Renegade Kid interview
DSiWare plans, next game coming at E3, cannot comment on Son of the Dragon cancellation
Cave Story blog updat
Cave Story ‘very done’, Pixel interview coming soon to Nintendo Channel
Little Kings Story Telegraph review
"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
Six Year Old Boy Asks for name change to Sonic X
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You buy trash like Halo Wars, but are going to pass on LKS?! As far as I'm concerned, it reflects a lack of judgement. But if a guy can either walk into a restaurant and enjoy the food on offer, or dive into its dumpster and enjoy whatever he finds, I view that as worth noting (such a person is a guy I don't pay an attention to) but not really something to get upset about."
Don't listen to these fuckers, Archie. I am a hobo just like you.
Hobo Defense Force assemble!
Someone make Archie a hobo gourmet sig/avatar! And I want a honey badger avatar/sig combo!
You need a HapticMaster sig, Iga.
No way that thing nearly killed me today. That's the fourth time I had to use the emergency stop.
No one checked this out yet?
Madden Wii New art style trailer
New look is sort of deformed
Looks okay. I thought it would be hideous My Sims style but its just slightly deformed, larger shoulders, slimmer waists. Superhero look.
Anyone check out the prologue FFCC bearers video? So cool
Yeah, I did see the Madden one. Not bad, I thought it would be alot worse.
GG check out the translated FFCCC bearers video. Layle is awesome
But yeah i am not listening to some of you anymore, trying to get me to buy DeBlob over Bioshock, what is wrong with you people.
Played for like 4 hours straight, shaping up to be one of my all time favorite FPS, I honestly cant think of one I like more other than HL2 and Deus Ex. Brilliant game.
What the hell are you talking about?! You could not find Bioshock, so you asked what games you should pick up. You gave a list that did not include Bioshock. Hell if you listened to me you would have multiple games right now and healthcare.
How far are you into the game?
What are you mammering about, you liked GTA DS right? And you like HL2? Boooooooooring. Sorry. Foolz back me up! Quick, he's attacking!
I love the superhero thing. And you know that after the prologue ends, that flying through the air shotgun thing with IR starts. So cool.
Yeah he throws his shotgun away and jumps off da plane. During the freefall he uses his powers to grab the shotgun and shoots the monsters while falling. Somehow he saves himself from splattering on the floor (I don't think Layle can fly, not yet anyways) and meets that extinct helmet thingy beast on board of that cruiser. Awesome!
I love the music. Remember from the very first (real time) trailer from like 2008? This is like Skies of Arcadia with superhero action.
True, I'll never listen to you guys about a FPS ever again. I didn't even know people that didn't like HL2 existed.
Iga you are correct sir, you are excused.
BTW Orange Box on steam for $10 this weekend. If you dont have OB and have a good PC, this is the deal of the forever.
About 7 hours in, I am in a garden that just got messed up.
This game reminds me a lot of Dead Space but underwater rather than in a spaceship. The way each section has its own theme, and how well done the environments are.
So some at RoF aren't to thrilled with this site.
(I am so playing both sides just to start a war)