GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Halo Reach details emerge. A generational leap over previous titles? news SteelAttack
[] Microsoft: No need for new Xbox. Not even sure if 360 is at midpoint of life yet. news SteelAttack
[] Little King's Story Wii Still Selling Well The VGP GoTY award really boosted its sales news Iga_Bobovic
Armored Core 5 Announced From Software promises somethign different. news aspro
[] Greenburg: Natal to sell millions in 2010 MILLIONS! gamingeek
[] God of War Trilogy launches end of march In Europe. For £110! gamingeek
What We Know About Zelda Wii news Iga_Bobovic
Sin and Punishment 2 - video tour from wiifolder impressions media Iga_Bobovic
[] Street Fighter: the Movie: the Music video media Iga_Bobovic
[] Booth babe confessions editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Recession or Transition? Did the games business shrink in 2009 or did consumers just abandon the high street? editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Digital Foundry vs. 3D Gaming The techniques and challenges of stereo 3D, and the significance of PS3's firmware upgrade. editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Retrospective: Steel Battalion impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Coming Attractions: Shooters & Racing editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Nintendo responds to Greenpeace report Takes eco responsibilities "seriously" impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Ubisoft shows Conviction's split-screen media Iga_Bobovic
[] EA confirms Wii NBA Jam revival Exclusive and out this year. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Madworld 2 headed to Wii? gamingeek
[] Aliens RPG video leaked? gamingeek
[] Opinion: What went wrong? With PSP minis, DSi and WiiWare gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review 3D Dot game Heroes 7/10 "A one trick Pony" impressions gamingeek
[] Criterion scotch NFS rumours gamingeek
[] Fable 3 reveal next month gamingeek
[] RE5 Gold Edition pics media gamingeek
[] New God of War 3 pics media gamingeek
[] Magic Obelisk video review impressions gamingeek
[] Rumour: Criterion's NFS artwork media gamingeek
[] Metal Gear Solid movie stalled gamingeek
L4Dead with Mo. Controls PC motion controls at CES media aspro
Netflix Hearts Nintendo Talkies coming to your Wii? aspro
Killzone 3, InFamous 2, and Resistance 3  To be announced at E3? news aspro
[] IGN preview No More Heroes Desperate Struggle Just wow… impressions gamingeek
[] Warner Bros cuts jobs Monolith and more suffer gamingeek
Online Gamer Plays Monopoly Just watch media Ellyoda
[] Explosive Lost Planet 2 pics media gamingeek
[] No More Heroes Paradise trailer media gamingeek
[] God of War Collection trailer media gamingeek
[] Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love - impressions impressions Iga_Bobovic
The Top 5 Super Mario Games editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Nintendo discontinues three more Wii titles Wario Land Shake, Mario Strikers Charged, Battalion Wars 2 news Iga_Bobovic
[] EA: Fewer games on the way in 2010 news Iga_Bobovic
[] Broken Sword for iPhone next month Director's Cut gives you extra. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Red Ring of Death foils thief A real serial thriller. news Iga_Bobovic
[] GAME's GOWIII bundle costs £110 Skins! Blu-rays! Soundtracks! Art book. news Iga_Bobovic
[] PSP's Ace Combat Joint Assault dated Due summer with multiplayer for eight. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Rebellion to close Derby studio Rogue Warrior dev bites the dust. news Iga_Bobovic
[] GT5 demo downloaded a million times Time Trial popular in Europe. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Forza 3 AutoWeek DLC released The 10 hottest cars of 2010. news Iga_Bobovic
