Icarian: Kindred Spirits to feature....
Original Soundtrack by Steven Gutheinz
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robio (9m)
Anyone read this?
The first thing that strikes you about this game is the way in which it is reminiscent of GoldenEye, but for no discernable reason. Several people I spoke to that day who played it all said the same, it feels like GoldenEye in some way but nobody could quite put their finger on it. Regardless, this is obviously a good thing. I’m sure everyone reading this has played GoldenEye and I can’t recall anyone ever say anything too bad about it. Essentially what this means is this game filled me with optimism that it could be something special, an AAA title as they say.
However the game had to live up to this immediate feeling I gathered while watching others play it and I’m pleased to say it did.
A few days back, an unnamed source got in touch with me to share a ton of game information. This person said they had info on upcoming lineups from EA and Activision. While I had my doubts, I now see reason to believe it. The email originally came with info about Dead Space: Extraction, and the info accurately called that the title would be on-rails. That’s why I am posting the rest of this information below.
Dates discussed below are for Europe.
Guitar Hero Metallica
May 29th
XB360, PS3, PS2, Wii.
Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs
June 26th (Movie June 26th)
Everything (except PSP)
DJ Hero
July (may slip to Q4)
XB360, PS3, Wii.
- comes with a turntable peripheral
- Paradise City mixed with ABC during demo
- 3 colored buttons and a fader switch
Star Wars Clone Wars - new game(s) expected
Lego Indiana Jones 2 - expected this Sept.
EA SPORTS ACTIVE, Wii – May 15th
- 30 day challenge
- £39.99
MY SIMS RACING, Wii, DS – June 09
GRAND SLAM TENNIS, Wii – June 19th
- real players in cartoon style
- controls appeared sluggish in demo
TIGER WOODS 10, All formats – July 10th
- new courses
- more focus on online
- MotionPlus supported
- more party games
- EA due to give big push
SimAnimals 2 SAFARI, Wii, DS – Oct 09
- titles such as Pyjama Party and Fashion Show
- game releases come packed with a charm
BRUTAL LEGEND, 360, PS3, Wii – Autumn 09
BATTLEFRONT 3 - still in development, may not make this year
09 - may be just a new song for the holidays, instead of new instruments
FAMILY GAME NIGHT 2, Wii, 360, PS3, DS – Oct 09
- Operation, Jenga and new Connect 4
- DS title will feature games from both FGN 1 and 2
High Voltage is the new Rare! CONFIRMED!
I was listening to the IGN podcast and the re-iterated that a shitload of publishers were intentely watching sales of SEGAs mature games, Conduit, Madworld and HOTD Overkill. And that if they flopped, Wii owners were screwed. I think Cassamasina said that if you can afford to buy Madworld and you rent it, you're an asshole.
Conduit-video-interview is pretty good. IGN footage of this game sucks
I still need to get:
Bully: Scholarship Edition... a must, since I've recently become a big GTA fan.
Endless Ocean... tempting.
No More Heroes... maybe.
de Blob... probably, though I haven't been a big fan of platformers since the N64 days.
RE2 (GC)
REC: VX (GC)... possibly, though I have it on PS2. Does the GC version have Wesker's Report?
SW Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
TESIV: Shivering Isles
A new GC controller, maybe even two
A good battery charger and new rechargeable batteries
That's a lot right there. I'd really like to wait until these newer games are $20-$30. Yeah, I know I won't be supporting the developers as much by getting them when they're cheaper, but given the number of items on my list and the money I have to work with, waiting for the prices to go down is a good idea.
Also on my list are Deadly Creatures, Tenchu: Shadow Assassins, probably Overlord, HotD, Dead Space: Extraction, the Metroid Prime rereleases, and between the two Pikmins, at least the second. Chop 'Til You Drop may actually be decent enough to buy, since I have no experience with the original with which to make a comparison. Hopefully that game won't be going for full retail price. Oh, and then there's also The Conduit, which looks at least decent. And MadWorld. TMNT: Smash Up should also be pretty good. And I'm looking forward to seeing what Sakurai's new team will be doing. Then there's the unannounced Nintendo staples to look forward to.
There really is enough good-to-great content on Wii to satisfy me now, in addition to old GC games I missed. The only actual problem comes when you compare them to games on other systems, but that's another discussion... that we already had. Or are we still going at it?
And this all reminds me, I still want to get Dead Space over Steam, and RE5 for PC later.
Light... it'll kill you dead. OVERKILL you dead.
I will re-order your list according my experiences as to which is best. But please don't buy CTYD. Please.
Pretty much every website I've seen has Dead Rising Wii listed for $39.99, so it's going to be little cheaper.
NGamer reviewed it as 55% and IGN podcast sounded like they didn't want to touch it with a pole.
Gamestop has their DSi Pre-order page up on their site. $170? No thanks.
There'll be two colors available: Black and Blue. The blue one is ugly! I'd normally go for a blue system over a black one, but the shade nintendo used is f-ed up, IMO.
Valve Games Cost too Much - Agreed. Games should be no more then $40 in my opinion. I'm really getting sick of this $50 BS, and I own a Wii and PC I cannot even imagine if I was gullible enough to pay $60 for a game for those other systems.
One of the site's forefathers.
