1up review Tales of Monkey Island pt 1
"this is a great opportunity to explore the reemerging world of adventure gaming."
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16:19 GMT
So it's official:
"Conduit suffers from weak, derivative artwork and corner-cutting in the details, and as an entrant in the Wii's beauty pageant it can't hope to hold its own against the sumptuously presented (and, for that matter, vastly more entertaining) House of the Dead: Overkill, for example."
Everyone should get HOTD Overkill
There were a couple of warning lights in the Eurogamer review, firstly they made out that MP3 was the benchmark for controls. They obviously haven't played a lot of Wii FPS because MOHH2 owns it. Also the review states that they put everyone to shame other than Metroid prime 3. Sounds like they haven't played Call of Duty world at war either, which on metacritic is only 0.2 points off the score for the other versions.
This is one thing that bothers me about Conduit reviews. I can't tell which games they have played or not. If a review says that its the best FPS on Wii but that doesn't mean much... well it does mean much because World at War is an excellent title that is fractions off the big brother versions with exactly the same level design, nifty enhanced controls and with a decent online mode too. But if they never played that, then the game could be really shit. I dunno.
Thank God I got a budget pre-order price. I will know soon I guess. Erk.
[N]Gamer - review scores
Reviews Wii:
Wii Sports Resort - 9
The Conduit - 7,5
Boom Blox Smash Party - 9
Let’s Tap - 8
Klonoa - 8
Grand Slam Tennis - 7,5
Virtua Tennis 2009 - 8
Overlord: Dark Legend - 7,5
Anno: Create a New World - 8
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings - 6
Another Code: R – A Journey into Lost Memories - 8
Harry Potter en de Halfbloed Prins - 7,5
Reviews DS:
Peggle Dual Shot (import) - 8
Moon - 7,5
Overlord Minions - 5,5
Emergency - 7
Populous DS - 5
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon - 7,5
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure 7,5
Icarian: Kindred Spirits - 5/5
Art Style: PiCOPICT - 4/5
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure - 2/5
Space Harrier - 4/5
Real Football 2009 - 3/5
Asphalt 4: Elite Racing - 4/5
Super Smash Bros. - 4/5
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years - 4/5
Fish’em All! - 2/5
A Little Bit of… Dr. Mario - 3/5
Swords & Soldiers - 5/5
Conduit IGN UK review:
"You can't blame High Voltage for the thoroughly preposterous pedestal The Conduit's been shoved on since its debut but, now it's finally arrived, the final product is pretty much exactly what we expected from a passionate, if unproven, developer – a strange mix of the absolutely brilliant and the frequently abysmal, just about riding its tide of goodwill to meet in the middle and deliver a solid, if unremarkable experience."
Huh, weird they really dont seem to review the multiplayer in any way in the text apart from a throwaway last minute sentance.
Why is it that this game is either getting 8s or 5s?
It depends either if the reviewer is a half full or half empty glass type of person.
Anyway, what's up y'all! Sorry for being away but I'm back now.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
An Ask appearance, wow.
Let's Fap? I would buy that game.
Why can't you play it? >
Cause someone isnt giving me a free copy.
But, isn't it out yet? What about your BB pass?
My BB does not have it.
Pee at the door of your BB.
I would have but someone was already peeing.
Pee in the ass of the guy peeing in front of you. It's standard hobo etiquette.
Well then! Strip my bum and call me Hobo!