Activision: Black Ops Will Sell 20% Less than MW2
Activision disagrees with analysts wild predictions. news
Valve: Single Player Here To Stay
Hints of future use of passive online (as in Demon's Souls). news
Cresent Pale Mist, PSN game, trailer.
Completely insane, looks awesome, only $6. media
Koei Founder Takes Back Reins of Company
CEO leaves after operating loss triples in a year. news
Consumer Reports: Kinect Is Not Racist
Problem is with light levels, not dark skin. news
Armed Robbers Steal Black Ops From GameStop
I wonder how they got their training? news
Nvidia Releases World's Fastest GX10 GPU
Geforce GX 10. 2 Billion triangles per second. news
Microsoft Wants Changes to Gal Gun
Apparently has problem with shooting "love" at school girls. news
Miyamoto Notes How 3DS Will Improve Mario
Reflects on the franchise in general. news
EA's Marketing Front Registers Bunch of SSX Domains
Conjecture: Kinect game. news
Tetris may prevent post-traumatic disorder flashbacks.
Is there anything Tetris can't do? news
WiiWare game La-Mulana rejected by Nintendo
Big N rejected a game? Wow, must really suck. news
Pachter: Wii Continues to Struggle
"Apple products are cannibalizing dedicated game handheld sales" news
THQ CEO: $60 Price Point Keeps People From Gaming
"the future of gaming lies in cheaper titles with additional content for sale" news
Zenimax (Bethesda) Buys Starbreeze Founders
Starbreeze did the Riddick games. 2 founders split and formed new company. news
Tactics Ogre PSP Getting Three FREE DLC Scenarios
Screens from first included. media news
Latest "Warning A Huge Podcast" Available
Japanese gaming and news. editorial impressions news
Yen Exchange Rate Pummels Nintendo
Lost 62 billion Yen due to exchange rate. news
Shenmue City Unveil Next Week
Yu Suzuki will be in attendence to talk about the mobile game.
Goldeneye 007 Wii TVG review
"The single-player is a breakneck ride through classic Bond territory that makes you feel every bit the spy." impressions
Civ 5 patch Changes Detailed
Improvements to the AI pillaging, among others. news
EDGE mag reviews Black Ops 7/10
""The game isn’t distinct from its predecessors in any important way, and fatigue sets in quicker than before. The feel-good story will have to wait"" impressions
G4TV review Goldeneye Wii - 4 out of 5
"Developer Eurocom put a lot of work into this title, and it pays off many times over." impressions
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i disagree again because black ops zombie mode its better then all of goldeneye because its zombies
That's really unfortunate. There's not even a fully translated patch for the SNES ROM that's floating around out there. Been waiting to play this game for a while and now I suppose I'll have to wait even longer. All that said, I'm not super disappointed. I wouldn't be shocked to hear that they believed it just wasn't as good as the others. The story is generally considered to be a little weak, and the game's major feature was its class system. The one in DQ7 was modeled after it though it offered a much more substancial list of classes to choose from and more robust all the way around. It may just feel like too big of a step backwards after DQ7 and more likely DQ9. I'm still goiing to cross my fingers for it though. I'd like to play it simply so I can say I've experienced the entire series.
It's very surprising since the first 3 games of the series have generally been well reviewed games, typically scoring around the 8.0 mark. You'd think that would justify a higher priority as far as reviews go, but sadly I guess sites try to offer coverage for high profile games rather than good ones.
I'm also a little worried about the monster changing, so be sure to let me know how that goes. That's one of the big things keeping me from checking it out. Just doesn't seem like fun to me.
I am completely convinced they did it so they can spruce it up and release it for the 3DS.
World Of Goo Dev to Publishers: Create Indie Teams
I like that the 2D Boy guys (specifically Ron Caramel) are doing so much to promote indie game development. However, it's been over 2 years since World of Goo came out, and they have yet to formally announce a second game. At some point it's time to stop coasting on one success and show the world that it wasn't a fluke. I'd give them a lot more credence and help their cause with Indie Fund and the general promotion of independent development if they can show that an indie studio can make more than one game. Frankly they're going to miss the bus is they keep waiting. If "a new game from the developers of World of Goo" were promoted last year it would have been huge. Every year that goes by makes that little snippet less effective.
That's a fair idea, but I'm not sure how exciting a 3-D RPG is going to be. I don't really see the benefit.
There will be no benefit at all other than a 3D effect to the buildings and structures in the town and the world --AND-- 3D depth in the Battle Screens.
It's basically Squenix' way of saying: "We'll have a Dragon Quest game available at the 3DS launch!"
They've already got a Kingdom Hearts though. They're cannabilizing their own sales. It's official, they need me to run things.
true but KH is part of square team while DQ is part of enix team and DQ is the only part of enix that square let them keep, besides ogre tactics series really square dominated enix and made them there bitches
Goldeneye Wii and N64 comparison video
That Mario Roast was awful. I liked the idea, but the execution didn't work.
Then I beat the Yian Garuga once more & completed the armor, which gives 3 skills with two decorations ^_^
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
That is one of the best Hitler rants I've seen in a long time.
I rented RB3 last night. Still a great party game, but from the few moments I got to spend with it, I feel that it offers way less things focused on single player action.
OK. So. They made some of the events somewhat similar to the N64 version. Doesn't look, feel or play like it though. It's basically Call of Duty: 007.
Well, looks like GoldenEye for the DS is less than stellar. IGN just gave it a 5.5 (see news above).
It's a odd game for the DS. N-Space would've been better off just to port the original game. I wonder why Nintendo wouldn't allow them since it'll be on their system. Or all N-Space had to do was copy the original game but have different skins.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
RE: DQ6 -- that was my first thought too. But they have already released it in Japan -- where they would get the most out of such a strategy. Here in the west I'd think they'd make more from the huge install base. At this point I side with ASK -- it;s one dude in Europe who have said this -- and how often have the European arm of a Japanese gaming company (or Reggie) been wrong about stuff like this? (that was rhetorical, but I'll answer "A LOT").
Viacom story above.
This is a smart move -- the old buy low, sell high. Harmonix is a great company and all, but I think they have peaked. Viacom didn't get to be a huge, evil media conglomerate by making dumb moves.