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Soul Bubbles forgotten in 2008
"Soul Bubbles is a beautifully constructed game"
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Hmm I wasn't aware of IGN's 7.5 that's what I was expecting from it. D- is a 6.0 - 6.4? Ugh I hate EGM's and 1up's grade scale. To me D- should definately be lower then that. I guess I'm still reeling from GS's 3.0, that just hit me like a ton of bricks. I haven't paid much attention to Nintendo Power reviews for ages I always found the kind of iffy. I ussually just stick with reviews from sites that do multi-platforms. I'm a little bit more hopeful of the game but I think I'll still go with a rental first.
Wow, you're pretty strict.
Then again, I rarely use reviews to judge a game. I know I won't like Castlevania Judgement simply because I don't like most 3D fighters. IGN gushed over Zack and Wiki for months, but I only view it as an okay game with great graphics. Most reviewers bashed Red Steel, but I enjoyed it a lot, even more that Zack and Wiki. Gamespot--well, Gamespot doesn't matter anymore do they?
I guess it just comes down to personal taste in games.
A rental is always a good idea on a questionable game.
IMO, Nintendo Power has been really close in their reviews with most other mags and websites.
Hmm my thoughts eh. Well MS will release a new console in 2010, Duke Nukem Forever will be released in 2009, and Beyonce is still super-hot.
Yeah I've heard they've gotten better for me when I say I haven't checked NP reviews for ages I'm talking way back from the NES and early SNES era so I would imagine alot has changed since then.
I know someone who is hotter. Have you checked out the 1000th post party thread?
Present for Archie:
Uh huh
EDIT: Ravenprose, I'm just logging onto Animal Crossing, you game?
Hell yes! Let me boot it up, and I'll join you.
You are dead to me Hamster, do you hear me DEAD!!
Just got done hanging out at GG's Animal Crossing town. I got to spend a lot more time there, and it was really different from my town. Here's a pic of a Superman shirt GG made, and the Lucky Frog statue that dropped out of one of his trees:
Animal Crossing City Folk > Zack and Wiki
You called it okay, the game is way too unique for that classification. Okay games are the WW2 FPS shooters, not something like like Zaku!
And once in a while you should buy a game outside your comfort zone, you might be surprised! So you did good by buying it cheap. I am still playing it, will not have a final opinion until I finish it, but great so far!
I think the next Zelda might have some Z&W style motion puzzling!
Dammit I talking to dead people again!
Question, is your avatar an AC dude or a Mii? I have seen both in screens!
To me, "okay" and "decent" mean pretty much the same thing when it comes to games, and Zack and Wiki fits both words nicely. WWII shooters are well below both of those descriptions.
Yeah, I often try games outside my confort zone otherwise I'd never have tried Animal Crossing, Endless Ocean, Ouendan, or Pikmin; and I love all of those games.
Both. Your avatar is the standard human look that's on the AC's box cover, but you can buy a Mii mask from the Shampoodle salon. You can then change between the Mii mask and the standard character in the menu bar at anytime.
Yes, but all these Wii-makes have extra content, so do you guys reckon the same will be true for Prime game? What would you like to see?
I personally want them to add weak points for massive damage on all the normal enemies. So there would be actually a point in the wii-mote aiming. The enemies will therefore die faster. This will make the pacing of the game faster. Especially handy for us that will be replaying the game for the nth time.
Another nice thing would be ship travel of Prime. If you have to travel from one point of the map to the other, the ship will take you there fast. Another thing that will improve the pacing, especially in Prime 2. Maybe use the ship to access the moon of the planet for some extra content.
Extra art, some new scan info would be nice too!
All of those ideas sound great, Iga. I want an even harder difficulty added to the game as well. That'll make up for the faster wii remote aiming, and make the game more interesting for us original owners.
More aggresive and faster enemies, yeah that would make it harder to hit said weakspot. Yeah that can work. Also they can copy Zero Mission hard mode. Zero missions hard mode does the following things:
The cool thing: the enemies do not take more damage, this would make the game only more tedious. Waiting half our until an enemy croaks is not fun.
Some added thing, low percentage ending. In Zero Mission you have an extra 15% playthroug. This changes the game significantly and makes the bosses harder.
That would be awesome, but probably, nay almost certainly will not happen!
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