GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Ubisoft DRM was "attacked" at weekend "95 per cent of players were not affected." news Iga_Bobovic
[] MS reveals Lips: I Love the '80s Out in April. Amazing songs. news Iga_Bobovic
[] 2010 FIFA World Cup gameplay What are we up to? 44 years of hurt? news Iga_Bobovic
[] Fifteen new Fallout: New Vegas shots Right baccarat at ya. media Iga_Bobovic
[] Steam for Mac announced, detailed Launching in April with all Valve's games. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce 7/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Toy Soldiers 8/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
EA to Publish Death Spank From the Monkey Island people. news aspro
Red Dead Redemption Delayed Take2 laying off 15% of staff news aspro
[] Activision Gets Into Fitness Gaming 10 Minute Solution games for the Wii news aspro
[] CVG GOW3 review 9.2 impressions gamingeek
[] Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands: first footage media gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review God of War 3 if you want to revel in old-school pleasures decked out in the very brightest new armour, this is about as good as it gets. impressions gamingeek
[] Edge mag feature: NIGHTS time extend Looking back at that freakish, flying joker editorial gamingeek
[] Halo Reach bug prevents teabagging If there is no teabagging there is no reason to play... news gamingeek
[] Sony wand getting nunchuk? news gamingeek
[] Microsoft force Sony to scrap Arc? news gamingeek
[] Red Dead Redemption images media gamingeek
[] Medal of Honor Images Tier 1 media gamingeek
[] God of War 3 Madrid event pics media gamingeek
[] GT5 video and media media gamingeek
[] NIER replicant video media gamingeek
Ironbeards guide to Monster Hunting media gamingeek
[] The Last Story: in development for 2 years Real time battle system in place news gamingeek
[] EGM digital mag video preview impressions gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 artwork media gamingeek
Zangeki no Reginleiv review 4 stars out of 5 impressions gamingeek
[] Max and the Magic Marker impressions I simply recommend you give it a serious look and consider supporting fantastic indie teams and games like this impressions gamingeek
[] Ubisoft's Authentication Servers Go Down Assassin's Creed 2 becomes unplayable news Ellyoda
[] PS3 motion-controlling Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 news Ravenprose
Retailer Leak: New Look/Weight PS3 Loses .2 kg news aspro
[] Modern Warfare 2 hits 25m unique players "DLC details coming this week." news Iga_Bobovic
[] Hollywood director praises Heavy Rain LaBute wants "sophistication" to continue. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Blizzard: console WOW still "unlikely" A regular topic at HQ, says Brack news Iga_Bobovic
[] MPs quizzed on videogames this month UK's big three laying out future plans. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Aliens vs. Predator DLC next week Special Edition MP maps for all. news Iga_Bobovic
[] HMV throwing FFXIII party today On Oxford Street in cor blimey London. news Iga_Bobovic
[] THQ E-Shop opens in Europe Buy Metro 2033, get RF: Guerrilla free. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Forza 3 Jalopnik DLC goes live Add 10 of the world's best cars. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Civilization V's Jon Shafer and Dennis Shirk Eurogamer Interview editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Previews Sid Meier's Civilization V impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Ghost Recon Future soldier trailer media gamingeek
Gow of War 3 sex minigame exposed NSFW news gamingeek
[] Bodycount Gamespot interview editorial gamingeek
[] DS2 needs 'strong online functionality' Says Monster Hunter tri developer news gamingeek
[] New Alan Wake trailer released media gamingeek
[] Sony readies 3D PS3 update So you bought your HDTV? Well now you want a 3D one news gamingeek
