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The physics engine is as rigid as World of Goo, and the concept is as orginal as Lost Winds.
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robio (3m)
Yup. You are still the thinnest though.
I'm honestly happy they copied Nintendo's form factor, because I cannot think of a better design for a controller you point and aim with...than a remote design with a secondary analog piece.
And hell, all the controllers of the past had the same form factors as well...look at the dual shock, Gamecube pad, and the Xbox pad...the Dreamcast pad, whatever. They're all based on a similar design because thats what works.
I agree with this statement.
I would have loved to have seen some great shooters on Wii. But most likely the developers would have been basically giving money away. Wii developement doesn't cost as much, but it still costs a pretty penny to make something like Halo or the like on it, and they probably wouldn't have made as much with a game like that on Wii as they would elsewhere. If they made money at all, that is.
Especially an original project. I guess its up to Retro Studios if anybody.
i think the role reversal is quite fascinating. wii by all accounts is lining up a healthy bunch of gamers' games (see relevant thread in the forum) while the ps3 which was "the last bastion" of the core gamer is now all about hand-waving and easy to grasp sports mini-games for everybody. (i'm not discounting the great line-up of upcoming ps3 games but as GG said it's suddenly not about that anymore and all about the motion and games for everyone)
As homer simpson once said "think about the irony"
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
why do you say that? red steel, the call of duty games are all million sellers and even a very mediocre game like the conduit did very well on wii
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
^Because they're all ass?
Red Steel sold because there wasn't much to choose from. Call of Duty is a major IP which is what the Wii needs but they suck compared to the other versions. And Conduit was like feeding a starving man rotten meat.
None of them had the kind of effort that a ground up game on the level of Halo would require.
I think its a good choice too, but I mean someone had to work it all out. Before wii most motion controllers were a standard controller with tilt in it. They could have done something more to differentiate it a bit.
I'm an ideas man, I would have wanted to see what they could do with the system. Why work on a Wii FPS? Well how about a FPS with physics based object manipulation like no other system could do? What about them packing in some cheap frames and doing a head tracking game? Or having perfect IR controls. FPS usually have some form of puzzles in them, so why not crank it up and do a shooter with some intricate first person puzzles like Samus reaching into the screen in Prime 3, only cranked up.
I dont see FPS as having to be the land of the graphics and the online. Why not make it the land of ideas? Like when Perfect Dark came out and it had laptop guns and remote cameras and robocop style guns.
Where is the creativity, ambition and ideas here? If FPS developers thoughts when seeing the wii controller was meh, no graphics, than I find that really depressing honestly. There were tons of incentives to at least try, not least the huge install base, but instead all we got was what? The Conduit?
Oh joy.
Your earlier post kinda reads like "What incentive do developers have for doing a Wii FPS" like they are sales failures in comparison to their budgets, so Bug's reponse is, why do you say that when the sales are there?
Then you turn around and say they are ass. We know they are ass
But the sales are there for better. God of War 3 cost $44 million? Well how much do you think teh Conduit cost?
Red Steel 1 though cost around $10 million to make IIRC and sold well too.
BS. Nintendo led the way with GREAT software including core titles. As for third party games there were the likes of RE4. Even Red Steel while shitty sold GREAT at launch just because it was an FPS with the "new" controls. The mediocrely ported COD games outsold the PS3 versions up until they decided to completely shun the Wii with COD4. It was the third parties that dropped the ball, and the games that are actually impossible on Wii are still few and far between so the tech had nothing to do with it. Only the likes of Dead Rising are actually impossible on Wii, anything else can be downported with minimal effort as the belated Modern Warfare port from an understaffed and under-timed Treyarch proved. They simply wanted to have their pie and eat it too, spending nothing on development and wanting Nintendo level success, then whining they didn't get it, as if that attitude deserved it.
The software they put out on Wii wouldn't sell on any system, and it wasn't the tech that held it back from being great, it was the lack of effort. They tried to convince us the Wii can't handle more than flat colors for textures and Half-Life 1-esque level geometry when the first party games show us you can have more than enough visual fidelity, in SD instead of HD, for an eye pleasing result. You can have Battlefield-sized levels like in Battalion Wars, sleek visuals with multiple detailed textures per surface as in Metroid Prime 3 (with 60 fps to boot), awesome effects and lighting as seen in Galaxy's shiny surfaces, refractions and other effects.
