Japanese mag scan collection
Darkside, DQVI, Tower of Shadow and more
true-gaming.net media
Men Dressed as Mario and Luigi Assault Taxi Driver
"First they jumped on my head" the taxi driver said, "then ate my mushroom lunch that I vomited up from the shock and pain."
gamepro.com news
Pre-Order Lost Planet 2 and get a Wesker Costume
Vader is putting his money down as we speak
blastmagazine.com news
Gamepro review Rabbids Go Home 4/5
"Rabbids Go Home is a very special game, and when I say special, I mean special like that kid in your second grade class"
gamepro.com impressions
1up review Darkside Chronicles B+
"this will probably be the closest thing to a complete RE2 remake in our lifetime"
1up.com impressions
1up review Call of Duty Modern Warfare Wii
A- wow, a review that doesn't half ass it?
1up.com impressions
Class-Action lawsuit being investigated on MS
Relating to Xbox 360 bannings
abingtonlaw.com news
Phantasy Star Sucks Up To Gaming Mag
Famitsu logo appears everytime you block.
andriasang.com news
Wii no Ma details: paid shows coming
Service will come to US eventually
andriasang.com news
Capcom Releasing RE5 Bluetooth Headset
Of course. Makes perfect sense. To Vader.
andriasang.com news
Brad Pitt Gets Film Rights to Dark Void
Capcom sci-fi game comes out Q1 2010.
newkerala.com news
Ubisoft Not Publishing No More Heroes HD
But they are still publishing NMH2
g4tv.com news
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Like Spyborgs?
I wish all games would do that.
No More Heroes 360/PS3 is looking pretty good. I'd at least like to try it out. I doubt I'll ever get around to buying it as I still need to get Brutal Legend, Borderlands, Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Then you got stuff like Lost Planet 2, Mass Effect 2, Super Street Fighter IV, Final Fantasy XIII, etc. coming out early next year. NMH 360/PS3 just isn't high enough on my priority list compared to all those other games. I'll likely just end up renting it sometime.
It also tells you when you took a fart!
I mean, I already know to press "1" whenever I want to use my extra items or waggle the Wii-Mote upward to do a move!
The game may be challenging at times, but it sure assumes that the casual player are dummies that constantly needs reminding how to play the game!
Same thing with Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story. Every room or area is a tutorial. Does Nintendo really think that a Mom like the one in that Wal-Mart commercial will steal the game away from her kids and play it herself?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
What a negative nancy! How dare Nintendo inform players of their control options! How . . . dare . . . them! *shakes fist*
Joking aside, I admit they take it too far sometimes. I'm all for having in-game tutorials, but there should also be an option to turn the damned things off too.
Which is why I was disappointed with Phantom Hourglass. That owl statue in every room, it's so hard to avoid not whacking it!
Zelda has always been about figuring things out yourself when you're stuck in a room but PH took away that and made "my first Zelda game" type of thing.
I'm glad to hear Spirit Tracks will be more challenging. But of course, when Nintendo claims it'll be more challenging, according to whom? My aunt? My little niece? For example, my Dad loves spicy food and has been eating them his whole life, so to him a non-spicy food maybe too hot for me. So I can't trust Nintendo anymore. When they say that their next so-and-so core game will be more challenging or traditional, I'll take it with a grain of Himalayan pink salt!
I hate the same talk they always give us, which is, "The game will be accessible for casuals but enough challenges for core fans!" I HATE IT WHEN THEY SAY THIS!!!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Hey, what's this? A good 3D Castlevania game!
But I think the sensory overload in this game is so good it makes up for everything. The first few hours I felt were a bit crappy but now I am seeing shit that is making me want to put down the controller for a sec and take it all in. The set pieces in this are amazing. I rather have a game with simplistic core gameplay mechanics that has incredible set pieces and constantly changing gameplay situations than a game with great core gameplay mechanics but it has no level design and is repetitive as hell (FEAR).
And of course all the multiplayer stuff is as good as it gets. This game is excellent.
The DLC will probably be $5 for each scenario and like $3 for costumes. It will come out sooner than the disc version which will be RE5 with all the content for $50.
Plus they have new pics of the scenario which is freaking awesome!
In the first minute or so they just repeated "this is CoD4 for Wii" again and again and again.
Then my instincts won out once again. sorry for making you watch it.
No. You wanna be startin' somthin'?
A few hours? That's half the game!
Yeah, that last one was me. i'm looking for a substitute now. That was my only my second dupe ever.
Edit: oh you killed it, thank you.
You're the only one that gives a shit about Resident Evil around these parts, 'member?
Oh, since I can't make the podcast, I've been playing some of the Sgt. Peppers DLC for Beatles Rock Band. A Day in the Life is ungodly amounts of win.