How to Get Your Girlfriend Into Video Games
Yes, but what about step 1? How to get a girlfriend!
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - ‘new’ stage
Not really new, but added new stuff in old level
House of the Dead: Overkill 1up interview
rewards you for shooting ‘gangsta style’
Microsoft knew that 360 damaged discs
Even before its release, court documents show
Wii Video Games Blamed
For Rise In Effeminate Violence. BEST.ARTICLE.EVER!!!!
Gamers still buy most of the games from retailers
only 2% partake in digital distribution
MGS Intergal Podcast Returns in January!
About time. Here's hoping it becomes regular...
Keiji Inafune interview
Mega Man 10 could happen, Mega Man Legends 3 still possible, Strider may return, no interest in Viewtiful Joe
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robio (3m)
Poor Factor 5
MGS on phone makes me sad.
Namco wins Home.
Sounds like death. I thought these guys were owned by Lucasarts back in the day. I thought from the GC documentaries on the Rogue Squadron game discs that they were even located in that Lucas valley place. Either they go under and the talent goes elsewhere or they get bought by someone, or they stay as they are and scale everything back. This world recession is incredible, the UK has the highest unemployment in 8 years, huge brands like Woolworthes are going under, house prices are going down by 30%. Game companies are in the the shit, last week Sony cut thousands of jobs, Midway today and Factor 5, EA are struggling.
Thanks for the info. There was a genesis version of this?
What? Damnit I didn't know that.
Are these all from the trailer?
"The footage aired on Spike looked meh," said Jaffe, who created the series, but isn't involved in the third game. "It is NOT the thing I was raving about," he added, referencing a gushing post back in November after seeing GoW III behind closed doors.
He went on: "What I was raving about has not been shown outside of internal Sony meetings. I imagine it will be shown soon, but I have no idea.
"The stuff I saw that I raved about looked about 25-30% better," reassured Jaffe on his blog. "It happened to blow me away and remains the best looking console game I've ever seen...beyond Gears 2 which so far is the best looking console game ever released.
Elsewhere, Sony has said in a press release that GoW III is the "last installment of the multi-million unit franchise", leading to speculation that this could be the finale for Kratos. It probably won't be, but our paranoia is inevitable.
It also says the sequel will have a "depth of scale that is four times larger than its predecessor", no doubt putting the PS3's extra grunt to good use.
"like a fucking painting coming to life".
Still, it looks rather good.
Is this 3-D? Pre-rendered, touch shooting?
You want some of this?
That's a weird comment though, because a painting come to life is more like Okami or Muramasa?Odin Sphere right? Maybe even Kizuna.
Yeah, I know. When I first read his comment I was really hyped because the first thing that came to mind was some weird groovy shit like 300 or something. Sort of like concept art, but animated.
I'm not that impressed by the GOW 3 stuff. It looks GOOD, but I was expecting this to just totally outclass what they did on PS2, and be the most impressive PS3 game ever shown. It doesn't do either, as of now.
It would be like EAD showing a new Zelda that basically looks and plays a lot like Twilight....just kind of , well, Jaffe says.
But if he is correct about the really good bits not being shown, there's still hope. I don't get why they wouldn't show the impressive things as a first impression though.
Well I guess you're not going to like the next Wii zelda then
Well, it could play differently. There has only been a few screens and teaser of GOW3, I haven't played them as I never had a PS2. It does look very similar to the screens of past games though. What design changes would you guys actually want in a huge sequel?
Oh yeah and did anyone check out the game list for Jan-March for Wii?
Broken Sword: Shadows of the Templars (Directors Cut) -- March
I had this on gba. Really like it but why not do the other Broken Sword games?
Mario Kart Tournament
I've been playing around with the new Tournament, and I'm really enjoying this one (I haven't played a tournament since last summer). It's a drive-through-the-gates-as-fast-as-possible challenge on the DK Summit. So far, I'm about 10 seconds slower than 1st person on the worldwide rankings.
I also tried out the online Battle modes, and I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying them. I usually don't like playing online unless it's with friends, but this is actually kinda fun.
I didn't even know you could play online in battle modes. I think regenerating ballons killed it for me.
Do you guys remember when Gillian Anderson was FHM worlds sexiest woman?
Watching the X-Files again I wondered why and then I got "it" again. And no, by "it" I don't mean a hard on.
She's so emotionless that you just want to tear her apart (sexually) to see her laugh, scream, smile, show any kind of emotion.

Damn. Celeb crush of my youth.To tell you the truth, I really don't know what I'd like them to change in GOW. All I know is, if its just more of the same its not going to blow me away like GOW1 did.
FF13.....WTF, why do they HAVE to have the dancing girl with her leg up in the air in EVERY FF since FF8? Can they not think of anything else to do? At least in FF10 with Yuna it actually was a part of the story to have her dancing around like a crackpot. The chick in FF12 just does it for the hell of it, and now what's this chicks deal?
I had a huge boner for Gillian Anderson. Hell I used to go home on Friday nights and skip partying just to watch her.
For me it was the combo of those sexy eyes and those insane lips. Mamma Mia. Plus, I like girls who are hot and have a brain.
Yuna from FF10:
Penelo from FF12:
I think she wants Anal sex!
"I had a huge boner for Gillian Anderson. Hell I used to go home on Friday nights and skip partying just to watch her. For me it was the combo of those sexy eyes and those insane lips. Mamma Mia. Plus, I like girls who are hot and have a brain."
She's got a sexy voice too, I got the impression that Skinner and Mulder wanted to do her.
This is from 2008, with a lot of lighting and airbrushing:
So in game she dances about in front of you in realtime or just cutscenes? Because in game if you could whack her with a weapon or something to knock her down it would be HIL-arious.
I'm just turning on Animal Crossing if anyone wants an online match. It's 20:22 GMT, check the online thread to see details. Steel is -5hrs, Raven -7hrs.
Steel is in my town right now! With a freaky mask on!
Oh shit! Raven's here too!
Sucks about Factor 5.
Does not suck about MGS on the iPhone - as my iPod Touch is PLENTY to play it!
Namco does win the Japanese Home. They don't win English Home.
That images can best be described in one way.