Capcom building a relationship with Nintendo
Next, next Devil Kings game and more
Boom Blox barely scratched the surface
Of what the original Wii remote could do
Iwata: Sales driving titles take time for effect
Sports resort to boost sales in 8 weeks?
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robio (3s)
The most I'd ever type for a description is one or two sentences. If people want more description, then they'd probably be better off just clicking the full article.
Yeah, that title is really unfortunate. Near as I can tell, they called it that because you play a female main character instead of the dude in the original Landstalker game, not because you stalk ladies.
Man, I haven't played Super Star Wars in over 16 years! I bought that game on release back in the day. I loved the mode 7 levels, music, and graphics, but I hated the platforming. It never felt right, and I died a lot because of it.
Hell, yes! Demos would be awesome. I honestly don't see why they don't do it. The DS has demos, so why not WiiWare/VC?
Multiple LucasArts Super Nintendo Games Head to Virtual Console
REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fans of Star Wars® and classic Nintendo games will want to keep an eye on their Wii™ Shop Channel for the next month. Nintendo will be releasing multiple LucasArts favorites for Virtual Console™, starting today with Super Star Wars®. In the coming weeks, both Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back® and Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi® will be added to the Virtual Console lineup. All three Super Star Wars games were originally released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System™ and will be available at 800 Wii Points™ each.
The arrival of the first three games will be accompanied by additional Star Wars-themed content on other Wii channels throughout the week. The Check Mii Out Channel will invite people to submit their best Mii™ character renditions of classic Star Wars characters. On the Everybody Votes Channel, users can cast their votes to help settle old debates, such as the proper order to watch the six Star Wars films, and who fired first – Han Solo or Greedo?
“Our expanded partnership with LucasArts brings the Star Wars and Nintendo universes together,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “These three Super Star Wars games represent fantastic additions to the growing Virtual Console library, and the exclusive Star Wars content on the other Wii Menu channels is sure to have people from different generations having fun and interacting with one another.”
“Virtual Console on Wii is a great way to make these games available to our fans again, and it’s an awesome opportunity to expose our classic console titles to an entirely new audience,” said Darrell Rodriguez, president of LucasArts.
Additional classic LucasArts games for Virtual Console will be announced in the future.
Done more updates.
Damnit, the star wars game speculation begins. I say that that SEGA arcade game where you literally had a light saber joystick and had to counter Vaders moves should be there. And that SEGA game with the xwing fighters.
Damn, No More Heroes 2 info, I dont want to be a punk.
There are still side jobs such as coconut collecting and a new one involving plumbing. Suda explains that he still wants the player to feel like he has to work hard to play the game as that is what it means to be a punk.
"Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said he expects Nintendo's three big 2009 releases - Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros. Wii - to sell 10 million copies each within this fiscal year."
Yeah, I can see that happening. I'm definately going to buy NSMB Wii, and I already own WSR. However, I won't be buying Wii Fit Plus; I'm just too fat and lazy for that nonsense.
Spielberg doing a Halo movie? Oh man please let this be true, that would be so awesome. I want this movie to be made.
Only about a month away until ODST drops. Definitely can't wait for it. It shall become my new online addiction.
Producing like he produced Transformers? Michael Bay directing?
Fiscal year ends Febuary 2010.
High Voltage are showing their commitment to making mature games for the Wii. After releasing the The Conduit, they're stepping it up with a truly blood-curdling monster shooter. Will it be as heavily-hyped as The Conduit? Who can tell? But we do know that The Grinder is looking promising.
The set up is pretty straightforward. The world, for some unspecified reason, appears to have been overtaken by monsters. You know - the old fashioned kind: vampires, werewolves, that sort of thing. You play as one of a group of survivors stranded in the small mining town of Coyote Ridge and basically have to shoot your way out. It's hammy, it reeks of B-movie, and we dig it.
Some of you might be familiar with the cracking PC/Xbox 360 shooter, Left 4 Dead, which has a similar set up. Indeed, High Voltage are clearly taking all their cues from that title. The emphasis here is on frantic, no frills FPS action, with you mowing your way through wave after wave of ravenous beasts baying for your blood. Slashy vampire things are your bread and butter enemies, with tougher-to-drop werewolves popping up every now and then, along with various other boss beasts. Like Left 4 Dead, you can get online and play co-operatively with friends.
It's early days, but The Grinder is looking like a tonne of fun. The action is relentless, the controls are smooth and the visuals are great. There's some cool weapons to try out too - we're big fans of those sexy dual-wielding pistols in particular.
If you read our review of The Conduit, you'll remember that we said it was a solid, if rather generic, shooter. High Voltage have certainly delivered a more interesting concept with The Grinder but if we have one complaint, it's that there is still some work to do on the rather unexciting level design. Whereas The Conduit funnelled you through drab corridors, the first level of The Grinder leads you through equally unthrilling canyons.
Still, they've got plenty of time to spice things up in that regard. There's still a few questions about how well the Wii will be able to cope with online coop multiplayer, especially when High Voltage are promising upwards of 60 enemies on screen at once. We'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now though, because The Grinder has our interest well and truly piqued. This is one to watch.
Nintendo's fiscal year ends on March 31, 2010
Weirdness of the Day - Sukeban Shacho Rena Wii
Well if we're going to post weird stuff, how about Super PiiPii Brothers
For more details and how to order this surprisingly reasonably priced import game:
Anyway, the Super Star Wars games were incredibly hard, I played them on emulator with save states and it was still hard. I guess there are cheat codes that will work. I played the later two, never played the first one. Maybe I pick it up.
Wii Fit says that I've lost ~13 lbs since I last used it 145 days ago, even though I've done nothing but sit around for the entire summer, spending an average of at least 8 hours per day in front of my computer, and my diet consists primarily of Coca Cola and chips.
My only guess is that I am losing muscle mass faster than I am gaining weight.
I'm tempted to actually exercise rigorously for the next 20 days, just to see how much I would lose (gain?) as opposed to simply sitting around eating and still somehow losing over half a pound per week. I just don't know if I can muster the effort.
All I can say is.....
One of the site's forefathers.
Doing some updates now . . .
. . . and I'm done.