[] DOWII expansion Chaos Rising dated Chaos Marines! Level 30! Here in March. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Phoenix Wright on WiiWare this week Europeans can play on Friday. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer reviews Army of Two: The 40th Day 7/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Podcast launches! The VG Press gets another competitor news Iga_Bobovic
[] IGN review Phoenix Wright Wiiware 6.0 " It's, essentially, a DS emulation running on the Nintendo Wii" impressions gamingeek
[] Reggie: Zelda Wii has to be perfect Thats the message from EAD gamingeek
Darksiders 1up review B impressions gamingeek
[] Wii approaches 60 million sold gamingeek
[] Hands on Medal of Honor reboot Sets itself apart from Modern Warfare? gamingeek
[] Hands on Bioshock gamingeek
[] 10 tips for 3rd parties on Wii Because publishers suck gamingeek
[] Analyst NPD Preview: Nintendo Owns December impressions gamingeek
[] New Infinite Space Trailer media gamingeek
[] Pachter sasses EA Big time "they are blaming everything on the environment" gamingeek
[] Pressroom Podcast #43 Foolz & Yoda go at it. aspro
Could it be the end for endings? No. editorial Ellyoda
[] Max and the Magic Marker dated for Europe 22 January news Iga_Bobovic
[] Bach: 70-80% of pubs doing Natal games MS wants third-parties "making money". news Iga_Bobovic
[] Euro Star Trek Online open beta begins Be quick, space is limited. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Only bad Wii games sell badly - Bloober WiiWare dev on Capcom's "bitching". news Iga_Bobovic
[] MS launches game-maker Kodu on PC Free beta hopes to attract schools. news Iga_Bobovic
Japan 2009 final sales figures Nintendomination? Or PSramification? gamingeek
FFXIII international trailer media gamingeek
[] Industry expects PS3 to bounce back in 2010 Wii to flounder gamingeek
[] Red Dead Redemption has to sell 5 million copies Just to re-coup costs gamingeek
[] Nintendo trademarks Wii relax in the US gamingeek
Tekken 6 Online Co-Op Japan gets it. news aspro
GT5 Delayed? You Betcha! Delayed.  Yes. aspro
FF13 Deleted Content Too hot to handle, enough for a 2nd game! news aspro
[] Netflix hits wii this spring will also require an "instant-streaming" disc to access Netflix gamingeek
[] Capcom making a Gamers game for Natal Now how about making one for Wii? gamingeek
[] Metroid Other M hitting this year gamingeek
[] Sonic Racing trailer Perma Ban for anyone that buys this media gamingeek
[] NWR Review Skycrawlers If you enjoy flight combat games then you should be headed out the door to buy this game right now impressions gamingeek
[] RTS Games are going backwards Says Gas Powerered Games gamingeek
[] Average dev budget balloons to near $30 million And for Wii? Like 10 bucks. gamingeek
[] Gamesradar review Skycrawlers Fast planes and loads of shooting impressions gamingeek
[] Sky Crawlers Descructoid review Even for someone who's not really into flight sims, this game is a fun play impressions gamingeek
[] Joystiq FFCC Crystal Bearers review Absolutely thrilling, till they hit a wall impressions gamingeek
Wii Sniper rifle footage LOLOLOLOL media gamingeek
[] Sengoku Basara 3 scans gamingeek
[] The Magic Obelisk IGN review 8.0 (Remember its only 500 points) impressions gamingeek
[] THQ announce Beat city DS De Blob crossed with Rhythm Heaven? gamingeek
[] Naughty Bear debut trailer Can you bear the bear's rage? media Foolz
[] Spelunker Japanese debut trailer media Foolz
[] Zen Pinball Ninja Gaiden trailer No jiggle physics media Foolz
[] vvvvvv topsy turvy gameplay vvvvvv media Foolz
[] Army of Two: The 40th Day GT review 7.7 impressions media Foolz
[] Armor Valley flight trailer media Foolz
[] Spliner Cell Conviction GS co-op hands on impressions Foolz
[] CES 2010 photos media Foolz
[] Super Street Fighter IV updated GS hands-on impressions media Foolz
