High Voltage to Announce More Wii Games
High Voltage to Announce more Wii games in the "near future"
Punk Rebel Ecks
Sony and Universal Pictures to release a "PoP Mach
Games, Movies and More - at a Vending Machine!
David Hasselhoff Red Alert 3 commercial
Because Archie is too lazy to post it himself
EA: Solution if your key is only has 19/20 chars
Brute force hack your activation key
Broken Pixels Episode 20
Episode 20: The gang takes Peter Perfect's phallus-mobile out for a ride, in a racing game made for your grandparents.
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Can you elaborate on that? How does it mix things up? I wasn't a huge fan of the first, it had stunning production values but left me kind of cold.
Those deadly creatures screens are fun.
Has everyone else forgotten about blogs like I have? Since they aren't on the front page I keep forgetting to check them, even though they are better organised now. I think Yo is just about the only one who keeps blogging.
I don't know if it's possible, but maybe Yoda could implement some kind of automatic message to be sent to our mailboxes when someone on our Friend's list posts a new blog entry or review?
Oh, wow! I guess that Animal Crossing City Folk and Wii Speak Microphone Bundle is coming out in North America after all. Amazon has it listed at $69.99 USD, so that's about $10 less than buying both separately.
Mailbox = 1 clicks (plus 1 to open the message)
Profile = 1 click
And I've been blogging pretty much daily, even if the posts are usually pointless.
The only way I can keep track of who has posted what is using the profile page. You can see new blogs, as well as the newest5 or so posts/comments on the entire site.
I think we need to stop being lazy and check more often.
Yeah, RSS is a good option, but I keep forgetting to check my RSS feeds.
I actually check my profile daily. I was just suggesting site options that might be easier for others. It really doesn't matter to me.
I'm going add a link to my signature whenever I update my blog for now on.
Forward back down forward guard. It's her Super C, man, you should have tried all her moves.
BTW, there's a glitch in Survival Mode where it eventually says you're going up against "No Entry" and the game crashes.
I've been checking the blogs as much as I ever did. There just aren't as many there anymore.
I blame the new forums.
I swear I did that and it didn't work. Well I'll try it again.
One of the site's forefathers.
Punk, I don't remember which one it was - but she definitely has a move that does it. I think it was Super C, or I might be getting confused with another character.
Hey Archie, I just talked to my Bro, he wants GOW2 so its pre-ordered. I will be getting Dead Space and GOW2 and soon, Assasins Creed first. I think I'll give up GTA4. Still got Mass Effect to go.
I want to put Mass Effect to bed and just do the main story. How do I know which missions/planets are just related to the main story again? It's in the options/status screen isn't it?
Arc rise
I finally found a Disaster trailer which managed to encapsulate the crazy feeling of the game:
Crank up the music
It's all in the menu. It's a bit confusing, but pretty easy to identify once you get the hang of it. And yeah, if you're not too much into the sci fi-geeky approach, focusing on main story alone helps a lot with the game's pacing.
That's cool. If your bro enjoyed the first Gears he'll absolutely love this one. It's simply an all around fantastic game that truly lives up to the moniker that Cliff labeled it as, bigger, better, and more badass. It's currently my GotY pick right now. As for mixing it up it does a good job of that by putting in more branching paths in the levels and having more different levels such as a hospital, city scapes, underground caverns, forested area, snow covered mountainous terrain, outdoor snowy cabin-like area, ruined city, cathedral, science facility, and a couple other areas I won't mention so as not to spoil them.
Dead Space is a really fantastic game as well that does the survival-horror thing incredibly well with audio and visuals that are utterly stunning. It is also quite effective at keeping you on the edge of your seat and even after playing through the game 3 times it still gives me a jump now and then.
I really enjoyed Assassin's Creed too. All those games should provide for some great entertainment for a good while.
Yeah there are two tabs in there I believe. One is called Primary which is your main ones and the other is called Secondary.
Thanks I seem to remember the missions were labelled. It's not that I don't like sci fi etc. I just do not have time to play all these games and want to put a few to bed as it were rather than have them hanging over me forever. Okami still gives me the eye like a neglected child. Someday, someday I will finish it.
Sounds like I have a big bag of fun coming my way. Cool. If I could somehow break myself away from watching these retro toons I might have time for it.