[] Vanquish 'a brand new kind of shooter' news gamingeek
[] Ghost Recon: Future Soldier details land news gamingeek
[] Q&A: Codemasters Reveals Bodycount, Studio Ref editorial gamingeek
[] Yakuza 3 Eurogamer review The Western version of Yakuza 3 might have suffered a few heartbreaking cuts, but it's still intriguing at every turn and shouldn't be missed impressions gamingeek
[] Codemasters unveils Bodycount FPS news gamingeek
[] Robin readied for Arkham Asylum II? news gamingeek
[] God of War III epilogue was scrapped news gamingeek
[] Take an in-depth first look at Prince of Persia media gamingeek
[] GiantBomb :"God of War III Interview news gamingeek
[] Natal to get full lineup at E3 news gamingeek
[] Bodycount screens Like Black but with painted faces media gamingeek
Nintendo Power online preview impressions gamingeek
[] Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth video review Gametrailers impressions media gamingeek
[] Endless Ocean: Blue World Official Movie 1 Live action trailer media gamingeek
[] Pachter: Infinity Ward Firings May Effect COD Really? Hmm... never thought about it. news aspro
[] God of War III Cost $44 million. So how many copies will it have to sell? news aspro
[] HUMOR: Why Sonic the Hedgehog 4 will suck editorial Ravenprose
Donkey Kong World Record Broken Not Billy Mitchell. news aspro
Tiger to Share Cover on PGA Tour 11 Elin doesn't get half, some Irish guy does. news aspro
Rockband 3 Launches Late 2010 And the beat goes on... news aspro
DJ Hero DLC Hits This Month news aspro
[] Bizzare Creations Dev Defends Activision They were great. Really, really good news aspro
Weird New Wii Game Mini games where you bet on internet search results. news aspro
[] SMG Vs. NSMB. Wii - review impressions media Iga_Bobovic
[] Heavy Rain "fuels a lot of hope" Quantic Dream chuffed with response. news Iga_Bobovic
[] SWTOR is EA's "largest ever" project Reckons WOW cost $100m to make. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Modern Warfare 2 DLC named "Stimulus Package" due out this month. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Warhammer 40K  For the emperor 9/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Silent Hunter 5 5/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] FFXIII ships 5 million copies worldwide Well they made their money already. news Dvader
[] God of War III gametrailers review Is it epic enough? impressions media gamingeek
[] Final Fantasy XIII 360 reviewing higher than PS3 v impressions news gamingeek
[] PS3 wands not focused on casual games news gamingeek
[] Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 Wii tutorial Motionplus allows any angle media gamingeek
[] Hanabi Festival returns to Virtual Console Castlevania: Rondo of Blood featuring news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer preview True Crime 3 impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer hands on Just Cause 2 impressions gamingeek
[] True Crime 3 gameplay GDC10: Brawl Gameplay - Take to the streets and punish the wicked media gamingeek
[] Mafia 2 images media gamingeek
[] True Crime 3: First images media news gamingeek
[] Sony trying to convert Wii devs Develop mag confirms Nunchuk device rip news gamingeek
SUDA happy with critical reception No More Heroes 2 news gamingeek
Scarface concept art from cancelled game media gamingeek
Will Wright talks Wii Says its a toy market, talks Nintendo investment in software editorial gamingeek
[] Reggie Forbes mag interview Blah blah, still no Wii HD etc news gamingeek
Sneak Peak at Warner Bros FPS Video here including American Idol's Randy Jackson news gamingeek
[] EA Sports Active Going Multiplatform news gamingeek
[] FIFA World Cup South Africa Video media gamingeek
[] Flips Twisted World dev diary VIDEO media gamingeek
[] Sin and Punishment US boxart Wow media gamingeek
[] Street Fighter 4 is on Iphone right now. It's $10. news Dvader