[] Nier GS impressions impressions Foolz
[] Destructoid's 9.0 Darksiders Review "one of the best action adventure games of the current generation." impressions phantom_leo
[] NPD December 2009 sales Holy crap news Iga_Bobovic
[] Endless Ocean Blue World screens Screens of justice! media gamingeek
PS3 DVR Kit For Japan Likely to com Stateside. news aspro
Cool Dragon Ball Z Cart DS game looks like Famicom cart. news aspro
Split second pics, 11 big ones media gamingeek
[] Rare to let publishers to borrow characters Who wants Banjo? gamingeek
FPS gaming from a female’s POV A derogative word chart! media Ellyoda
[] PS3 Japan getting DVR 250gb add on gamingeek
[] Streetfighter is worst movie of 2009 Average review score of 4% impressions gamingeek
NIER 1up preview gamingeek
[] Bioshock 2 reviews coming in PC Gamer and PSM3 impressions gamingeek
[] Ubisoft 2010 to refocus on HD consoles "With a view to further reducing our exposure to the DS" gamingeek
[] 3D Dot Game Heroes dated for europe gamingeek
[] Japan's top 100 sellers of 2009 gamingeek
Ubisoft financials Just Dance and Ass Creed 2 a success gamingeek
[] Tatsukono vs Capcom Nintendo power review 9/10 impressions gamingeek
Video preview of Shattered Memories impressions gamingeek
[] Last Window footage aka Hotel Dusk 2 media gamingeek
[] Reggie talks Netflix, HD and Wii 2 gamingeek
[] Reggie video interview Seems Wii 2 is miles away gamingeek
[] NBA Jam Wii details BOOMSHAKALAKA gamingeek
Max and the Magic Marker launch trailer media gamingeek
[] Max & the Magic Marker Images media gamingeek
Last Flight website opens Zombie Slaughter on an aeroplane gamingeek
[] DSi XL launches March 5th in europe With brown or wine red colour? Ewwww gamingeek
[] Mass Effect trilogy interview editorial media Foolz
[] Fantasy Earth ZERO debut US trailer media Foolz
[] Yakuza 4 raining money trailer Halelujah! media Foolz
[] Greed Corp The Land trailer media Foolz
[] Global Agenda launch trailer media Foolz
[] Old Republic developer despatch: designing the dar editorial media Foolz
[] Silent Hill: Shattered memories PSP hands-on impressions Foolz
[] God of War 3 cleared for release down under Special edition $248 AUD news Foolz
[] Super Monkey Ball: Step and Roll updated hands-on impressions Foolz
[] Splinter Cell, R.U.S.E. delayed April for the former, next fiscal year for the latter news Foolz
New Pokemon Ranger Announced Path of Light news aspro
[] New No More Heroes Paradise video Looking hot gamingeek
[] New Just Cause 2 interactive trailer! I choose your own adventure trailer, AWESOME! media Dvader
Official RE5 Gold Edition website With boxart media Dvader
[] Games TM reviews Mass Effect 2 etc impressions gamingeek
[] SEGA Wanted Dreamcast in Xbox 1 Negotiations fell apart gamingeek
Ezio will return in Assasins Creed 3 Online multiplayer this fiscal year gamingeek
[] Japanese newspaper defends DS2 reporting Iwata DID say it would have highly detailed graphics gamingeek
[] BBC iPlayer use up 74% from consoles “One in eight of all TV requests are now coming from either a Nintendo Wii or Sony PS3 console, which is an increase of 74% since November 2009.” gamingeek
[] Opinion: The culture Clash of Bayonetta the debate over the aesthetics of Platinum Games' Bayonetta, exploring context for "taste" gamingeek
[] I am Alive gets complete reboot From Darkworks to Ubi Shanghai gamingeek
[] Reggie: The next Wii not coming soon Therefore expect an imminent announcement news Ellyoda
[] Beyond Good and Evil 2 Still in production gamingeek
[] RE5 alternative edition new video gamingeek
8 pics of God of War 3 in one click Stone man with hammer media gamingeek
[] Mass Effect 2 pics I'm not posting these in the comments Steel! media gamingeek
Max and the Magic marker demo Flash based gamingeek
[] Trauma team featurette gamingeek
[] Trauma team screens gamingeek
