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Calling Out The Casual Gamer: You're Geeks Too!
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The depth of ALL of your characters personalities is astonishing and constantly increasing.
There's some pretty cool stuff to read in that Call of Duty REFLEX interview. It sounds like they are doing a lot to make it a cool version.
Q: What is Precision Aiming?
A: Precision aiming mode is brand new for this game, and as far as I know, no other Wii games are using anything like this. I'll spare you the math behind it, but basically, with precision mode OFF, where you are pointing your wiimote determines how fast the camera rotates. If you point at the edge of the screen, the camera is going to rotate pretty fast until you move the wiimote back toward the center of the screen. This is how it works in WAW and most 3d wii games. People have gotten used to this. But you end up in a lot of situations where the camera just keeps spinning, or where you overshoot or undershoot your target. Precision mode fixes this - instead of moving your wiimote to turn faster, you move your wiimote to point directly at THAT point. It is very much like how aiming with the mouse works on PC shooters. Gives you a much finer degree of control over where your camera goes.
That probably didn't make much sense, but just check it out. You can enable or disable it independently for scopes and ADS. I personally think that someone who really masters precision aiming has a huge advantage over the people who don't use it.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileAlso there is a level in Mario and Sonic Winter games set in Mario Galaxy's good egg world, video here:
I just finished Super Mario GaLAxy a couple of days ago. It was the first Mario game I have ever finished (except for the 2 Super Mario Lands) because I generally suck at platformers.
Now for whatever reason, I really enjoyed and was quite good at SMG (IMO). After playing Uncharted 2 I was toying with the idea of playing Super Mario Sunshine. On the first playthrough I stopped when he got half way through Bianco Hills. So what do you think? If someone can beat SMG should completion of Sunshine be within their grasp?
Super Mario Sunshine is my favorite 3D Mario game. I've beat it 5 times now. It is more difficult than SMG, but with practice and patience, you should be able to play through SMS as well. The camera is the biggest issue; it requires constant tweaking.
I've never played the game. Just never appealed to me. If they ever decide to make a New Play Control version of the game I'll take a look at it though. Unfortunately GC controllers won't reach from the Wii to my couch and I don't want to invest in a Wavebird just to play old games.
I don't mind the camera but now that you mention it -- heh -- I never even thought about the camera in SMG.
Extention cable might be the ticket for you (under $7).
Yeah I've considered one, but there's no shortage of Wii stuff for me right now so I'm not going out of my way to get any Gamecube related stuff.
That's because you're crazy. Super Mario Sunshine is more difficult, and the gameplay is different that Galaxy, so it's hard to say whether it would translate well. It's to the point that despite being rather good, Sunshine pales in comparison to the quality of Galaxy.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI received the same email. I chose the Mario hat too, but it's for me. Winter is approaching fast, and I need a new hat.
That's going to look fantastic. You should start hanging out in biker bars.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile): At least my hat is on the way.
But I always picture you as being nude.
Congrats on making it into the Top 10, you leapfrogged 2 people in 2 days, well done. Pick it up guys!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileAre the rankings based soley on reviews?
Take a look at your rank, then how many reviews you've written.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile