Activision: Black Ops Will Sell 20% Less than MW2
Activision disagrees with analysts wild predictions. news
Valve: Single Player Here To Stay
Hints of future use of passive online (as in Demon's Souls). news
Cresent Pale Mist, PSN game, trailer.
Completely insane, looks awesome, only $6. media
Koei Founder Takes Back Reins of Company
CEO leaves after operating loss triples in a year. news
Consumer Reports: Kinect Is Not Racist
Problem is with light levels, not dark skin. news
Armed Robbers Steal Black Ops From GameStop
I wonder how they got their training? news
Nvidia Releases World's Fastest GX10 GPU
Geforce GX 10. 2 Billion triangles per second. news
Microsoft Wants Changes to Gal Gun
Apparently has problem with shooting "love" at school girls. news
Miyamoto Notes How 3DS Will Improve Mario
Reflects on the franchise in general. news
EA's Marketing Front Registers Bunch of SSX Domains
Conjecture: Kinect game. news
Tetris may prevent post-traumatic disorder flashbacks.
Is there anything Tetris can't do? news
WiiWare game La-Mulana rejected by Nintendo
Big N rejected a game? Wow, must really suck. news
Pachter: Wii Continues to Struggle
"Apple products are cannibalizing dedicated game handheld sales" news
THQ CEO: $60 Price Point Keeps People From Gaming
"the future of gaming lies in cheaper titles with additional content for sale" news
Zenimax (Bethesda) Buys Starbreeze Founders
Starbreeze did the Riddick games. 2 founders split and formed new company. news
Tactics Ogre PSP Getting Three FREE DLC Scenarios
Screens from first included. media news
Latest "Warning A Huge Podcast" Available
Japanese gaming and news. editorial impressions news
Yen Exchange Rate Pummels Nintendo
Lost 62 billion Yen due to exchange rate. news
Shenmue City Unveil Next Week
Yu Suzuki will be in attendence to talk about the mobile game.
Goldeneye 007 Wii TVG review
"The single-player is a breakneck ride through classic Bond territory that makes you feel every bit the spy." impressions
Civ 5 patch Changes Detailed
Improvements to the AI pillaging, among others. news
EDGE mag reviews Black Ops 7/10
""The game isn’t distinct from its predecessors in any important way, and fatigue sets in quicker than before. The feel-good story will have to wait"" impressions
G4TV review Goldeneye Wii - 4 out of 5
"Developer Eurocom put a lot of work into this title, and it pays off many times over." impressions
Order by:
I got a few Epic Mickey screens for you.
GAF guy has the PS3 version of Black Ops and it's not good news?
First of all, purely from a technical standpoint (on PS3 at least) it pales in comparison. I played for about 3 hours last night w/ Denog and the_prime_mover... I had a good time (rented the game) but the game definitely feels like b-team material to me. Framerate is sub-par for a series that is known for 60fps. I thought this was due to lag, but I didn't play a single game last night that didn't suffer from noticeable dips in framerate. Don't get me started on the graphics. Maybe I am just becoming one of those graphics elitists (don't think so because MW2 is hardly top-tier material and it looks good to me) but the graphics on PS3 are poor. The textures are poor. The resolution is standard definition material, imo. The alpha effects, particles .. everything ... lack definition .. lack sharpness .. lack any visual impact. The game looks like mud. Treyarch even forces the game into 1080p ... perhaps to mask the low resolution? A lot of the maps feel like they blend together. The color models are all basically the same, and the design is clearly a step back from MW2 and COD 4. There is nothing memorable about any of the maps, they are all fairly generic. The only map that remotely stood out as the one with the rocket taking off .... pretty neat.
The game, for me, is lacking that "it" factor that make the IW COD's so special. Treyarch simply doesn't have what IW has. I appreciate that this game feels more 'balanced', but in their attempt to make the series slower and balanced, I feel that it lost some of its appeal. Even with annoying as the OMAers and noob tubes and commando pros are in MW2, the game was AAA material. You felt it in the map design, in the way the guns played ... the way maps flowed .... it's 6:21 am ... I probably don't sound very coherent, but I'm saddened that IW is done with this franchise. Treyarch just doesn't and probably will never have the special something that made the IW games so special. I will play the game and enjoy it for what it is, but I'm very surprised by the amount of praise the game is getting. Maybe it's my platform of choice .....
Can't wait for more details to show up.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Kudo in London. How did he get past security without being checked for contraband?
And this was at a night launch and he was still wearing sunglasses.
This map is decently recreated, I played it a bit on PC. You can still see they got lazy porting it though, the lighting is all wrong. He jumps in a hut at one point and it's all dark inside yet the table and chair are brightly lit up.
Wtf, of all the games to turn into online grindfests...
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Black Ops.
So someone tell me why it takes Treyarch the entire game to get the last level at a stable frame rate and looking good with nice lighting and effects? The last f******* level!
Then, whose genuis idea was it to cover the entire level in inpenetrable smoke? That guy needs a beat down.
So I finally complete this POS, then the game freezes for the 3rd time on the final cutscene of the game just as the plot is being resolved. I have to power down the wii by holding down the red button. I restart and the game has saved the checkpoint pre-tank before the yellow haze rains down. I am not going through all that again just to have the game freeze on me again.
Mother**** I will check the ending on youtube.
I am returning this game.
Reading GAF, the PC, PS3 and Wii versions of Black Ops all have buggy problems or lower/bad performance.
Nintendo Files Official Trademark for Catchphrase ‘It’s On Like Donkey Kong’
Oh it's on.
360 is the superior version then? Not that I care about it. >_<
Like Donkey Kong?
Shhh, we don't want to pay royalties. It's on like...Horny Dong.
So its like a PSP game.
Stop quoting huge-ass posts!
Oh goody! Might be playing this on Sunday, so I can't wait to check it out!
I hate you right now.
I had to for the joke to work. Eh it was a stupid joke anyway.