[] Anita Frazier NPD Analysis gamingeek
[] NBA Jam first screen gamingeek
Sands of Descruction differences Between japan and western versions gamingeek
Nolan North Interview Is his mother cubbi gummi? gamingeek
Iwata asks: DSi XL gamingeek
[] Zankgeki no Reginleiv intro media gamingeek
[] Zangeki no Reginleiv site update Media and info gamingeek
Videogame statistics infographic Because everyone loves statistics media news Ellyoda
[] Top Ten best selling games of 2009 for US. Wiiiiiiiiii news Dvader
[] Darksiders: Second Opinion keeps things fresh from start to finish. phantom_leo
[] ModNation Racers Customization Nation trailer media Foolz
[] Rocketbirds Revolution! debut launch trailer media Foolz
[] Napoleon: Total War Chapter 2 trailer media Foolz
[] Air Tonelico III Japanese TV spot, overview trailer, and gameplay trailer! media Foolz
[] Naughty Bear Play Nice trailer media Foolz
[] Splinter Cell CES walkthrough media Foolz
[] Tatsunoko vs Capcom GT preview impressions media Foolz
[] You Will Believe a Hamster Can Fly! I dunno. Let's test this theory! phantom_leo
[] Next Assassin's Creed to include Multiplayer Because that's what everyone wanted news Ellyoda
[] Napoleon: Total War eurogamer hands on impressions Foolz
[] Starship Portal eurogamer review 8/10...anothe rone. sigh. impressions Foolz
[] Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days eurogamer preview impressions Foolz
[] Making it special eurogamer article Specialise or die editorial Foolz
[] Calling Doll Room gameplay media Foolz
[] Calling controls and features walkthrough 1 and 2 Lotsa footage! media Foolz
[] Halo Waypoint Midnight in Midlothian trailer media Foolz
[] gran turismo 5 Toyota FT-86 G sports concept media Foolz
[] Alien vs. Predator kill moves You kill with them media Foolz
[] Mass Effect 2: Exclusive Sci vs Fi Doc Part I They thought that title through... media Foolz
RE5 Gold Content Was Intended for Orig. Capcom caught again. news aspro
[] Moronic IGN article about blind love of Mario. An idiot writes something. editorial Dvader
Ubisoft cut Red Steel 2 sales prediction In wake of low Avatar sales gamingeek
[] NBA Jam Motion controls Oh hell no, please just use the remote alone gamingeek
1up review Shattered Memories PS2/P C+ impressions gamingeek
[] Hudson Mature Wii games Focus On Passion, Not Platform gamingeek
[] The Anti-aliasing effect How consoles are fighting the jag war gamingeek
[] Quantum Theory screens and video media gamingeek
[] Ghost recon has evolved so much It will rival Assasins Creed in 2011 gamingeek
[] No More Heroes Desperate Struggle videos 3 new ones plus impressions impressions media gamingeek
Kimura Little King Interview "I hate JRPGs" gamingeek
Porn stars love games Videos of game loving women media gamingeek
[] Earthworm Jim 2 - Virtual Console Gameplay gamingeek
[] Final Fight 3 - Virtual Console Gameplay gamingeek
[] New NBA Jam Details gamingeek
[] Muscle March Gameplay Trailer media gamingeek
PS3 Motion Controller This Year news aspro
Heavy Rain Will Have 2 Covers People are cry babies. news aspro
[] SCEA "December Best Month Evah..." 90% Increase in hardware sales. news aspro
THQ Enters Music Genre Beat City news aspro
Saint's Row 3 Rumor Forum, Twitter rumblings. news aspro
MW2 Price Drops $45USD is new MSRP news aspro
[] Activision Clears 1 Billion $$ CoD is bigger than Jesus. news aspro
82% of Parents Know ESRB Yeah right. news aspro
Activision Confirms DJ Hero 2 Yay? news aspro
Why Japan is Better Yakuza 4 Pre-order - Whiskey Flask news aspro
First Look at NEW Pokemon Ranger media aspro
[] Mega Man Zero Coming to Nintendo DS! A Collection of All Four Games! phantom_leo
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Country: GB
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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 17:12:47

