GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] GT5 full track list video. It takes 3 minutes to go through all of them. OMG! media news Dvader
[] Gran Turismo 5 is OUT. Some people have it. Video of some guy playing it. Not a crappy cell phone video, does not look like a PSP game. media Dvader
[] USA Today interview with Shigeru Miyamoto news Ravenprose
Activision: Black Ops Will Sell 20% Less than MW2 Activision disagrees with analysts wild predictions. news aspro
[] Ed Fries Says Deep Things About Game Design Former Microsoft Games boss news aspro
[] New Sony Headset for PS3 Smaller, silver and "clever". news aspro
Valve: Single Player Here To Stay Hints of future use of passive online (as in Demon's Souls). news aspro
Cresent Pale Mist, PSN game, trailer. Completely insane, looks awesome, only $6. media Dvader
[] Ars Reviews Golden Eye 007 "...a little bit of a refresh, a little bit of a sequel, and a lot badass." impressions aspro
[] Namco Slashes Sales Projections Hoping for 300K worldwise for Splatterhouse, only 700K for Dead to Rights. news aspro
Fallout New Vegas Shipped 5 Million at Launch Says Bethesda. news aspro
Koei Founder Takes Back Reins of Company CEO leaves after operating loss triples in a year. news aspro
[] Official PR: Classic Capcom Arcade Titles Coming to Wii Virtual Console Arcade news Ravenprose
[] CVG seriously screws GG over *facepalm* news gamingeek
[] Sonic Colors DS IGN review 8.5! But the reviewer doesn't seem to know Sonic very well. impressions Dvader
[] Sonic Colors IGN review! 8.5! impressions Dvader
[] WET 2 announced news gamingeek
[] Goldeneye 007 Vooks review 9.5 impressions gamingeek
Rune Factory producer details news gamingeek
[] Endless Ocean 2 for $20 at amazon news gamingeek
[] Iwata: Developers pro-active about 3DS news gamingeek
Consumer Reports: Kinect Is Not Racist Problem is with light levels, not dark skin. news aspro
Armed Robbers Steal Black Ops From GameStop I wonder how they got their training? news aspro
[] New Games Releases for Nov 7-14 Black Ops, HAWX 2, Rune Factory 3... news aspro
[] Rumor: Sledgehammer's new CoD game will be in space With Marines, space marines. news Dvader
[] Kevin Butler's message for Canada You guys get video service now. news Dvader
[] ONM CoD Black Ops Wii Review 9.0, sounds like an excellent version. impressions Dvader
[] Sonic Colors Gamesradar review Its hard, whaaaa I die a lot, whaaa. 7/10 impressions Dvader
[] Gametrailers likes Sonic DS though. They are still morons. 7.9 media Dvader
[] Gametrailers are a bunch of morons. Sonic Colors review, 6.4 impressions media Dvader
[] LA Noire Still In Development Trailer coming this week. news aspro
Nvidia Releases World's Fastest GX10 GPU Geforce GX 10. 2 Billion triangles per second. news aspro
[] Microsoft Changes NXE, Indie Games Back Complaints were made about Indie games being hidden in new update. news aspro
Top Selling Japanese Publishers 2010 Level 5 is #7. news aspro
Microsoft Wants Changes to Gal Gun Apparently has problem with shooting "love" at school girls. news aspro
[] VIDEO: Black Ops - 360 vs PS3 media gamingeek
[] Black ops Wii multiplayer footage media gamingeek
[] Full NGamer Sonic Colours review Colours rockets Sonic closer to the stratospheric heights of past glories and hints at a great future impressions gamingeek
1up review Black Ops A minus impressions gamingeek
[] Gamesradar review Black Ops 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Black Ops review round up editorial gamingeek
[] CVG review Black Ops 9.3 impressions gamingeek
[] Good quality Black Ops Wii footage Albeit from the lacklustre looking first level media gamingeek
[] Black Ops Metro review 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] What next for Call of Duty? editorial gamingeek
[] iPhone getting $30 3D addon news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review COD Black Ops HD versions 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Activision wants us to report COD Black Ops Bugs I had the game freeze on me twice news gamingeek
[] DC Universe Online images media gamingeek
[] Harry Potter 7 screens media gamingeek
[] DKC Returns has Super Guide from NSMB No more worries about uber difficulty news gamingeek
[] Full Sonic Colours intro media gamingeek
[] Disneyland Epic Mickey video media gamingeek
[] Metroid 2 fan remake detailed Demo too media gamingeek
[] Metroid Other M Being Samus video interview media gamingeek
[] Udraw Wii Tablet Hands-On Impressions "don’t write this off as another toy for kids" impressions aspro
[] Kottick Explains What Happened With Brutal Legend "he personally had nothing to do with the decision to not publish Brutal Legend" news aspro
Miyamoto Notes How 3DS Will Improve Mario Reflects on the franchise in general. news aspro
[] Gran Turismo 5 7-minute intro video Its not that good. media Dvader
EA's Marketing Front Registers Bunch of SSX Domains Conjecture: Kinect game. news aspro
[] Can you tell me how to get to Super Mario Street? 2 Blocks South of Sonic Ave. Just West of Legend of Zelda Lane! news phantom_leo
Black Ops Sales: 7 Million on Day One Let's see, $60 times 7 million... aspro
[] Boulder Dash set for XBLA revival Get ready for Boulder Dash XL news robio
[] Details of Black Ops Press Junket Emerge Helicopter rides, 3 days at a spa, personalized flight helmets and more. news aspro
Tetris may prevent post-traumatic disorder flashbacks. Is there anything Tetris can't do? news robio
Weekly Japanese Sales Charts God Eater Burst still on top. news aspro
White Knight Chronicles 2 First Look media aspro
WiiWare game La-Mulana rejected by Nintendo Big N rejected a game? Wow, must really suck. news robio
[] Capcom Re-Organizing R&D "will handle both the roles of marketing and product development" news aspro
200 game characters remade in Mega Man sprites Cool news Dvader
Madden coming to the 3DS Features all 32 NFL teams! How is that a feature. news Dvader
[] Kinect "incredibly liberating for women" Listen to the Spice Girls whilst reading this news gamingeek
[] Black Ops PC suffering significant lag issues news gamingeek
[] Microsoft sue Motorola over Xbox patents 360 uses Motorola patented tech news gamingeek
[] PS3 Black Ops problems reported news gamingeek
[] Critical Reception: Treyarch's Call of Duty: Black Ops Oh damnit they quote Gertsmann and I agree with him impressions gamingeek
[] Iwata: 'No Plans To Immediately Cease' DS Support Following 3DS Debut news gamingeek
[] Nintendo Dominates Japanese Game Sales For 2010 Thus Far news gamingeek
[] Rumour: HOTD Overkill 2 in development Oh sweet jesus be true news gamingeek
[] Did Gametrailers review a not final version of Sonic? Rumours, juicy rumours media news gamingeek
[] Marvelous gets lower sales But makes a profit news gamingeek
[] Sonic Colours Game Informer review 7.0 - is the Sonic Cycle still here? impressions gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey Destructoid impressions " Epic Mickey has reminded me what Disney used to represent, and how incredible the studio was " impressions gamingeek
[] Crysis 2 Updated Multiplayer Hands-On We sample nanosuit modules and Ambush, the latest multiplayer map revealed for Crysis' New York-set sequel. impressions news Foolz
[] GS Kinect Adventures! Review 7.0 This motion-based minigame collection is inconsistent, but it gives you a good excuse to start leaping and scrambling around with your new Kinect. impressions Foolz
[] GS Black Ops review 9.0 Call of Duty: Black Ops bears the series' standard superbly, delivering an engrossing campaign and exciting competitive multiplayer. impressions Foolz
[] Hasbro Enters the 3D Gaming Scene $30, plugs into iPhone. news aspro
[] Reddit Dude Raises Good Point About Black Ops Text appears on menus, "multi-player *free* with each copy of Black ops" news aspro
[] Assassin's Creed: The Fall #1 Comic Book Review - 8.0/10 Finally a good videogame based comic book impressions robio
[] LA Noire Trailer Rockstar's open world LA Confidential. media aspro
[] Reggie Talks About Importance of Holidays to Nintendo "nearly half of all hardware sales for last year came in the last two months" news aspro
[] Retailer GameStop to Sell Sony DLC In-Store Retailer has similar deal with MS. news aspro
[] EA Takes Over Star Wars MMO Lucas Arts will no longer be working on it. news aspro
[] Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Nintendo Characters Unite Will compete against each other in a sport game. news aspro
Pachter: Wii Continues to Struggle "Apple products are cannibalizing dedicated game handheld sales" news aspro
[] LA Noire Out Mid 2011 360 version confirmed. news aspro
THQ CEO: $60 Price Point Keeps People From Gaming "the future of gaming lies in cheaper titles with additional content for sale" news aspro
[] Viacom Planning to Sell Harmonix Smart move. news aspro
Zenimax (Bethesda) Buys Starbreeze Founders Starbreeze did the Riddick games. 2 founders split and formed new company. news aspro
Tactics Ogre PSP Getting Three FREE DLC Scenarios Screens from first included. media news aspro
[] IGN: GoldenEye 007 DS review - 5.5 If only N-Space was allowed to just port the original. editorial ASK_Story
[] Eurogamer review Sonic Colours Hell has frozen over impressions gamingeek
[] The Mario Roast Watch Mario’s friends and rivals ridicule the plumber’s performance in bed, his weight, and his Italian-ness in this very NSFW video... editorial gamingeek
[] ONM review Sonic Colours 86% "The best 3D outing in a decade" impressions gamingeek
[] DKC Returns -8 minutes of footage media gamingeek
[] Black Ops is sub-HD on PS3 and 360 PS3 version has screen tear, 20 FPS lower news gamingeek
World Of Goo Dev to Publishers: Create Indie Teams editorial news Ellyoda
[] Conduit 2 Gamestop special edition For no extra charge - includes 44 page art book news gamingeek
[] Assassins Creed Brotherhood Review T3 gives it 5/5 impressions gamingeek
[] Prince of Persia trilogy first 10 minutes media gamingeek
[] Gears of War 3: A refinement or a rehash? impressions gamingeek
[] Bloodstone Metro review 5/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Destructoid reviews COD Black Ops for PC 6.0 impressions gamingeek
[] Destructoid: Does COD Black Ops suck? Watch the video to find out media gamingeek
[] ONM: Bond or Black Ops? editorial gamingeek
[] PSP 'the biggest disappointment of 2010' news gamingeek
[] Sly Collection  trailer media gamingeek
[] Sly Collection images media gamingeek
[] Splatterhouse character renders media gamingeek
Famitsu review details: Sonic Colours and more impressions gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey character renders media gamingeek
SEGA UK promote Sonic Colours in bizaare fashion Seriously?? news gamingeek
[] Cuba speaks out on Castro Black Ops mission “What the United States couldn’t accomplish in more than 50 years, they are now trying to do virtually" news gamingeek
[] Sony Makes Push For Latin American Market Looking to operate in 19 countries in the region. Bienvenidos! news aspro
Capcom Announces Next MotoGP Will be released March 2011. news aspro
Latest "Warning A Huge Podcast" Available Japanese gaming and news. editorial impressions news aspro
[] Making Epic Mickey Wii is daunting Spector says Wii and Nintendo have a history of classic platformers news gamingeek
[] Little Big Planet Spinoff Game? "Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves" rated by Australian ratings board. news aspro
Yen Exchange Rate Pummels Nintendo Lost 62 billion Yen due to exchange rate. news aspro
[] Dragon Quest VI Europe Launch CANCELLED Probably means US release also out of the picture. news aspro
[] Square CTO Talks On Challenges and Japan "Japan is not dead" but dev tech needs upgrades. news aspro
[] Mikami Almost Joined Nintendo Joined Capcom instead for free meal. news aspro
[] Donkey Kong Country Returns Video Preview Game Trailers Provides Another Glimpse of the Return impressions media Agnates
[] Reggie says no Wii HD talk until Wii sells 45 million. In the US alone. Crazy man. news Dvader
Black Ops Destroys UK Sales Record 1.4 million on day one. Cor Blimey. news aspro
Reggie Loves Killing Slimes Nintendo Boss logged over 200 hours in DQ9. news aspro
[] Disney CEO: Console Market Facing Obvious Challenges Moving Disney more into social, mobile. news aspro
[] Modder Applies NSMB Graphics to Mario 3 Why couldn't Nintendo have done this for the All-Star game? news aspro
Shenmue City Unveil Next Week Yu Suzuki will be in attendence to talk about the mobile game. aspro
[] Black Ops PS3 fixes coming news gamingeek
[] Mortal Kombat Sub Zero trailer media gamingeek
[] UFC Move and Kinect fighter coming 2011 Wait, what? Personal Trainer game? Is this a fitness thing? news gamingeek
[] Gran Turismo Release Date is November 24th, 2010! It is less than two weeks away! news phantom_leo
[] GameStop Customer Shot and Killed During Robbery So, naturally, the commentors take the opportunity to crack jokes and bash GS and Call of Duty. People suck. news phantom_leo
Del Toro THQ trilogy is like Mass Effect news gamingeek
[] Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood review - 92 in PSM3 news gamingeek
[] Hardcore Kinect game reveals in 2011 Says MS news gamingeek
[] Metro review Sonic Colours - 7/10 impressions gamingeek
Kinect costs MS $55 US / £34 to make Is this good value? news gamingeek
[] Saints Row December reveal for movie news gamingeek
[] Team Meat can't ever do a PS3 version news gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey "best looking Wii game ever" Says Spector news gamingeek
[] Schaefer ready to make Psychonauts 2 news gamingeek
[] Nintendo unveil latest Wii Bundle Mario Kart, Donkey Kong VC, Wii Sports and more media news gamingeek
[] Bionic commando 2 re-armed Images and video media gamingeek
[] De Blob 2 pics/art media gamingeek
[] De Blob trailer media gamingeek
[] Sonic Colors Dolphin HD shots Bring a tissue with you Vader media gamingeek
[] Destructoid Goldeneye Wii review 8.5 impressions gamingeek
Goldeneye 007 Wii TVG review "The single-player is a breakneck ride through classic Bond territory that makes you feel every bit the spy." impressions gamingeek
[] De Blob 2 Giant Bomb quick look media gamingeek
[] De Blob 2 Wii/DS boxart release dates and facebook page media gamingeek
[] De Blob 2 IGN video preview impressions gamingeek
[] Kotaku De Blob preview impressions gamingeek
[] Game Informer Flips Twisted World review 3.5 out of 10! impressions gamingeek
[] De Blob 2 interview and preview impressions gamingeek
[] IGN review Black Ops Wii 7.5 impressions gamingeek
[] IGN review Flips Twisted world 4.0 impressions gamingeek
[] De Blob 2 gamespot video demo media gamingeek
[] Conduit 2 Joystiq preview Simply put, there wasn't a single moment where I felt like the game was trying to do something new, mechanically or narratively. impressions gamingeek
[] De Blob 2 Destructoid preview impressions gamingeek
[] New Game Releases Nov 14-21 Colors, NBA Jam HD, Need for Speed, Mario v DK (DS)... news aspro
[] This is How Sega Sees Destructoid's Review Editor. ...and this was sent out BEFORE the review of Sonic Colors! Can you blame them? phantom_leo
[] Destructoid review Sonic Colours 4.5 out of 10 - this is a BS review, trust me impressions gamingeek
COD Black Ops Wii review from iNintendo 86 impressions gamingeek
Civ 5 patch Changes Detailed Improvements to the AI pillaging, among others. news aspro
[] Western DQ6 in Purgatory Square tweets that it's not dead, and not alive. news aspro
[] What's Next For Tomb Raider? XBLA game got best Metacritic rating for a Tomb Raider game. news aspro
[] Peggle Coming To PSP Next Week Have you played it? Discuss in comments. news aspro
What's New in Persona 2 PSP New opening looks very Death Note. media news aspro
[] Xbox World Shadows of the Damned preview A new breed of horror game? gamingeek
[] Gameinformer DKC returns review snippets "blew me away" impressions gamingeek
EDGE mag reviews Black Ops 7/10 ""The game isn’t distinct from its predecessors in any important way, and fatigue sets in quicker than before. The feel-good story will have to wait"" impressions gamingeek
[] Sonic Colours Euro launch trailer media gamingeek
[] CVG: The top 7 FPS ever Time to argue editorial gamingeek
Conduit 2 interview Nintendo asked them to NOT include wii speak news gamingeek
G4TV review Goldeneye Wii - 4 out of 5 "Developer Eurocom put a lot of work into this title, and it pays off many times over." impressions gamingeek
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Wed, 10 Nov 2010 23:34:44
eggmiester said:
gamingeek said:

Reading GAF, the PC, PS3 and Wii versions of Black Ops all have buggy problems or lower/bad performance.

i don't believe that it seems like  a excuse to try to get 360 version to sell the most

GG run into a bunch of issues himself (outside hating the gameplay like me) and returned it, but he's more about the single player, the multi player which is what most want seems to perfrom fine for most people.

ASK_Story said:

The Conduit 2 cover looks good.

Also, I admire High Voltage for trying to make a good Wii FPS multiplayer, but seriously, I don't see the point IF they don't fix the hacking and cheating that's so prevelant in Wii online games.

It's almost like a waste, which kind of sucks. It's the same way I feel about Goldeneye Wii. I'd play it online but I'm weary of the hackers and cheaters. Sad

That's a bit silly. You won't even try it because there might be cheaters? There are cheaters, glitchers, etc on all platforms (look up lag switches for example, those don't even require software hacks of any sort and thus apply anywhere). Just go play. If you have fun, you have fun and that's that. If you meet cheaters (if you realise they cheat, and thus don't have fun anymore), then look for a different match, there are enough people online, for the popular games like COD at least. Although most of the Wii hacks that have become popular to show in youtube videos and what not require the hacker to be the host (and often it's all players that get the benefits, not just the host, so I'd call them mods rather than cheats) so it's easy to leave and find another match if you come across one. It's also absurd to say cheaters are "prelevant" when you don't even try the games to see if that's true...

Edited: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 00:21:09
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Wed, 10 Nov 2010 23:48:22
eggmiester said:

but i got rune factory 3 today so between black ops and rune fctory i'll be online  a lot less lately

Be sure to giive some Rune Factory 3 impressions as soon as you can. Very curious to hear about the game and god knows the major sites won't review it for a while.

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 00:33:05
robio said:

Be sure to giive some Rune Factory 3 impressions as soon as you can. Very curious to hear about the game and god knows the major sites won't review it for a while.

its a shame what RF isn't loved by gaming sites as it desearves, after reading the booklet looks like monster transforming can't be done intel after beating the first cave boss i am worried about the monster changing part, the anime intro is good but frontier's was better in the song but 3 has better anime

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 01:01:56

What the fuck 7M first day sales?

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 01:13:59

well after playing simple training theres a few things one i love the new 2 sword fghting style,  it has insanelely fast slashes

but i dislike that the main soil is  a grayish colour  when watered it isn't as easily noticed over the old light brown coloured soil  i can easily  over look and aist rp and time re watering with busy crops

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 01:20:31
robio said:

WiiWare game La-Mulana rejected by Nintendo

This bit of news shocked the hell out of me. La-Mulana got rejected for quality by Nintendo. Considering some of the crap they allow on WiiWare this must have just been one of the most bug ridden games ever made.

WTF? LOL I didn't even think they did that.  That makes me actually want it.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 02:38:33
Yodariquo said:

WTF? LOL I didn't even think they did that.  That makes me actually want it.

most likely it still come  out they need need to fix whatever is wrong this new is shocking normally nintendo lets anything pass for wiiware maybe they are getting stricter

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 03:23:48

in rf3 i like how they  fixed skill systemin old games in old games all they did was lower amote of rp used for the item but now they do that  and rase stats like water skill from the watering can raises rp, int, and magic def and there are even skills for walking, sleeping that rase stats

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 03:32:25

Well. I almost went 24 hours without buying a new game...

...then I saw The Sly Cooper Collection!

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 03:39:20

^If you ever figure out how to normalize both the Y and X axis in those games let me know.  It's default is reversed.

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 03:45:46


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 03:00:55
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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 03:50:38
phantom_leo said:

I played a little bit of GoldenEye this morning too.

It almost seems as if some game developer had an N64 GoldenEye for breakfast and a Modern Warfare for lunch and (Call of) Doodied out GoldenEye Wii.