[] GDC: Mafia 2 hands on preview GS has exclusive impressions impressions Dvader
[] SFIV: Hakan Revealed! Weirdest SF character ever? news ASK_Story
[] Yakuza Review -- 8.5 "Great!" ...even though it's subtitled! impressions news phantom_leo
[] NPD February Results Wii fails, end of Nintendo era, OMG hide! :P news Dvader
[] MGS: Peace Walker gameplay footage. I hate PSP, I hate that this is on PSP, I dont want it... damn it looks good... I want a PSP. media Dvader
Cyrsis 2 PC and Console CryEngine trailer. So pretty. media Dvader
[] Sakamoto wanted Metroid Other M to be 2.5D Blame Kotaku for the misunderstanding news ASK_Story
[] Might & Magic Clash of Heroes coming to PSN/XB Good-bye hours to my life! news ASK_Story
Nintendo Details Last Story Official blog up. news aspro
Kojima Interview (Via Twitter) Talks Peacewalker news aspro
Medal of Honor 1up preview impressions gamingeek
[] Medal Of Honor doesn't work with PS3 Move news gamingeek
[] New PlayStation Move trailer shows balls media gamingeek
[] Perfect Dark CVG XBLA review impressions gamingeek
[] GDC: Q&A - Sony Studios' Yoshida On Move Deve news gamingeek
[] Aragorns Quest PS3 developed by TT Fusion Wii version made by Headstrong games news gamingeek
[] New Fable III screenshots media gamingeek
[] Monkey Island 2 pics media gamingeek
[] 20 pics of Playstation Move Did they get the Wii photographer or something? media gamingeek
[] 44 pics of Final Fantasy 14 media gamingeek
[] Sony GDC 10: Press Conference: PlayStation Move media gamingeek
[] Last Story Artwork Sakaguchi's Goochimama game media gamingeek
[] "From Trauma Center to Trauma Team" editorial gamingeek
Max and the Magic Marker review The physics engine is as rigid as World of Goo, and the concept is as orginal as Lost Winds. impressions gamingeek
[] Metroid Other M preview impressions gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 Vooks impressions impressions news gamingeek
Ghost Trick promo trailers media gamingeek
[] OnLive Service Dated, Priced June 17, 14.95/month news Ellyoda
Media Create Figures Updated Japanese Sales Numbers news aspro
[] GDC: Engadget hands on with Move With video impressions media Dvader
[] GDC: EyePet hands-on "Squee!" says Steel. impressions Dvader
[] GDC: GS Duel hands-on Wii Hobo Fighter HD news Dvader
[] GDC: GS TV Superstars hands on Another Wii HD mini game collection news Dvader
[] GDC: GS Sports Champions hands on Wii Sports HD impressions Dvader
LOTR Aragorn's Quest coming to PS3 Move. Wii HD ports have begun! news Dvader
[] GDC: GS Move Party preview Why read this. impressions Dvader
[] GDC: Introducing PS Move Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii news Dvader
[] EA COO Interview. Shiny Discs Here To Stay Also weighs in on Infinity Ward news aspro
The Red Star Coming to Handhelds Take2 to publish game with troubled past. news aspro
Prinny 2 Screens Sold enough for a sequel eh? media aspro
Y's Vs Legend of Heroes Date Set RPG titans join forces. Should be amazing. news aspro
Square Enix Working on New Engine Advertising for jobs. news aspro
[] Deus Ex 3 trailer Awesome sunglasses media Dvader
[] Nintendo signs deal to develop "Dr. Who" games. Source is a crappy newspaper news Dvader
[] Sid Meier's GDC Keynote Interesting stuff about protecting the player from himself and great AI is not a good thing. news Dvader
[] GS Yakuza 3 review A GS review?! Lets fight! impressions Dvader
[] GS MLB 10 The Show Review Cause everyone on this site loves baseball impressions Dvader
[] The Grinder is now a top-down shooter. First footage Xbox 360 media news Ravenprose
Foto Showdown - Photo-driven RPG Konami's new DSi game news aspro
Kojima on Future of MGS Tweets replace tea leaves. news aspro
3DTV Industry Favors Gamers Over Movies news aspro
Will Wright Spouts Off at SXSW Horse training games are big in Germany. news aspro
[] History of Fan Made Sequels Being Shut Down Feature editorial aspro
