EA May Sue Southpark Over Tiger
Probably just trying to get some publicity.
dailyinformer.net news
Japanese Gaming Industry Pay Rates
To convert *roughly* divide by 100 for USD.
andriasang.com news
Super Street Fighter 4 Interview
Yoshinori Ono interviewed about upcoming game.
thetechjournal.com editorial impressions news
Epic Opening Japan Branch
Suda 51 appearing at ceremony - will he run studio?
andriasang.com news
GameCrush lets gamers pay to play with girls
Somebody actually greenlit this idea
news.com.au news
Examiner Red Steel 2 review
Ubisoft has finally shown us what kind of games can be made for Wii and has set a new benchmark for Wii FPS titles
examiner.com impressions
Digital Chumps review Red Steel 2
Few other Wii games provide a comparable sense of hard-hitting action fused with the gritty and rugged nature of a true action title.
digitalchumps.com impressions
Analyst on PS3 Move
It will succeed because I can play mature ping pong
industrygamers.com news
Silent Hill Shattered Memories canned?
In Australia? Was supposed to release 3 weeks ago
aussie-nintendo.com news
Gaming Nexus reviews Red Steel 2
"Are you a gamer? Do you own a Wii? Then you need Red Steel 2. In fact, this game is a reason to own a Wii all by itself."
gamingnexus.com impressions
How to Train Your Dragon Surprise Launch
That's *train* your dragon, not drain your dragon.
gameguru.in news
PLAY reviews Red Steel 2
Red Steel 2 is a series of hugely entertaining combat skirmishes linked by some slightly formulaic level design.
play.tm impressions
Gamervision review Red Steel 2
It single handedly proves the Wii MotionPlus’s value for adventure games, while providing one of the best action experiences on the system.
gamervision.com impressions
Pachter Watch: he makes more guesses
Halo Reach and Mario Galaxy 2 aren't system sellers
industrygamers.com news
Prince of Persia movie impressions
Does it sink in the Sands of Time?
bitmob.com impressions
Natal should work fine in small rooms
Microsoft has dismissed the claim that 13 feet of space between user and TV would be required.
1up.com news
Red Steel 2 Roboawesome review
" Red Steel 2 isn't perfect, but it's one of the best games to release this generation"
roboawesome.com impressions
EA Won't Sell Before June
Some trading activity indicates stock will remain low at least until June (which means no buyout).
schaeffersresearch.com editorial news
Knights in the Nightmare Coming to PSP
Atlus DS cult-fave will be PSN download.
andriasang.com news
Red Steel 2 Aussie Nintendo review 9/10
"Quite possibly the most enjoyable, adrenaline-charged combat system I've ever experienced"
aussie-nintendo.com impressions
Extraction Very Likely to Be Ported
Likely to appear on Sony Move says deverloper.
gamercenteronline.net news
Red Dead Will Have Multiplayer
Rockstar announces "surprising" multiplayer.
vgrevolution.com news
Red Steel 2 Wii Italia review
9/10 - how many more until you buy it?
wiitalia.it impressions
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...Yeah... seriously!
No comparison... Gameplay is more complex than most as well. I dunno why people make NES comparisons and not SNES at least, though it looks better than most of Super Metroid as well (more the environments than the characters which are smaller in Cave Story I guess, but really art style wins here, Super Metroid is crude by comparison), while your character is also more agile having a more modern feel to his movements (not quite Metal Slug agility, but close enough I guess) than such games. Why's it cool to say 8bit, not 16+?
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
If that isn't video game as art than I don't know what is.
That's art! I think it's a master piece, like Super Mario 3, Super Metroid, and Street Fighter II.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
8-bit is better.
I am with you, gaming is as much an art form as any movie. When I finished GoW3 and watched the making of, seeing all the work that went into it, to me that was more impressive than watching a making of a movie. Just like in movies there are all types of games, big budget ones, smaller indie kinds. Gaming is an art form, anyone that doesn't agree to that is some old fart that doesn't know better.
Yeah. Totally.
But I think Cave Story is a little bit more special because it's done by one guy. It's his vision which he could call his own. Which is why it's so impressive to me.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Define art. Then define game.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile---
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIf you've already got it and don't have a dsi then not much point. Like I said it makes the process a bit more streamlined, but without dsi doesn't do much else. If you're really serious about it what you'd do is get the dsi, korg+ and connect it with your DS. That would leave you with 6 sytnhs and 3 drum machines!
Based on the same synth. The main feature is basically you get 4 synths and 2 drum machines instead of 2 and 1.
Let's take a moment of silence to commemorate this day! (Well, at least I will!
I got Super Metroid and...
CAVE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It better be good!
(I know it will be
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I forgot how much I love this game!!!!
Brings back sweet memories of my sad and pathetic childhood!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
And there he goes again. King of Hyperbole.
Well, it does!
Dead Space is nothing compared to the 16-bit masterpiece that is Super Metroid!!!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Wall jump
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile"As soon as we completed Super Mario Galaxy, we thought we weren't able to include a lot of the new ideas that we really wanted to. As soon as the project was over, we started making something that we might call version 1.5. We did things like moving or adding stars to levels that were already available. As we made progress with this 1.5, we realized that there were too many things to fit into a version 1.5. That made us realize we should start from scratch and make Super Mario Galaxy 2. That's how we started working on the game.... Usually we wait until the advent of new hardware, but for this time around, because there were so many ideas we were not able to include in the first volume, we thought we should make a sequel to that." - Shigeru Miyamoto
"The PlayStation Move is going to allow developers to immerse gamers into a world that simply is not possible on the Wii. The Wii is an impressive console, but it can never deliver lifelike graphics like those found on rival consoles. MadWorld and No More Heroes are clear examples of how developers, who wish to target the mature audience, must do so at the limitations of the Wii, which typically result in cartoonish style environments. Unfortunately, as gamers we simply are not buying it (figuratively and literally).
I fully enjoyed Ping Pong with the Wii MotionPlus, but there was an additional element of excitement playing nearly the same game on the PlayStation Move. The PS3 version removed the Miis and had richer graphics, and it just felt more mature; it felt like something I wouldn’t be embarrassed playing when my friends come over, which is why my favorite feature of the PlayStation Move has nothing to do with the peripheral itself, but rather the console it is designed for. And that is one of the reasons the PlayStation Move will succeed, because it does evolve motion based gaming – maybe not from a technical perspective, but it certainly allows developers to introduce motion based gaming into environments not capable on the Wii." - Jesse Divnich, VP of Analyst Services at Electronic Entertainment Design and Research
Virtual Boy 2!