Gamedaily review Mario and Luigi 3
"Sensational, a real treat for DS owners"
Muramasa Examiner review
A game this beautiful and fun to play is a rare gem. Don’t miss out on it.
Capcom offer London fans a chance
To play Monster Hunter 3 and RE Darkside Chronicles
Halo wont have Natal till it makes sense
Bungie dont want to use gimmicks in the series
Cursed Mountain PLAY review
"The fact that it turns out to be both interesting and enjoyable as well makes it even more impressive."
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I sent off a question on what he thought was the incentive for Nintendo to release Wii HD. I encourage everyone here to ask a question and post it here, too
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIt's on Gamespot's DS forum.
But is it real? Hope so!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Hell yes, interactive Pachter Watch!
I have been feeling sick all week, nothing major just that feeling of not being well, a sore throat, and a runny nose. Everywhere I turn all I see or hear is talk about Swine Flu, H1N1 is spreading, BEWARE! Run for your lives! Quarantine those who are sick.
I am pretty damn confident I don't have H1N1 but I still feel a bit paranoid about it.
Can i ask myself a question? :?
Don't worry about it. H1N1, as other types of influenza infections, has an overly harsh onset. High-grade fever, ungodly headaches and fatigue, as well as respiratory symptoms. You probably have a common cold. Get a lot of rest, a lot of fluids (not from the body), and some Tylenol. You should start to feel better by the time weekend arrives.
Welcome to Australia from 6 months ago.
If only because it's reportedly getting hacked, and making for some more interesting results.
Go Bub & Bob!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileUnless dvader is chronically ill (despite his love for Sonic) he shouldn't really be toow orried anyway.
It does look pretty. A desperate ploy to generate click-throughs, but still very pretty.
Gamespot addresses hacks of poll:
The only thing that would be funnier is if Kane from and and Lynch was winning against Master Cheif.When will the last Baby Boomers die? I think the cut-off is 1965, so I guess around 2037. Thirty more years of old people driving the stories. Same with the Kennedy death, you would have thought a crater had been blown through the entire New England region by the amount of coverage that got.
I don't hate the Beatles, I have all the CD's that were released back in the late 80's and the Anthologies, but ... I mean .. Beatlemania in 2009? Enough already.
No. But I did get Contra: Shattered Soldier as a result of your post. $9 on amazon (used).
Updating now.
CLICK PICTURE -1- (6 x NieR Gestalt)
CLICK PICTURE -2- (NieR Gestalt)
CLICK PICTURE -3- (NieR Gestalt)
I suggest y'all check out the new FFCC pics in the thread
New Darkside Chronicles scenario pics in the thread.
OMG Krauser.
So would RE5 on wii really look so bad? This is the south america Darkside Chronicles scenario.
Steel, look at the clouds, should I get the tissues ready?
That's better value. Good job. Wish they would put up hard corps on the VC.