EA Takes In-Game Advertising In-House news aspro
[] Ars Technica Doesn't Like Strippers NSFW Editorial about seedy marketing of games. editorial aspro
Level 5 Game Announced in April Also working on next Prof. Layton news aspro
[] NBA Jam Wii Trailer media Ravenprose
Red Steel 2 The first 20 minutes media gamingeek
[] Dead or Alive Paradise: Spanking the Monkey video Wait.... I thought it wasn't about making softcore porn? media gamingeek
[] Gametrailers TV Nintendo blowout 4 video chapters of Iwata all over your face media gamingeek
[] Sony Concerned About PS3 Move Shovelware news gamingeek
[] Exclusive CVG Red Steel 2 footage media gamingeek
[] Tiger Woods PGA 11 wont support Natal Not in a position to do so news gamingeek
[] Molyneux: Natal is bigger step than Move C'mon Moly! Does it really matter whose is bigger? news gamingeek
[] Digital Foundry vs Move Talks of inherent latency editorial gamingeek
[] Sam and Max headed to PS3 news gamingeek
[] NPD: February Down 15 Percent On Lagging Unit Sale Constrained Wii news gamingeek
Dragon age 2 release date news gamingeek
[] Medal of Honor Exclusive Tier One Trailer media gamingeek
[] Fable 3: new video media gamingeek
[] First screens of Ghost Recon Future Soldier Do we call it G.R.F.S? media gamingeek
Fragile Dreams - more screens media gamingeek
[] Earth shattering Mario Galaxy 2 details coming? Uh oh.... I smell a hedgehog! news gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 press impressions and video impressions gamingeek
[] EEDAR NPD analysis - Wii in short supply February numbers reflect entirely on the Wii being supply constrained and has little to do with declining demand of the product. news gamingeek
Prince of persia sands of time trailer The movie media news gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 website updates news gamingeek
[] The Grinder weirdness continues Still a FPS on Wii? But Gauntlet on 360? news gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 Super powers trailer media gamingeek
[] Valve thinks Biometrics are the future Interested in the Vitality sensor? news gamingeek
Max and the Magic Marker video tour media gamingeek
Crystal Bearers for £16 Is it Hobo time? news gamingeek
[] Rumour: Infinity ward holding back royalties  To keep staff around - this sucks news gamingeek
[] Joystiq Metroid Other M interview editorial gamingeek
[] Dirt 3 in the works news gamingeek
[] Doctor Who Wii is real Koch Media handling sales and marketing news gamingeek
Pachter: Wii needs a catalyst news gamingeek
[] Another Reggie interview Talks Wii 2, motion rivals etc editorial gamingeek
[] GDC dev leaks DS2 info Gamecube like dev kits? news gamingeek
SUDA re-iterates: No More Heroes 3 for Wii 2 If, it happens news gamingeek
[] Metroid Dread talk news gamingeek
[] Tournament of Legends GDC Interview, Impressions Yay... impressions gamingeek
[] NBA Jam debut trailer media gamingeek
[] Rabbids Go Home $18 on amazon Because you're worth it news gamingeek
[] GDC dev: Wii development costs less than PS1? news gamingeek
[] Metroid other M Shacknews impressions impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer: Moving on with motion controls Editorial on Natal and Move and what it means for the market editorial gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 worldwide boxart comparison media gamingeek
[] Director of FFXIII speaks of Story-Driven Games Don't expect FF to change all that much! impressions phantom_leo
[] Excellent FFXIII Review and Pros/Cons Breakdown Well thought-out points! impressions phantom_leo
Yakuza 1Up.Com A- Review Kickin' the Haters in the Nuts! impressions news phantom_leo
[] Reggie Fils-Aime Q&A news Ravenprose
[] The Press Room Episode #51 editorial impressions media news Ellyoda
[] RUMOR: Insomniac going Multi-platform? Resistance to Ratchet and Banjo team-up? news ASK_Story
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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 18:17:18