phantom_leo said:

phantom_leo said:

...and absolutely NONE of:

I emphasized this, btw, just to prove a point:

I WILL finish Ass Creed 2 before I move on to Darksiders!

[ ...if only to prove Vader wrong that I CAN finish a game without being distracted...! Nyaa  ]

Yeah, you're gonna fail. Hard.

Wii is boxed up and ready for repair. Jeez, half the saves cannot be backed up. I could lose huge save files for games like Mario Kart, Endless Ocean, Animal Crossing, Rabbids and tons of other stuff too.

Country: CO
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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 17:30:53
Finished Masquerade last night. It was a nice string of missions that ended in chaos amidst the venetian carnival.
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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 17:53:35

Where are you Bugs?

Endless Ocean 2 is out on 5th Feb. What are your prices? I see it on CDWOW for £25 but I'm wondering if its going to get a £18 release like the first game? It seems to be full price on most sites I see.

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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 17:53:35

gamingeek said:

Yeah, you're gonna fail. Hard.

Wii is boxed up and ready for repair. Jeez, half the saves cannot be backed up. I could lose huge save files for games like Mario Kart, Endless Ocean, Animal Crossing, Rabbids and tons of other stuff too.

 Ah GG, I send my Wii to repair the GPU problems once and I lost all save data. I repeat I lost all save data. There are ways around it, but you must hack your Wii. 

The VG Press
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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 18:00:19

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

Yeah, you're gonna fail. Hard.

Wii is boxed up and ready for repair. Jeez, half the saves cannot be backed up. I could lose huge save files for games like Mario Kart, Endless Ocean, Animal Crossing, Rabbids and tons of other stuff too.

Ah GG, I send my Wii to repair the GPU problems once and I lost all save data. I repeat I lost all save data. There are ways around it, but you must hack your Wii.

Son of a ***** GASP

OMG I really hope not. I thought it was only a couple of games but its half of my saves, even for stuff like Call of Duty, Endless Ocean and even World of Goo. Seriously why can't these be copied to SD?

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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 18:08:46

gamingeek said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

Yeah, you're gonna fail. Hard.

Wii is boxed up and ready for repair. Jeez, half the saves cannot be backed up. I could lose huge save files for games like Mario Kart, Endless Ocean, Animal Crossing, Rabbids and tons of other stuff too.

Ah GG, I send my Wii to repair the GPU problems once and I lost all save data. I repeat I lost all save data. There are ways around it, but you must hack your Wii.

Son of a ***** GASP

OMG I really hope not. I thought it was only a couple of games but its half of my saves, even for stuff like Call of Duty, Endless Ocean and even World of Goo. Seriously why can't these be copied to SD?

Call Nintendo to see if they will transfer the saves over. If not, you have only one choice. Make your Wii your bitch by hacking it. Join the darkside GG.

The VG Press
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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 18:16:00

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

Yeah, you're gonna fail. Hard.

Wii is boxed up and ready for repair. Jeez, half the saves cannot be backed up. I could lose huge save files for games like Mario Kart, Endless Ocean, Animal Crossing, Rabbids and tons of other stuff too.

Ah GG, I send my Wii to repair the GPU problems once and I lost all save data. I repeat I lost all save data. There are ways around it, but you must hack your Wii.

Son of a ***** GASP

OMG I really hope not. I thought it was only a couple of games but its half of my saves, even for stuff like Call of Duty, Endless Ocean and even World of Goo. Seriously why can't these be copied to SD?

