Gamedaily review Mario and Luigi 3
"Sensational, a real treat for DS owners"
Muramasa Examiner review
A game this beautiful and fun to play is a rare gem. Don’t miss out on it.
Capcom offer London fans a chance
To play Monster Hunter 3 and RE Darkside Chronicles
Halo wont have Natal till it makes sense
Bungie dont want to use gimmicks in the series
Cursed Mountain PLAY review
"The fact that it turns out to be both interesting and enjoyable as well makes it even more impressive."
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Archangel3371 (8m)
NOBODY has any trouble finding my wang, though.
About the RE screen, it looks too uneven to be motion blur. It looks shopped.
Dude! That is NOT cool.
When 3D Dot game Heroes was announced as a PS3 exclusive, you built this:
Actually that is pretty cool. Kudos.
P.S Steel sucks ballz.
Look at the shirt of the guy leaning over.
Game is only 5 stages long so yeah you are close. What difficulty are you playing it on? It would be better with online co-op and scoreboards definetely but it just needs to be twice as long IMO.
The hell?
Oh Archangel I got the Spiderman DVD set yesterday, its really good, they are doing complete seasons on DVD, each season is a 2 disc set, has a nice carboard gloss sleeve and the episode guides are all done in comic book style. Very nice. Seasons 1-3 are already availible and 4 is on the way.
Might want to import it via amazon uk.
Night guys. I wuv you all!
Kudos to EA for recognizing game jornos for the whores they are.
Tests show world champion runner Caster Semenya is a hermaphrodite
WORLD athletics is in crisis with tests showing champion runner Caster Semenya is a hermaphrodite - a person with both female and male sexual characteristics.
The tests, not yet publicly released, show the 18-year-old has no womb or ovaries.
The International Association of Athletics Federations is expected to disqualify the South African from future events and advise her to have surgery because her condition carries grave health risks, The Daily Telegraph reports.
And she could be stripped of the gold medal she won in Berlin in last month.
Semenya has three times more testosterone than a normal female.
More at the link
You mean the shemale is a shemale, SHOCKING.
Move over Bolt
Cincinnati Zoo Cheetah Breaks World Record
"Sarah," the Cincinnati Zoo's eight-year-old female cheetah, is now the world's fastest land mammal.
On Wednesday, she claimed her spot in the record book when she ran the 100-meter sprint in just 6.16 seconds, in her very first attempt. The previous world record was 6.19 seconds.
Sarah's record time of 6.16 seconds didn't last long. In her second attempt, she crossed the finish line in 6.13 seconds.
By comparison, the world's fastest human, Jamaican Sprinter Usain bolt, recently ran the 100-meter dash in 9.58 seconds.
"Sarah is a wonderful animal and a wonderful symbol of hope for all cheetahs," said Cathryn Hilker, Founder of the Cincinnati Zoo’s Cat Ambassador Program. “It’s really great for Sarah to have the honor as the fastest in the world, but I also hope this record-breaking run helps to raise awareness of the plight of the cheetah.”
Cheetahs, who are built for speed, according to zoo officials, have a flexible spine that allows their front legs to stretch far on each side which allows them to run 20 to 22 feet in one stride. This is similar to racehorses, except cheetahs run much faster.
The fastest racehorse runs 43 mph while cheetahs can run at speeds up to 70 mph.
Oh there is more news
Fedor tested positive for plutonium
I knew it!
I always knew that bastard was on something...
6 is a good score for EDGE, but I'm getting sick of their snarkiness. Like the last line of the review...
" A better title might have been Contra ReCycled."
I still like the features in EDGE, but more and more I can only read their reviews using the Comic Book Guy voice.
" A better title might have been Contra ReCycled."
And in their Conduit review: "‘Danger! High Voltage Software’ shouts the developer’s logo. On this evidence, it’s a warning that should be taken seriously. " link