edgecrusher said:

Hell, IMO Nintendo and Sony could use a stick on the remotes as well, as camera movement has been sluggish at best in games where the remote acts as a 2nd stick. Mostly in 3rd person games. Its too jerky.

I haven't had any problems with this. The games that use IR for turning are mainly FPS or third person and they've all worked fine, better than dual analogue shooters by far. Other games tend to use either C button camera centerting, an auto camera or use the d-pad in the same way as a second analogue or like the C-amera buttons on the N64 pad.

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 18:34:05
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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 18:48:41

Wooooooo! Final Fantasy XIII is almost here! I can't wait to pick this up, probably at the end of this week. Grinning


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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 19:11:00
Funny... that chart has Rune Factory and Tree of Tranquility on it.  No shock there.  You can't get halfway through the game without spending 40 hours on it.
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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 19:31:53
New preview.
People bash this game but personally I think it's pretty promising. Headstrong Games are talented, I just don't know if they put their heart into this game or if it's just a licenced cash in to them, taking Warner Bros' money and running with it. But so far so good, especially with that older trailer:

It makes the engine and animation style and stuff resemble Battalion Wars a lot, don't you think?

portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 19:43:11

Interesting reviews for GoW3, everyone loves it but it's not the insane gushing love that some games a few years ago got. IGN flat out says it still like GoW2 better. No surprise GoW3 is more of the same so for sure it will be an excellent game.

Here are my expectations and I am playing GoW2 right now so it is all fresh in my mind. I expect sense of scale and wow moments to increase which seems like it will. I expect even more boss battles and better ones. I expect a better variety of weapons and spells. I expect new enemies that make use of the different weapons and skills, in GoW2 while the hammer was good for certain situations the blades almost always was the primary weapon. I expect the same level of variety in gameplay that GoW2 had, I want to fly on horses, I want giant platforming sections, I want the game to surprise me constantly. I expect the same great mix of action and puzzles, though I would like better puzzles. I expect a game that is paced perfectly, never boring, always something new in the next section.

So that is what I expect and I think the game will deliver that. Now to exceed my expecations the game would need to have a combat system that is as fluid, as deep and responsive as Bayonetta/DMC/NG but I know that is not happening. Either that or expand the adventure aspect even more (I'm talking branching paths, exploring, complex puzzles), which again I don't think they are doing either. It seems like it will be a very similar game to GoW2 which is not a bad thing at all.
Edited: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 19:43:32
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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:15:09

Dvader said:

Interesting reviews for GoW3, everyone loves it but it's not the insane gushing love that some games a few years ago got...

 My theory is that it's marked down for being a sequel.  Sometimes sequels get a free pass -- UC2 got higher scores because so many reviewers overlooked the first one, Fallout 3 got props because it really was the console debut -- but all in all the grades go down for essentially doing the same thing as last time, only slightly better.

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:17:14
Prince of Persia looks really nice. I am still worried cause it kind of got announced so recently, it is coming out at the same time as the movie, I hope it isn't rushed. Has any company dumped a new series direction so quickly. LOL

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:17:54

Yeah I was kind of expecting near 10's across the board for God of War III's reviews still they are very excellent none the less. I'll be picking up a PS3 in about a month's time and I'm extremely pumped to get this game. GoW III, MGS4, and perhaps Demon's Souls will very likely be the first 3 games I get for it.


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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:18:53

aspro said:

Dvader said:

Interesting reviews for GoW3, everyone loves it but it's not the insane gushing love that some games a few years ago got...

My theory is that it's marked down for being a sequel.  Sometimes sequels get a free pass -- UC2 got higher scores because so many reviewers overlooked the first one, Fallout 3 got props because it really was the console debut -- but all in all the grades go down for essentially doing the same thing as last time, only slightly better.

As they should, the third time doing something will never be as interesting as the first two. The best series keep things fresh.

That said U2 was a HUGE improvement over U1 that is way it got such high scores. GoW2 was that same level of improvement over the first. It seems like GoW3 is just GoW2 with better graphics.