Call Nintendo to see if they will transfer the saves over. If not, you have only one choice. Make your Wii your bitch by hacking it. Join the darkside GG.

Holy poop. Well I guess they will ask for payment before they fix anything so I will ask.

Iga where do you shop for your games online? This is a question for Bugs too, worryingly I'm finding it hard to see new games like NMH 2 and EO2 with proper listings at online shops. These games are launching in weeks. What is going on?

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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:16:08

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

Yeah, you're gonna fail. Hard.

Wii is boxed up and ready for repair. Jeez, half the saves cannot be backed up. I could lose huge save files for games like Mario Kart, Endless Ocean, Animal Crossing, Rabbids and tons of other stuff too.

 Ah GG, I send my Wii to repair the GPU problems once and I lost all save data. I repeat I lost all save data. There are ways around it, but you must hack your Wii. 

 You can call Ninty after you get it back and they do something or other to get your DL content back on the machine. This happened to Greg Sewart at the

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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:20:59

aspro said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

Yeah, you're gonna fail. Hard.

Wii is boxed up and ready for repair. Jeez, half the saves cannot be backed up. I could lose huge save files for games like Mario Kart, Endless Ocean, Animal Crossing, Rabbids and tons of other stuff too.

 Ah GG, I send my Wii to repair the GPU problems once and I lost all save data. I repeat I lost all save data. There are ways around it, but you must hack your Wii. 

 You can call Ninty after you get it back and they do something or other to get your DL content back on the machine. This happened to Greg Sewart at the

 I am not talking about DL data, you can re-download that stuff again. I am talking about save data.

The VG Press
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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:22:26

gamingeek said:

aspro said:

robio said:

I was not a fan of Earthbound...

Tried RE5.  OMG, what the hell went wrong with this game?  

LOL Details please.


 I'll give it another chance before I bury it. But what struck me were the awkward controls. You can now spin him around like he's on a Lazy Susan, it's ridiculous.

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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:28:01

"Opinion: What went wrong? With PSP minis, DSi and WiiWare"

What went wrong? #1 PSP Minis and DSiWare are still in their nascent stages.  Remember the drought that was the XBLA for the first 9 months?

#2 WiiWare is completely healthy from what I've seen.  Though this idiot is correct about Ninty not giving much/ any media support.  Jerks.

Iga_Bobovic said:

aspro said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

 ...I could lose huge save files for games like Mario Kart, Endless Ocean, Animal Crossing, Rabbids and tons of other stuff too. 

... I repeat I lost all save data. There are ways around it, but you must hack your Wii. 

 You can call Ninty after you get it back and they do something or other to get your DL content back on the machine. This happened to Greg Sewart at the

 I am not talking about DL data, you can re-download that stuff again. I am talking about save data.

 Error me. Yeah, you are screwed GG.

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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:56:00

aspro said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

aspro said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

 ...I could lose huge save files for games like Mario Kart, Endless Ocean, Animal Crossing, Rabbids and tons of other stuff too. 

... I repeat I lost all save data. There are ways around it, but you must hack your Wii. 

 You can call Ninty after you get it back and they do something or other to get your DL content back on the machine. This happened to Greg Sewart at the

 I am not talking about DL data, you can re-download that stuff again. I am talking about save data.

 Error me. Yeah, you are screwed GG.

 Yeah I am in exactly the same situation GG is in, but yet I am not screwed.

More proof of my superiority.

Iga superior, Gamingeek inferior. 

The VG Press
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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 20:19:29

Did you see the LKS news story I just posted?

LKS is still selling well in Europe, more proof that Europe is indeed better than North America.  

Edited: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 20:32:18
The VG Press
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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 20:40:22
I'll believe it when I see it Leo.

I am going to attempt to platinum Bayonetta, should be fun.
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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 21:01:03

aspro said:

gamingeek said:

aspro said:

robio said:

I was not a fan of Earthbound...

