS mantra that si now as boring to talk about as "games as art", but hey, makes a good headline:
"If people aren't willing to pay $249 for a Nintendo 3DS, why would they pay $299 for Vita?" he said. "People don't want to carry more than one thing in their pocket; that's why Android and iPhone have done so well. They are the devices of choice; they offer multiple functions outside of gaming."
"People don't want it. That's Nintendo's huge challenge--how do they add value to that?"
Heavy Iron Studios' Matthew Seymour was harsher with his assessment of the PS Vita's launch prospects. "With all due respect to Sony and Vita, it's a car wreck," he said.
Here are the games they have made:
Nintendo's stock going up again. Damn i want to buy some stock while its low, its going to rise when Wii U hits, its a sure bet.
What the? Suda is so weird. How is he pumping out games so fast.
It's only up 10%, so you still have plenty of time. This rise is due to it switching from the Osaka to the Nikkei index.
Sure bet, like the 3DS? You just jinxed it now.
LOL, so true. But the 3DS will take off soon. It's going up, I have no doubt but I don't expect it to reach where it was a few years ago. The Wii U and 3DS will have to be complete disasters to have the stock go lower.
Wow that Mr. Freeze boss fight reminds me of Vulcan Raven or The Fury. Its so MGS like, I love it.
There is a Eurogamer Expo in Londo this September. GG are you going to go? Ok this is not a question, GG you better go!