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:21:04

Agnates said:
New preview.
People bash this game but personally I think it's pretty promising. Headstrong Games are talented, I just don't know if they put their heart into this game or if it's just a licenced cash in to them, taking Warner Bros' money and running with it. But so far so good, especially with that older trailer:

It makes the engine and animation style and stuff resemble Battalion Wars a lot, don't you think?


Looks like a good kids game. What is with the music, they couldn't get the actual LOTR music.

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:27:06

edgecrusher said:

aspro said:
Newly acquired games (this week) :

Moon - DS FPS published by Mastiff
End War - PS3 Voice activated RTS
Ghostbusters - 360
Infamous - PS3
Pre-ordered Yakuza 3.

Now Playing:
Getting back into Chrono Trigger on DS.  Playing Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance co-op with the wife.  This game, which predates the Untold Legends games, is identical to them.  It uses the same engine as Fallout: The Brotherhood and Bard's Tale (which I found of interest).

Dark Alliance was awesome fun back in the day, and one of the first games to really push the PS2 production values-wise. I remember it had the best pools of water I had ever seen in 2001.

The developer Snowblind Studios then went on to create the Champions of Norrath series, which used an enhanced version of the engine.

 Yeah I noticed Snowblind was not on the box for Dark Alliance II and figured they must have just handled the console conversion for Black Isle.  I only know Snowblind for Top Gear Overdrive on the so their participation in a game like this was a bit of a surprise to me.  I'll check out pricing on the Champions of Norrath games.

Agnates said:

It was known Fragile lacked in the gameplay department from the Japanese release and its reviews, but it should still be a unique adventure that I'm sure will click for some people enough to really enjoy it. I don't know if those quotes really represent what Nintendo Power wrote, why didn't the person tell us the score they gave it, or any of the positive things they had to say, instead of just tell us "they didn't completely dismiss" it which is way too vague and like the person colored the impressions with his personal opinion more than anything....

 Yeah good points.  I'm eager to see some reviews from publications I have a better feel for.  It'll be interesting to read what the actual Nintendo Power review is like once it comes out.

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:31:20

Dvader said:
Prince of Persia looks really nice. I am still worried cause it kind of got announced so recently, it is coming out at the same time as the movie, I hope it isn't rushed. Has any company dumped a new series direction so quickly. LOL

 One theory is that the look of the game will return to the new look after this movie adaption.  It would almost have been better if another developer/ publisher handled the movie deal (kind of like how two different companies have rights to the Lord of the Rings - one has the film one has the books).  The whole thing is a mess.

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:34:04

gamingeek said:

edgecrusher said:

Hell, IMO Nintendo and Sony could use a stick on the remotes as well, as camera movement has been sluggish at best in games where the remote acts as a 2nd stick. Mostly in 3rd person games. Its too jerky.

I haven't had any problems with this. The games that use IR for turning are mainly FPS or third person and they've all worked fine, better than dual analogue shooters by far. Other games tend to use either C button camera centerting, an auto camera or use the d-pad in the same way as a second analogue or like the C-amera buttons on the N64 pad.

No problem in first person, just 3rd-person games.

You're trying to tell me camera control was as good in Wii Zelda as it was in Cube Zelda?


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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:36:35

Dvader said:


...That said U2 was a HUGE improvement over U1 that is way it got such high scores. 

 Not to get way into it, but I disagree a bit.  U2 used a new physics engine had better enemy AI (that is they fell down after being shot) and better graphics (somehow) but all in all the games match up pretty closely.  I only have this opinion because After playing U2 I went back and played U1 to see what the differences were.  U2 is an improvement, but it's not a massive difference.

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:43:21

aspro said:

Dvader said:

...That said U2 was a HUGE improvement over U1 that is way it got such high scores.

Not to get way into it, but I disagree a bit.  U2 used a new physics engine had better enemy AI (that is they fell down after being shot) and better graphics (somehow) but all in all the games match up pretty closely.  I only have this opinion because After playing U2 I went back and played U1 to see what the differences were.  U2 is an improvement, but it's not a massive difference.