I'm not saying its a BAD game. It just doesn't remind me of the N64 version. AT ALL. IN. THE. LEAST.

I am using a Wii Motion Plus Remote with the game and I SWEAR it feels as if it is using the technology. When it is the free motion mode, the sensitivity is almost TOO accurate. I think at one point I farted and the minor shockwaves from my ass threw off my aim in the game.

The scripted set-pieces with 006 feel TOO CoD-ish to me!

That's because the game suffers from the post-apocalyptic hellscape that is the FPS world after Halo, whether every damned game, nomatter how out-of-place, has to have regenerating health.  Halo, it makes sense, you're a futuristic warrior in a power-suit.  Bond?  FREAKING BOND?!  The consequence is that combat has to come down to enemies rushing you and never missing a shot.  They've completely borked the balance.  The game's also hurt by pushing these in-game cutscenes versus the never-cut-from-the-action style interactions in the original.

Yes I have it.  The first few levels were kind of crap and the nostalgia didn't carry it, but it has improved.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 04:00:05

Master Chief doesn't have a cell phone though.

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 04:20:33
aspro said:

Master Chief doesn't have a cell phone though.

Ugh and I forgot, the cell phone is awful.


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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 04:46:11

I think GoldenEye is awesome.

Nothing will take place of the fond memories the original gave us, but Eurocom still did a great job in making a modern-day Bond game for this generation.

I'm just glad the game turned out well and I'm enjoying it.

Is it better than the original? Of course not. But it's not really fair to compare because they're from different eras. Goldeneye 64 was the best console FPS of that era, while there are so many FPSs in this one. With that said, I think GoldenEye Wii is a admirable accomplishment.

It's the best FPS on the Wii, and I think that makes it a good game in its own right.

Edited: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 04:53:40


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 04:53:00
Yodariquo said:

That's because the game suffers from the post-apocalyptic hellscape that is the FPS world after Halo, whether every damned game, nomatter how out-of-place, has to have regenerating health.  Halo, it makes sense, you're a futuristic warrior in a power-suit.  Bond?  FREAKING BOND?!  The consequence is that combat has to come down to enemies rushing you and never missing a shot.  They've completely borked the balance.  The game's also hurt by pushing these in-game cutscenes versus the never-cut-from-the-action style interactions in the original.

Yes I have it.  The first few levels were kind of crap and the nostalgia didn't carry it, but it has improved.

So is there a premise for the regenerating health? usually it's justified in some way in the "story".

Also, does the character have a melee move? Just curious.

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 04:55:51
aspro said:

So is there a premise for the regenerating health? usually it's justified in some way in the "story".

Also, does the character have a melee move? Just curious.

Only if you play on the lower difficulty, there's health regeneration. But if you play on a difficult setting, than it's like the original where you have limited health and you need to find health jackets to replenish yourself.

And yes, the melee moves are pretty well done. You never do the same melee move twice. It also cleverly plays with the environment. For example, if you're near a wall, you bash the enemy to it. And if your behind a enemy in a tight situation, you break his neck or throw and punch him. It's cool stuff and the animation is cool!


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 04:59:00
aspro said:

Master Chief doesn't have a cell phone though.

Master Chief is a walking cell phone! Nyaa


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 04:59:38

I love situational melee moves -- yakuza does that as well. And plus 1 on the health -- in all the FPS games I've played I don;t think I've ever seen both regenerative health and "stimpacks" depending onthe difficulty level (but then I rarely change difficulties or play same game twice).

Which raises another question, does it have difficulty level selection on the fly (meaning you can change it throughout the game if need be)?

ASK_Story said:
aspro said:

Master Chief doesn't have a cell phone though.

Master Chief is a walking cell phone! Nyaa

Windows Phone 7, not android (since he's owned my MS).

Edited: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 05:00:59

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 05:06:34
aspro said:

Which raises another question, does it have difficulty level selection on the fly (meaning you can change it throughout the game if need be)?

That I don't know. I don't think it does because when you change the difficulty, it also gives you more objectives you have to complete. It's a good system because it adds a lot of replay value.

aspro said:

Windows Phone 7, not android (since he's owned my MS).

That's right!


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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