Even small indie developers consistently put out better efforts than the big publishers, even if we pit WiiWare vs retail titles (go back a few pages to look at Jett Rocket). The shitty quality of the third party games had nothing to do with the tech behind them being lacking, few even achieved PS2 like results after all, and the Wii's far more capable.
People constantly claim that they tried to copy Nintendo's examples. How? With crappy outsourced products or efforts from their C-D tier teams and interns? With having a handful of people alone porting a high caliber game like COD: WAW? Is that how Nintendo develops? Don't they put their AAA teams to the test even for the "casual" games, which often manage to appeal to the core gamer thanks to that fact? And when did they make baby simulators for Ubisoft to get that example from them? And where are the great 3D and 2D platformers from the 3rd parties? De Blob sold great, why has it taken years to even announce a sequel is "coming", likely multiplatform as well? Where are the Zelda type long and engaging action adventures? Even Okami's belated port sold better than on PS2, though granted that doesn't say much about its sales. Why rail shooters instead? And how are success stories (NMH) constantly shunned in favor of hyping some lackluster title's failures (MadWorld)?
Only third parties are to blame for creating an unfriendly to their products market, but as shown with MH3 in Japan nothing is irreversible if there's actual effort put into it. Does anyone really believe that Dragon Quest X will sell worse by being on the Wii? The same goes for almost any high caliber IP. If it's of the same quality, and the same marketing, it can sell, with lesser development costs to boot, as CAPCOM realised for at least one of their franchises. Sure, it would be pointless to make a ground-up Wii blockbuster FPS considering the others hold that market (though ports of some could still be done decently if treated better, with a decent return), but almost anything else could still work out on Wii if it's actually a quality effort, considering the first party titles cover a wide range of genres that consistently sell.
And no, Nintendo's games don't sell just for being Nintendo, when they drop the ball they also fail, as seen with Wii Music which didn't make a dent to the success of the third party music games (which are another example of good third party efforts being rewarded). Yet we still don't see any effort, especially from the West. I don't see why this stuff has to be repeated every so often, do people forget how this generation started, and continued, so easily? Not to mention last gen with the GC more capable than the PS2 yet still being shunned from the third parties, so how could people possibly suggest they would have been better off if they had gone the visual tech route again? Nintendo took a RISK and it paid off, nothing was guaranteed, and having a Wii far more powerful would have affected how the consumer viewed it, if not because the games would possibly have a different ideology behind them, then because the price would have certainly been affected as well.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
^Cube was a better system than the PS2. Cheaper, too. The Wii is not a better system than the PS3. Therefore I really don't care if the Wii gets shunned.
I'm still waiting for Iwata to make an appearance here.
They are probably talking to their lawyers right now, lol.
I guess no matter how Other M turns out, we can't blame or fault Team Ninja because they should be commended for changing Sakamoto's loony mind in making Metroid Other M not fall into the same casual crap trend.
Also, EA declares war on Activision again by making their second set of maps free which is coming out on the same day as Modern Warfare 2's first map pack which will not be free.
It's funny how EA is handling this Acitivion/Infinity Ward situation. You know they're reveling every minute of it!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Finally, we can play online! THIS IS FREAKING GREAT!!!
It's basically the same game with a HD makeover and a few gameplay tweaks. Also, now we can play online so that makes it totally worth it!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I know the guy helped create Metroid like 25 years ago and all, but should he really be involved in making Metroid games NOW??? He wanted to make a Metroid on-rails game after all the shit with people being fucking sick of Wii being flooded with ON-RAILS games? One of Nintendo's only blockbuster epics...the most hardcore franchise they have....on fucking rails?!
Man am I glad they had Team Ninja working this game. If it was all in-house they may have stuck with this insanity. They should have guys from Retro Studios co-developing with Team Ninja....not this guy.
Oh my fucking word...
And why do dudes at Nintendo always have to be so stubborn on everything being simple? We can only use ONE button....we can only use ONE side of the controller. When I bang my wife, I will only use ONE nut so she's not overwhelmed by the complexity of having TWO nuts blown on her. Fuck me....
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns