Icarian: Kindred Spirits to feature....
Original Soundtrack by Steven Gutheinz
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travo (5m)
That student creeps me out. Why do I have a feeling that he's the type of person always stuck in a book?
What student, you are not taking about Yagami Light, are you?
Man....you're right. Its weird, the original Xbox felt like, even though it FELT like it was cut short, it also FELT like it was around awhile. While the 360 doesn't even feel that old to me. Can't believe its been so long since late 2005.
LOL, agreed.
I have Dead Space PC btw....its basically the same as the Xbox version and the gamepad controls are definitely better in this game.
That means every RE from here on out will be....unless the real motherfuckers work on it again (Platinum Games). How funny would that be? 'Capcpm contracts Platinum Games for Resident Evil 6'
updates done
GG your next
Yeah I'm joking, testicles.
I simply like what I likes, and don't what I dont's.
Well I have seen mixed reviews. I just ordered it actually because of the price. I was going to get Fable 2, but it was still a little too expensive. I hope this is good but honestly I'm worried.
Just played Stranglehold last night, quite disappointed so far.
It's the most shallow game I have ever played. It's basically Max Payne with John Woo movie trappings only it never really feels like Hardboiled, the controls are okay but nowhere near good enough for what it is trying to capture. I feel like I'm playing a movie licenced game, an average shallow one from the PS2 era. And apart from some great close-ups, a lot of the time it looks like a high res last gen title. For some reason Max Payne feels deeper, not sure why that is, the narrative maybe. I was down on Dead Space being a lightgun game but this would actually really benefit from being one and dual wielding two wii remotes. As it stands it feels like Red Steel is more John Woo than Stranglehold. It has the same descructible scenary and big explosions. Minus the physics, which are pretty invisible and useless in this game so far.
Copy this post to the thread so we can discuss it.
You should get Overkill, some of the reviews I've read have some hyperbolic writing calling it "frankly amazing" and all that. It seems like apart from the frame pops and some weak bosses, it's pretty awesome. I will get it eventually in a few months maybe.
It's been happening for ages, Ubisoft locked us out of their events forum, literally closed it down after their Ubidays last year. Where they announced like BGE2, Prince of Persia and Far Cry 2 for all systems but Wii and then on Wii just Petz games. Then the Capcom forums we've been giving shit to them for months now and now they hav started closing threads and stopping discussion. They even shifted the CTYD thread from Ask Capcom to avoid it as new people were making threads every damn day "Where is SF IV Wii? Why is there no RE5 on Wii? Why does CTYD look so bad?" etc
This E3 will be a watershed moment, all nintendos teams are done with their games, Mario Kart, MP3, Galaxy, Brawl etc. And should have new games to show. If its like last year. Pfft. Forget about it.
As much as I rag on Ubishite they made a couple of good noises last year. In an interview LAST year they said that Red Steel 2 had already been in development for over a year. If we believe IGN maybe even 18 months already. If you look at which Wii games look best they are the ones 3rd parties put into production years ago with the right attitude, FFCC, MH3.
They also said that they cant blame nintendo for sales and that if nintendo can do it, so can 3rd parties if they make the right product. That is the attitude that is needed.
It's just so appropiate for a Picard facepalm gif.
Get Overkill, games has been getting some crazy reviews. That RE5 review is just one so I want to see everyone posting more in the thread. I need to bone up.
I want this but its £15.
Interesting. Cant they ingrate physics and weight shifts into the animation?
He's hot for Chow Yun Fat.
I haven't played it.
There is nothing simple about your taste, it defies the scientific laws that hold this universe together. Your wrongness is destoying the fabric of this reality. I can already see the cracks forming, stop destroying this universe, Hamster!!!
That's GG's huge asscrack. The universe is safe. For now.
I knew you would make a comment about the cracks, why are you so predictable?
Did you see that coming too?
I like Psi Ops (Same developer) I like Hard Boiled (best action movie ever?)
If you see my asscrack you should be afraid. Very afraid as the ass bomb is coming.
If you rent it and expect a mild diversion for an hour yeah. But I didn't want something so shallow. There is no weight to character movement either and enemies can swarm around you without you being able to see where they are coming from. It's not baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad bad. Just not great... or even good. The voiceovers are terrible too, Chow Yun fat trying english, ugh. And everyone speaking in either american accents or something indefinable.