Tried RE5.  OMG, what the hell went wrong with this game?  

LOL Details please.


I'll give it another chance before I bury it. But what struck me were the awkward controls. You can now spin him around like he's on a Lazy Susan, it's ridiculous.

You can set it to RE4 controls. But the game isn't balanced right when you try and play it that way i.e the action is too intense for those controls, you often get caught being attacked from behind or off screen which virtually never happened in RE4.

Iga_Bobovic said:

Did you see the LKS news story I just posted?

LKS is still selling well in Europe, more proof that Europe is indeed better than North America.  

It's probably because its half price and has been for months. I just saw Madworld is £5 online, it is that bad that they have to virtually give them away.

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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 21:07:28

gamingeek said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Did you see the LKS news story I just posted?

LKS is still selling well in Europe, more proof that Europe is indeed better than North America.  

It's probably because its half price and has been for months. I just saw Madworld is £5 online, it is that bad that they have to virtually give them away.

Stop being a Negative Nancy, the publisher is happy, so therefore you should be happy for them. 

The VG Press
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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 21:14:17

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Did you see the LKS news story I just posted?

LKS is still selling well in Europe, more proof that Europe is indeed better than North America.  

It's probably because its half price and has been for months. I just saw Madworld is £5 online, it is that bad that they have to virtually give them away.

Stop being a Negative Nancy, the publisher is happy, so therefore you should be happy for them.

It's Rising Star, they are a small publisher and LKS is probably the best game they have been involved with so far. It's not being negative to say that they would be satisfied with a lower level of sales then a bigger more populist publisher. But it's nice that it's still selling well for them.

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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 21:16:03

gamingeek said:

aspro said:

gamingeek said:

aspro said:

robio said:

I was not a fan of Earthbound...

Tried RE5.  OMG, what the hell went wrong with this game?  

LOL Details please.


I'll give it another chance before I bury it. But what struck me were the awkward controls. You can now spin him around like he's on a Lazy Susan, it's ridiculous.

You can set it to RE4 controls. But the game isn't balanced right when you try and play it that way i.e the action is too intense for those controls, you often get caught being attacked from behind or off screen which virtually never happened in RE4.

It happened a lot in RE4, the difference is that in RE4 the enemies would literally tell you they were behind you. It was almost like radar without having one.
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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 21:25:28

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

aspro said:

gamingeek said:

aspro said:

robio said:

I was not a fan of Earthbound...

Tried RE5.  OMG, what the hell went wrong with this game?  

LOL Details please.


I'll give it another chance before I bury it. But what struck me were the awkward controls. You can now spin him around like he's on a Lazy Susan, it's ridiculous.

You can set it to RE4 controls. But the game isn't balanced right when you try and play it that way i.e the action is too intense for those controls, you often get caught being attacked from behind or off screen which virtually never happened in RE4.

It happened a lot in RE4, the difference is that in RE4 the enemies would literally tell you they were behind you. It was almost like radar without having one.

It didn't really happen to me at all. I think it's because RE5 is designed for two players, one person is suppossed to cover the other.

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Mon, 11 Jan 2010 21:36:37

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

aspro said:

gamingeek said:

aspro said:

robio said:

I was not a fan of Earthbound...

Tried RE5.  OMG, what the hell went wrong with this game?  

LOL Details please.


I'll give it another chance before I bury it. But what struck me were the awkward controls. You can now spin him around like he's on a Lazy Susan, it's ridiculous.

You can set it to RE4 controls. But the game isn't balanced right when you try and play it that way i.e the action is too intense for those controls, you often get caught being attacked from behind or off screen which virtually never happened in RE4.

It happened a lot in RE4, the difference is that in RE4 the enemies would literally tell you they were behind you. It was almost like radar without having one.

It didn't really happen to me at all. I think it's because RE5 is designed for two players, one person is suppossed to cover the other.

Well that too.

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