No it totally changes the way you can approach most every situation. The stealth mechanics are far more usable, many areas in U2 can be handled with a stealth approach, or a shooting approach, something that was nearly impossible in U1. Vertical combat plays a far bigger role in U2, setpieces aren't flat anymore, now you can use height to your advantage in almost every setpiece.  Even the setpieces themseleves are far better, nothing in U1 even comes close to the train sequence. It's a longer game with better pacing, better gameplay variety, better mix of platforming and action.

To top it all off it so happens to have an excellent online mode.

Uncharted 1 was already a great game so in terms of quality so I am not talking about a leap in quality that is like a 5 score game becoming a 9 score game. It is an improvement that took a great game and made it into a GOTY winning, one of the all time great memorable games.

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:50:41
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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 21:06:28

Dvader said:

aspro said:

Dvader said:

...That said U2 was a HUGE improvement over U1 that is way it got such high scores.

Not to get way into it, but I disagree a bit.  U2 used a new physics engine had better enemy AI (that is they fell down after being shot) and better graphics (somehow) but all in all the games match up pretty closely.  I only have this opinion because After playing U2 I went back and played U1 to see what the differences were.  U2 is an improvement, but it's not a massive difference.


Uncharted 1 was already a great game so in terms of quality so I am not talking about a leap in quality that is like a 5 score game becoming a 9 score game. It is an improvement that took a great game and made it into a GOTY winning, one of the all time great memorable games.

 Yeah, I can agree with that.

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 21:16:28

edgecrusher said:

gamingeek said:

edgecrusher said:

Hell, IMO Nintendo and Sony could use a stick on the remotes as well, as camera movement has been sluggish at best in games where the remote acts as a 2nd stick. Mostly in 3rd person games. Its too jerky.

I haven't had any problems with this. The games that use IR for turning are mainly FPS or third person and they've all worked fine, better than dual analogue shooters by far. Other games tend to use either C button camera centerting, an auto camera or use the d-pad in the same way as a second analogue or like the C-amera buttons on the N64 pad.

No problem in first person, just 3rd-person games.

You're trying to tell me camera control was as good in Wii Zelda as it was in Cube Zelda?

You're talking to the wrong person, I loved camera centering in Zelda and that includes the N64 ones. In the wii game you also got first person IR controls for looking around and pre-targeting shots.

I feel like the only reason second sticks were usual was for dual analogue in FPS and camera controls. With IR, dual analogue for FPS is redundant to me and a well designed camera system like Mario galaxy or simple button centering or d-pad camera rotation works just as well.

So, guys, really? You feel hinky about 9/10 reviews for GOW 3? This is not funny.

Agnates said:
New preview.
It makes the engine and animation style and stuff resemble Battalion Wars a lot, don't you think?

If I didn't know it was developed by Headstrong of Overkill fame I would spit on every preview Nyaa

I can't take it seriously, the title, the initial reveal, the presentation. It sounds like EA wanted to do a family friendly casual kids LOTR. I wont dismiss it if it gets good reviews, but I'm not hopeful.

EDIT: You know that trailer aint half bad. It actually looks more like a take on the movies now and not some weirdo kids game that the initial screens suggested. Large environments, tons of enemies, plus steady frame rate and lighting with a... interesting art style. Not bad. Depends on the controls I suppose. Wii motionplus?

From the preview:

"Headstrong is adamant that Aragorn's Quest is no simplified bid to grab younger gamers. Yes, they're part of the audience but, like Spirit Tracks before it, there's no need to patronise them with basic, paper-thin gameplay. For this exclusive reveal, we're happy to report that this colourful new dawn for the Lord Of The Rings series on the Wii is shaping up confidently."

Edited: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 21:24:33

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 21:29:53

No I wouldn't say that I feel hinky about the scores for GoW3, they are fantastic, it's just I was expecting more 10's. It's certainly not an issue though.


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