Absolutely nothing, and it's been great! I've spent most of my free time reading instead. I think I'm ready for a resonably long break from gaming. I'm just not enjoying it as much as I usually do, and some of my other interests has taken over. You guys might not see much of me over the next few months.
Nothing much. A bit of the Sims 2 here and there, but right now I'm working nightshifts, and had relatives visiting this weekend, so nothing gaming-wise.
As you may have guessed, I've been busy setting up my new PC and getting all the kinks out of it, while tying to live and get some gaming in on the side.
Its a great machine. I'm loving it. Crysis is a blast man, easily one of the best shooters I've played. Its kind of everything that was cool about Far Cry, times 20. That's basically all I've put any real time into the last few days.
I do have a few issues with PC land, though. First, Windows LIVE sucks. MS had to go and stick their nose into PC gaming by throwing LIVE on there, and having some games REQUIRE it, because apparently just controlling console gamers wasn't enough.
Every game that has LIVE enabled that I've tried, has issues. And they're all LIVE related issues.
Want to quick save in GTA 4? Well, better sign in to LIVE, or you wont be able to. And BTW....LIVE needs to do an update, possibly ask u for your password for the thousanth time, and waste about a half hour of your day doing it. Greeeeat. I've tried GTA 4 3 times, and each time I've had to deal with this kind of crap. Just let me play the fucking game please.
Fallout 3 also unfortunately has LIVE. And its the same deal. Gotta be signed up and signed in to LIVE...otherwise we won't let you enjoy your game. Why are developers allowing this crap? I know MS has the PC by the balls, but this is foolish. When I do finally get to play these games though, they're great.
One game that won't run at all for me, is Stalker Clear Sky. tried installing it and deleting it 2 times, and each time the game just refuses to even load. All I get is some error message about "ENGINEre" or some crap not responding. Awesome.
Those negatives aside, I am loving the machine as I said. I have it hooked up to my Plasma screen and it looks great and sounds great. Really not missing the 360 at all, especially after plying Crysis for 4 hours. The game is gorgeous to look at, and plays butter smooth. Destroys Far Cry 2 in every way. My favorite thing is how you can just add scopes, lasers, whatever to your weapons on the fly. Such an awesome feature. Your suit with the different abilities like speed, strength, and cloak is also a trip.
at FFXIII GG story! I guess the guys at Square have no lue how to make a black character who is not a stereotype.
On Fallout 3, so wait, at the end of the game it asks if you want to save when there is nothing to do afterwards, why the hell would it ask to save? I understand the decision to have an actual ending and stop the game but why ask to save if there are no bonuses or anything to do afterwards. Thats just mean.
I think it either asks you to save or autosaves and then you can't go back to finish off all the subquests. It's like that in all versions, but the patch fixes it on PC and 360. So basically, don't complete the main story until you are happy that you have done everything you want subquest wise in the game. Otherwise, you have to start a new save file?
darthhomer said:
LOL it's like some seventies guy in a futuristic sci fi setting. I couldn't help it.
edgecrusher said:
I know MS has the PC by the balls, but this is foolish. When I do finally get to play these games though, they're great.
One game that won't run at all for me, is Stalker Clear Sky. tried installing it and deleting it 2 times, and each time the game just refuses to even load. All I get is some error message about "ENGINEre" or some crap not responding. Awesome. .
That sounds annoying about LIVE. Crysis Warhead is suppossed to fix all the problems Crysis has and makes it better. I think if you type it into our search box you will find some info. Stalker not loading is exactly why I gave up PC gaming, along with the costs. I bought this game once, it was this submarine military game and it never worked and I didn't have the receipt. My specs were all well within range of the box. And then for a good number of other games I couldn't just plug and play, I had to spend ages setting each game up.
As for me I've just been playing Animal Crossing and watching X-files. I just got to the point where I have to rent the movie and then continue watching the following series.
I knew if I put my hand right here, hearts would come out of her body.
Don't do it Sousoke! The children! Think of the children!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat can I dooooooooooooooooooooo?
Only half of us are actually women.
So they all must die!
As soon as I finish this round of golf! Schwing!
Get out of my face hoodie! I only tussle with dapper suited men like the gentleman on the left.
!!!!! Those two in the back got into my picture. Ralph! Take it again!
6000 yen per shemale for the night. Hmmm good deal.
I'm on the beach, looking wistfully into the ocean. Could I BE anymore Japanese?
Yeah......... I got nothing.
You guys are pissing me off. Nothing to say about Indiana Jones since Saturday? No one interested that De Blob is getting a sequel? What would you want in a sequel. Personally I would like a sequel BUT it would have to do something significatly different to be worth buying. If its just different levels and the same thing I would not be interested. Firstly I would want freeform IR painting to get my first person Jet Grind Radio fix. The combat has to be improved because it's almost automated at this point. Voice acting would be cool and more exciting scenarios like the last level where you jump on a ship and it takes off into space. Or do something silly like send De Blob back in time and have him paint all sorts of stuff like a pirate ship, dinosaurs et al.
One other thing is that I wouldn't want it this year, at all. Sequels need to be spaced out. I dont want yearly updates. Oh and a level creator would be cool.
Chainsaw guys? El Gigante is back? Fuck, they might as well have called it RE4: Africa, instead of RE5.
I hope they have taken the time to introduce some new and unique characters which are as memorable as RE4. That game was so impressive first time out on cube. The wolves, Krauser, the Chainsaw guy, El Gigante, weird monks, all of it. They could do some cool stuff with the Africa setting. Zombie panthers in the dead of night with red eyes. Maybe the crazy African Ganados could ride Elephants to attack you?
Those RE5 graphics really aren't doing it for me man. It doesn't have a natural look to it, IMO. Everything looks....weird. RE4 obviously doesn't have its technical graphics engine, but I still far prefer its style over RE5.
I can't help but think the gameplay is going to have a similar problem.
Those RE5 graphics really aren't doing it for me man. It doesn't have a natural look to it, IMO. Everything looks....weird. RE4 obviously doesn't have its technical graphics engine, but I still far prefer its style over RE5.
I can't help but think the gameplay is going to have a similar problem.
There are tons of screens in the forum. You don't seem to post in the forum edge?
Count me in on the Yakuza love train.All aboard!! Choo choo!!! It's an all male love train, also. Fuck Indiana Jones.
CVG: "While the fate of the other home console versions is unknown, according to supposed insider leaks, Crash of the Titans dev Amaze is handling the PSP version at least"
Whatcha been playing?
Absolutely nothing, and it's been great! I've spent most of my free time reading instead. I think I'm ready for a resonably long break from gaming. I'm just not enjoying it as much as I usually do, and some of my other interests has taken over. You guys might not see much of me over the next few months.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSo true.
I got it for free with the steering wheel---which was cheaper than retail at the time.
Nevertheless there's more than enough content that I can see for $40. Easily.
As you may have guessed, I've been busy setting up my new PC and getting all the kinks out of it, while tying to live and get some gaming in on the side.
Its a great machine. I'm loving it. Crysis is a blast man, easily one of the best shooters I've played. Its kind of everything that was cool about Far Cry, times 20. That's basically all I've put any real time into the last few days.
I do have a few issues with PC land, though. First, Windows LIVE sucks. MS had to go and stick their nose into PC gaming by throwing LIVE on there, and having some games REQUIRE it, because apparently just controlling console gamers wasn't enough.
Every game that has LIVE enabled that I've tried, has issues. And they're all LIVE related issues.
Want to quick save in GTA 4? Well, better sign in to LIVE, or you wont be able to. And BTW....LIVE needs to do an update, possibly ask u for your password for the thousanth time, and waste about a half hour of your day doing it. Greeeeat. I've tried GTA 4 3 times, and each time I've had to deal with this kind of crap. Just let me play the fucking game please.
Fallout 3 also unfortunately has LIVE. And its the same deal. Gotta be signed up and signed in to LIVE...otherwise we won't let you enjoy your game. Why are developers allowing this crap? I know MS has the PC by the balls, but this is foolish. When I do finally get to play these games though, they're great.