Metroid Prime already had widescreen. They had a built-in screen stretch option right in the game. Its the only Cube game that doesn't have bars on my TV. But those other extras sound worth buying again.
Grabbed by the fucking ballies? WTF Rare? Do they want ANY hope of selling a game, ever?
Imagine a modern Jet Force Gemini.....one of the N64's forgotten gems.
BTW, why did MS port Viva Pinata to the PC, but not Perfect Dark? The fuck?
Are they watching the sales just as closely as they watched sales for RE4 on both Gamecube and Wii combined? How come Resident Evil doesn't seem to count when it comes to MATURE games? Like its a fluke?
How many copies would a light gun game sell on the PS3 or 360, BTW? Would overkill just light the world on fire on those machines? I doubt it.
Madworld---a game in all black and white? I've predicted Okami sales for this game since day 1. Regardless of system.
The Conduit IMO has the best shot at good sales just because shooters are the hottness these days.
BRUTAL LEGEND to Wii: Awesome, another on-rails shooter maybe?
There are 2 different editors you can use. Aside from that, you can switch it off.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWhy are we not talking about a game where you control a strechy dildo like object that eats people and shits them out like a rocket.
I got Noby Noby Boy and its the weirdest game I have ever played. There are no goals, no objectives, no point at all except to stretch (which will send your length to a online database and add that to all users length which will cause this giant girl worm thing to come closer to earth adding new levels for all of us to play).
The game generates a small square map, you never know what you are going to get when you jump to a new map. I ended up in a egyptian map with a pyramid I wrapped around and knocked down. I found that you can eat people, animals and objects and then poop them out of your ass which causes a sort of propulsion system. So you just stretch and wrap around stuff, eat and poop. Thats the whole game. Weird.
Yakuza 3 demo impressions:
What a great demo! Before I go on I must say that this is still very much Yakuza, didn't like it, nothing here for you. It still plays the same way, same combat, same structure, same menus, lots of text, etc.
The demo takes place in the same part of Tokyo that Yakuza 1 started in, so I was familiar with the area. What i instantly noticed was that the amount of people on the street increased dramatically, sucks that there are still text boxes coming up for the random chatter. The demo is very very text heavy and cut scene heavy, cutscenes you cant skip. So I sat there while these guys talked in Japanese forever, I have no clue what is going on but apparently someone is messing with the Club your friend owns. So you go in and get surrounded by a bunch of yakuza members and an all out brawl starts up.
The combat is still the same, basic attacks which raise the heat meter. As the heat meter goes up you can then use power moves, context sensitive moves, etc. Its as fun as ever to grab random stuff and use it as weapons, like I grabbed a street sign and bashed it over some dudes head. You can carry three personal weapons, the game gives you brass knuckles, nunchuks and a bow. The bow allows you to fight almost like Killik in SC. In the middle of the battle with the boss enemy he pulls out a katana, all I had was crappy lamps and such which he would slice up. The fight was epic, we were beating the crap out of each other. Toward the end all of a sudden my the camera zoomed in on Kazuma he started glowing and I got to choose from three options, not sure what they were but I picked one and it went into a QTE style action sequence with grappeling and crazy moves, if you dont imput the button the enemy gets a shot at you. After the fight the demo continues as you get to explore the city.
I looked at the menus and I checked the move upgrades page, a load of moves to upgrade and learn, it will take long to master. So most of the city is blocked off but there are plenty of stores and spots to check out. They have the usual magazines in the stores. Resturants to get food at. Random fights occur of course, this time no load screens, the game transitions to a fight mode on the spot.
There are some cool places to check out, one is the arcade. It has a triva game called "AnswerXanswer", it seems like a rather fleshed out triva contest game. For not knowing anything that was being said I did pretty well. There is also this shooter which you have a timer and you have to blow up a certain amount of ships. Of course there is the machine with the stuff animals and the claw thingy to grab them, great physics on this thing, feels just as annoying as the real ones, but I did manage to get a pink bear, woohoo.
I found a karaokee bar, it had a few songs to choose from. Once the song starts up the game becomes a rhythm music game and a good one at that. You have to press the buttons as the moving bar passes over them, there are some fast and complex sequences, great stuff. I also found the place where you get to speak to women, I dont know what they call it. I sat there and tried to get this chick to like me but of course I had no idea what I was saying or doing. I did ok, she gave me her card, not sure what that signifies but ok.
The demo ended with Kazuma entering an alley and being surrounded by guys in suits, American guys. Their leader was a dude in a coat and he was a badass, he has this stun punch, how annoying. I managed to use some bikes that were lying around, I love that when you break the bike you get to use the tire as a weapon. Hard battle, after it there is a cutscene where the guy pulls out a gun at you but then walks away.
Its defintely Yakuza, it seems that the amount of context moves have increased, the amount of side activities have increased and are getting better, story is still very important to the game. Its everything I loved about Yakuza and more.
Pics from gaf:
Oh and I played SF4, yeah its fantastic. It is SF2 but with added depth, the new systems dont overwhelm the game or anything, they just add to the SF2 combat. Very well done.
And its a BEAUTIFUL game to look it.
Well, it actually sounds like you've already played it. I'm sure Isaac says exactly that in the first level!
Haha, I'm not the person to ask! The only game I've seen like it is MGS4---though there is a better sense of weight in current gen games, they just don't bother using it for any purpose---so maybe not.