Rabbids tech-gaming review
"Rabbid’s creativity and sheer vibrancy offers a magnificent diversion for everyone else."
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Didn't Pacther say it would be $50?
Yup. http://www.destructoid.com/pachter-thinks-project-natal-will-cost-50-152098.phtml
True, but hey, with the anime starting to pop up in English, there is a chance.
Cynical as I am the low price point indicates bad news to me. How many focus groups must MS have held to determine a sweet spot for that price, and if participants see Natal as having a value of $80 - $90 it must be pretty shitty (as must the components -- unless they are taking a massive loss on the hardware
YAY - New podcast!
Then he's wrong!
De Blob is really short though yeah? or was that The Maw? Is there any connection between those two?
I hope so. I just hope I can get by without too much hassle with the complexities.
Practice young one and use the stop jump button copiously.
I put a new batch of direct feed pics from COD MW Reflex in the thread.
I played this level last night, it looked pretty sweet.
Excite bike Wiiware game
The story rambles along with holes you could drive a truck through, suggesting with broad strokes that fear and ignorance in contemporary America could lead to a resurrection of the cold war as a hot one, but its daftness at least sets up the pyrotechnics. There’s little of that gruff camaraderie that made the first time around really special: now, despite the odd rogue accent, you’re part of Team America: World Police without the laughs. Tonally, stuff like “Let’s go, those hostages aren’t going to rescue themselves” makes it clear we’re in 24 territory, and as for more serious missteps, see the airport level, and also hope that Vladimir Putin never gets around to playing the game. At the end, it just gives up altogether and turns into a Bond movie.
Yet for all that the basic firefighting and narrative twistings have their problems, everything is redeemed by the spectacle on offer.
So which game is Modern Warfare 2? Is it that mechanic-defining, comprehensively structured and plainly excellent shooter with the best multiplayer in the genre, or a game that entirely fetishises its subject while being mock-serious about it, with the best multiplayer in the genre? We’re not sure it’s either, or neither.
And they wonder why people just look at the number instead of reading this type of jibberish. "we're not sure if this game is crap or not" Well judging by the 9 you gave it you must have thought it was pretty damn good.
And why are you using IE8 to begin with?
General laziness. Oh and Opera doesn't work with FDManager.
That's the first model - I've got one of those and one of the smaller ones. Very left-handed friendly (you could flip the screen orientation and device and use the directional pad on the right rather than the left). Now that I've typed that I'm not quite sure how that actually helps the poor lefties.