One game that won't run at all for me, is Stalker Clear Sky. tried installing it and deleting it 2 times, and each time the game just refuses to even load. All I get is some error message about "ENGINEre" or some crap not responding. Awesome.
Those negatives aside, I am loving the machine as I said. I have it hooked up to my Plasma screen and it looks great and sounds great. Really not missing the 360 at all, especially after plying Crysis for 4 hours. The game is gorgeous to look at, and plays butter smooth. Destroys Far Cry 2 in every way. My favorite thing is how you can just add scopes, lasers, whatever to your weapons on the fly. Such an awesome feature. Your suit with the different abilities like speed, strength, and cloak is also a trip.
Anyway, time to fly.
Played the most hardcore of hardcore, Wii Fit. And Castlevania 3, I really like this game, hard but fair!
That's how you do a flying knee, Arlovski!
I think it either asks you to save or autosaves and then you can't go back to finish off all the subquests. It's like that in all versions, but the patch fixes it on PC and 360. So basically, don't complete the main story until you are happy that you have done everything you want subquest wise in the game. Otherwise, you have to start a new save file?
LOL it's like some seventies guy in a futuristic sci fi setting. I couldn't help it.
That sounds annoying about LIVE. Crysis Warhead is suppossed to fix all the problems Crysis has and makes it better. I think if you type it into our search box you will find some info. Stalker not loading is exactly why I gave up PC gaming, along with the costs. I bought this game once, it was this submarine military game and it never worked and I didn't have the receipt. My specs were all well within range of the box. And then for a good number of other games I couldn't just plug and play, I had to spend ages setting each game up.
As for me I've just been playing Animal Crossing and watching X-files. I just got to the point where I have to rent the movie and then continue watching the following series.
Look at the Chainsaw guys back shading? It's like the weirdest plastic on earth.
Is Yakuza 3 the weirdest game ever?
I knew if I put my hand right here, hearts would come out of her body.

Don't do it Sousoke! The children! Think of the children!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat can I dooooooooooooooooooooo?
Only half of us are actually women.
So they all must die!
As soon as I finish this round of golf! Schwing!
Get out of my face hoodie! I only tussle with dapper suited men like the gentleman on the left.
!!!!! Those two in the back got into my picture. Ralph! Take it again!
6000 yen per shemale for the night. Hmmm good deal.
I'm on the beach, looking wistfully into the ocean. Could I BE anymore Japanese?
Yeah......... I got nothing.
You guys are pissing me off. Nothing to say about Indiana Jones since Saturday? No one interested that De Blob is getting a sequel? What would you want in a sequel. Personally I would like a sequel BUT it would have to do something significatly different to be worth buying. If its just different levels and the same thing I would not be interested. Firstly I would want freeform IR painting to get my first person Jet Grind Radio fix. The combat has to be improved because it's almost automated at this point. Voice acting would be cool and more exciting scenarios like the last level where you jump on a ship and it takes off into space. Or do something silly like send De Blob back in time and have him paint all sorts of stuff like a pirate ship, dinosaurs et al.
One other thing is that I wouldn't want it this year, at all. Sequels need to be spaced out. I dont want yearly updates. Oh and a level creator would be cool.
I hope they have taken the time to introduce some new and unique characters which are as memorable as RE4. That game was so impressive first time out on cube. The wolves, Krauser, the Chainsaw guy, El Gigante, weird monks, all of it. They could do some cool stuff with the Africa setting. Zombie panthers in the dead of night with red eyes. Maybe the crazy African Ganados could ride Elephants to attack you?
Made by ex-Rockstar Vienna guys
Those RE5 graphics really aren't doing it for me man. It doesn't have a natural look to it, IMO. Everything looks....weird. RE4 obviously doesn't have its technical graphics engine, but I still far prefer its style over RE5.
I can't help but think the gameplay is going to have a similar problem.
WOW, Yakuza 3 looks shweeet. Heh, I still haven't played Y2 yet.
There are tons of screens in the forum. You don't seem to post in the forum edge?
Fuck Indiana Jones.
CVG: "While the fate of the other home console versions is unknown, according to supposed insider leaks, Crash of the Titans dev Amaze is handling the PSP version at least"