Bizarre Creations: There Will Be Blur
Developer stands by their new franchise. news
New Goldeneye interview
Interview with Activision's Dawn Pinkney about Goldeneye news
Feature: All About GameStop
How the giant retailer got where it is. editorial news
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Two people in a room, watching same full size screen see different images. media news
Tactics Ogre PSP remake confirmed for U.S. release!
Let Us be Joyful Together!!! news
SF4 Comic-Con panel happening now. SF vs Tekken!
Now is 3pm EST. SF vs Tekken announced. news
World's Cheapest 'Laptop'
Indian human resource development minister unveils $35 touchscreen device aimed at students. news
G4TV preview Goldeneye
"a solid shooter on well designed levels, with classic James Bond villains as the players." impressions
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SupremeAC (42s)
...oh, and my sister too...
...I know, I know, always thinking of others... that's just the way I am...
Rock Band takes this long to put spanish tracks and all they come up with is FUCKING JUANES?
When I am down (which is almost always) the only thing that works is to go for a run. It brings everything into focus and I guess burns of some chemicals or rests my brain, I don;t know, I'm not a doctor. Usually I am too down to recognize this and think clearly though, so I'll just dwell and dwell and dwell. Drinking always helps temporarily.
I know. And why the hell did it take so long? How can you ignore such a large demographic in the states? It's insane.
It makes you release endorphins, which contribute to a feeling of well being.
Dunno. Maybe licensing issues.
That is quite helpful to know. I mean, I know depression is all chemical, I know that running helps, but I never made the connection.
Problem is, I'm on Long Island in the middle of suburban HELL, don't have a car and have no idea where there are any game stores around here, anyway...
Which reminds me: I just got a text message saying my Arc Rise Fantasia for the Wii has been shipped out a week early and will be available for pick up at my local GameStop tomorrow afternoon...
...GREAT! Who the HELL knows where I'll be tomorrow... and at this point I really don't care...
Negative reinforcemnt won't help. I used to go drop a couple hundred in gamestop to curb feeling down -- but now I have to buy on the web it's not the same.
According to the gamestop store locator there are a lot of gamestops in long island.
She is being kept in the Hospital at least overnight for observation, checking her out for internal bleeding, problems with her hand, neck, etc.
I'm stuck in a holding pattern at my other sister's apartment. Was going to go to my hurt sister's house to watch the kids, but now my sister wants the kids to come see her at the hospital for some reason, and there's multiple family members there already.
Just sitting here, waiting with my thumb up my butt...
*no, not really!*
Oh I missed that. That's terrible, I'm sorry.
EDIT: OMG, i just found your post. That's terrible. UGH!
I know how devastating it is when something traumatic hits close to home.
I'll keep you, your sister, and your family in prayer.
Take care, man.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
In case you missed it before, you'll probably appreciate this: Arc Rise Fantasia has been shipped out a week early and will be in stores tomorrow.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns