Hudson discusses Marble Saga: Kororinpa
did you know you can create/share levels?
Platinum explains why MadWorld is Wii-only,
sees the title as a system-seller
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robio (2m)
That's it, the next podcast is the British podcast. Everyone speaks in a British accent for the whole show.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThe whole country is nude. Cold weather and nakedness. That's the excuse for the major shrinkage.
We have British Steel, it was renamed Corus when an Indian guy bought the company. So you should change your username to Corus.
The Eurogamer Review is awesome until they come to this point
"For the skilled player, the heavy emphasis on score attack - your performance in each level is rated for kill efficiency - means that MadWorld is not so much about the destination as it is about the multiplier-winning journey. But even here, under prolonged scrutiny, the systems waver. You're free to summon a stage's boss at any point after you pass the score threshold, but you're also free to continue infighting right up to the time limit. This means that the game rewards those who slog at it, rather than those who are quick and effective, which makes the score-chasing unsatisfying hard work."
What the fuck are they talking about? If you are quick you can summon a boss faster, but you can still keep on fighting until the time limit. But somehow this is detrimental to score attack, because it rewards slogging? How about being creative for a longer amount of time will give you a greater score than just slugging through it or being creative for a shorter amount of time?
I dont know what any of that means. I hear that most of the God Hand team are making Madworld so I never expected it to be popular either commercially or critically.
All the previews say that it's really fun but that they worry the game will get repetitive once they have the full version. This is what I want to hear about.
There are more than 10 minigames, various different environments and environmental kills, bike sections, awesome bosses and it is 6 hours long. Not seeing how it could be repetitive.
I expect MadWorld to score in the 8.0-9.0 range. It seems that certain games like on-rail shooters, shoot-em-up, beat-em-ups, handheld games are scored in 0-9.0 range, instead of the usual 0-10 range.
Case in point House the Dead Overkill has frame hick-ups and scores in the 8 range. Mass Effect has a huge list of technical flaws and it scores in the 9.0+ range. Certain genres always score lower.
Yeah that's true. Being on rails sort of immediately stops you from acheiving higher scores. You can be an absolutely badass on rails games and it will still never score a 10, even if its the best there is.
No, just did those two. I prefer to do the updates in the evening!
No Rage till 2010
Why does id Software always announce their games so far in advance? Rage was first shown like 2 or 3 years ago, and it's still no where near ready. I'm all for them taking their time, but what's the point in unveiling games so may years before their completed? Do they enjoy torturing their fanbase?
Okay, did them.
Factor 5 was doing Superman? Looked cool.
Well Nintendo does the complete opposite and fans are complaining that they do not know what is coming. Damned if you do and damned if you don't kind of situation.
True. Both companies are at the extreme opposites in that regard. Personally, I'd like to have games announced about 6-8 months prior to release. That way you know it's coming soon, but don't have to wait years to finally play the damn thing.
Agreed. How long have I been waiting on Alan Wake and RE5? It gets ridiculous. But then announcing a game 8 weeks before release is just as bad.
Nvidia's physics engine PhysX and Emergent's Gamebryo engine have been integrated for Wii development, the companies said Monday.
Emergent and Nvidia said that Gamebryo and the recently-announced Gamebryo LightSpeed are the "only third party engines with Nvidia PhysX technology directly coordinated with the Wii toolset."
Cool, now I need traditional games with physic please. + Wii remote 3-D object manipulation.
Poor F5.
"In the past we approached the Wii as an extension of what we were doing on PlayStation and the Xbox and I think we can do a better job of creating original content for the Wii, and I think you'll see more of that this year."
Remember Stranglehold, Midway's 2007 action adventure effort? A cinematic adaptation is on the way, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Stranglehold was itself based on a film - Hard Boiled, which was all about gangsters in Hong Kong and Chicago. John Woo directed the movie and was helped out with the game, and looks set to be involved with the new film too.
The script is being written by Jeremy Passmore and Andre Fabrizio.
But that doesn't keep Platinum Games from touching distance of Wii's very best action games. MadWorld is, while it lasts, a consistently entertaining (and motherf***ing awesome) scrap with an 18 tag on the box - as good a reason as any for those neglected Wii owners to dust off the box.
Only real complaint is the short length
C3 Score Rune Factory successfully implements an engaging dungeon crawling aspect without sacrificing, or even significantly altering, the core Harvest Moon formula. It isn't enough to entice those who simply don't enjoy spending a large amount of time planting and looking after crops, but it's a welcome addition for those who do. The amount of content included in the game is staggering - and, in fact, somewhat overwhelming at first given the lack of introductory tutorials - but it will take a significant amount of effort on the player's part to see it all.
It's at this point that the game will lose a chunk of its audience, revealing as it does the unforgiving and orthodox Japanese systems that underpin the experience. Sink 30 minutes into earning enough points to tempt out the boss only to lose all of your lives to him and you'll have nothing to show for your investment: the game doesn't even record the futile time spent to your save file. The funfair ride turns into a precision sport and where any fuzziness in the controls went undetected before, now it stings and irritates. The lack of a block button becomes infuriating; dodging is your only evasive move and the unwieldy camera and ineffective sometimes-broken target lock-on mechanism threatens to ruin the entire experience.
Still, as a piece of violent spectacle MadWorld is unrivalled. The creativity of PlatinumGames in providing ever more unlikely and delicious ways to kill and maim Jack's antagonists boggles and delights the mind at some deep, base level. And so, no matter how much the schoolboy-humour commentary grates, no matter how repetitive the bits in between the set-pieces start to feel and no matter how frustrating the later levels become, MadWorld provides a rush of blood to the head almost as often as it provides a rush of blood to the pavement
Excitebots? WTH????
From Neogaf
Completely random 
Sounds like Defenders of the Earth.
Shame on you guys for comparing it to shovelware. Hang your head in same!
WTF? That is the greatest 80s cartoon ever made.