Iwata asks: Wii music part one
Miyamoto: I wasn't this excited when we created Super Mario Bros.
FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Way better than the other one.
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SupremeAC (6m)
I never said their are no games to pick up. I said NINTENDO doesn't have much going, and yes AC is on taste, but why no alternative, Sony has an FPS, a platformer, a racing game, all coming out this year and two more big games early next year (and I bet next year they will have just as many games). Nintendo has lacked a consistancy, they start off like a rocket, like they did this gen, run through all their amazing major titles and then slow down and wait for that cycle to pick up again. Well break the cycle, space it out a bit, add some new titles, bring back classic ones like Punch-Out (why isn't that a holiday title?!) Its not just the Wii, its happening on the DS too, what Nintendo made games are coming this holiday season, I dont know any. I knew there was a big giant black hole coming after Smash Bros. hit, there have been a few specs of light but I don't see us out of it yet, seeing how they are now starting to work on all the next titles I don't expect a new Zelda, Mario or Metroid till 2010. By then they might as well save them for Wii 2.
Shhhhhh, don't give them ideas.
What a debate I am not partcipating in?! Oh well, I am busy making plans for that "glorious day" anyways.
What "glorious day"?
Cosplay Fap Day, the one that will go down in Iga's historical ANALS.
OMG Glorious Day indeed!!!
It's not bad wording it's just internet forum life. You/I/they generalise, then over sensitive or pedantic assholes like myself pick up on a point said in jest/anger/lethargy and then the debate goes on. The circle of life continues.
I do think that there is something objective about games. In that you can objectively say that Boom Blox, for instance, is a great game based on the general critical reaction from gamers and the media. What's awry to me is when gamers in general have this attitude where it's like: I'm not interested in that, damn there is nothing on that console for me, what a crappy console. That's them applying their subjective taste to a console library, while objectively you should take the balanced approach of saying, well I'm not really interested in that, but it has some great titles it seems. It is like that CNN Money article by Chris Morris, the hardcore demand to be catered to.
Yeah, I mean this is the pervading view that nintendo is now focusing on nothing but these casual titles, but only in marketing terms. It's skewed in that they launched Zelda at the same time as Wii Sports, while Wii Fit was being worked on they have released Mario kart and smash bros and more. Wii music has been in development since the wii's first E3 unveiling and look at all the hardcore games they have released in this period. It's just a complete fallacy that is all image based: nintendo highlight a title at an event so that is their one true focus? No, it's a section of games among many other games.
And where were these games in the first year and a bit of the systems life when you had people non-stop moaning that there was nothing to buy till MGS4 hit? It's just a matter of timing at this point. I really don't know what people expect. On the one hand if nintendo are too strong publishing wise then people moan that the 3rd parties are feeling the sqeeuze. If third parties are let out in the pasture to roam then people moan that the first party isn't strong enough.
If nintendo then space out their big titles, they only have few major franchises, people complain: where is game X? It's taking years?! Think about where nintendo were at the end of last gen? Last position, but perception wise a distant, distant third. No longer relevant, ripe for the takeover, the kiddie choice with no future. Their plan, their only and now successful plan was to get out the big franchises as fast as possible to drive momentum of the system and build an install base. They have done that, they have the big games out and they've done them better than ever and faster than ever. Really I'm not seeing what there is to complain about at the moment.
"I never said their are no games to pick up. I said NINTENDO doesn't have much going"
This is a problem for me, because the general connotation is that nintendo has no games, hence there is nothing to buy, hence the system is worthless, roll on Wii 2. As I've said in the past, it shouldn't matter who makes a good game as long as it IS a good game, so people who own more than one system and treat nintendo consoles as a first party machine and then complain about the lack of games have no sympathy from me and the excessive moaning from people like Pedro or Carnage who bought a cube, didn't buy any games and then moaned about it every day for the next 5 years just gets on my tits. If people haven't picked up the majority of good games then there are always titles to pick up and thus not much to worry or complain about.
BTW I know it's not out in the US this winter but the alternative to Animal Crossing I guess would be Disaster Day of Crisis. Not a game I have great hopes for critically, but it's from Nintendo and it is a big action packed traditional game for the winter.
But no one is saying thats all they are making, I just said those games take up a spot that a true action/adventure or other normal Nintendo genre type game would have taken up. Nintendo's big game this holiday season is Wii Music. Animal Crossing is their second major game, which one sells more is yet to be seen but Wii Music is what they expect to be their big gun. And Wii Sports resort will be their major game for March, (hopefully Punch-Out will be ready by then too). Instead of this being say Kid Icarus and Pikmin 3, its Wii Music and Wii sports 2. They take up a slot, they take up dev time, they occupy Miyamoto brain time, you can't argue that. From a business standpoint they should keep doing what they are doing, doesn't mean I have to like it.
I knew you would understand me, Elton.
Good lord GG you are like on a different argument from the one I am making. You keep wanting to talk about the other games, I am saying nothing on that so stop trying to change the subject.You keep bring up some imaginary other argument, sorry but it makes it impossible to talk to you. When did I say anything about the Wii having no games, where did I say the wii is worthless?
Vader, GG you guys are not communicating.
There is only one solution
2 go in, 1 comes out.
Cue Star Trek battle music. You know what I'm talking about...
Just a random thought brought out by all this Nintendo talk:
My taste in games must be evolving right along with Nintendo these days because while I love their traditional franchise titles, I also love their newer, non-traditional games too. For instance, I'm just as excited by Wii Sports Resort as I am of Punch-out; actually more so thanks to the MotionPlus accessory (MotionPlus is Wii 2). Wii Music, I'm not convinced of, but I'm really not a "music" person either. That being said, I know that my mom and sister would absolutely love it. If money wasn't an issue, I would already own Wario Land Shake it! (and de Blob too). I like the direction Nintendo is going; they're making games fun for a lot more people than ever before. I'm hopefull that they won't forget their classic franchises (Pilotwings Wii, please!), but as long as they continue to make fun and interesting games, then I'll be right along for the ride.
Well the rumour is that Punch-out will use motionplus and the balance board. I am a bit curious of Mach Rider! And I want F-Zero. Where is my F-Zero? I must have it!
Jeez man, not talking about you, no need to get antsy. I'm talking about gamers in general and general opinions and reactions. That's why I said: the general connotation. But recentely you do keep talking as if Wii 2 should be out now and that the first system is already done. That's the impression you have been giving out recentely.
And really man, you can't just throw your arms up in the air and scream BU.. BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT! YOU ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO TALK TO! And leave it at that, which you've done a couple of times here. If you think people have mis-interpreted your point than most people would have said:
"I never said Wii has no games, I just think that nintendo shouldn't focus on the casual side so much. I don't feel as if there is much for gamers like me to play in the next few months from nintendo themselves."
And then address the points in a discussion. Instead as with gaming forums, as I mentioned before with SteelAttacks post, in general, you have people throwing out exagerrations and then when someone queries it, or counterpoints it, there are complaints. Well sorry to be like Skylock but I think that people could be more balanced (robot like as edgecrusher would say
) at times.
dvader said:
You said "Now it seems like their big games are Wii Music, Wii Fit, Wii Sports, etc instead of having an action/adventure game or something, Kid Icarus would have been perfect right now."
They aren't making games "instead of" they are making games of one type AND games of another type. That's where the fallacy lies, it's image based at the moment, looking at the evidence of released games you just can't reach that conclusion. For every casual nintendo game I can name a hardcore one. Animal Crossing was highlighted at E3 over Wii Music, the DS game sold million upon millions so the expectations I would imagine are pretty high. Disaster is a hardcore game that is being released at the end of this year in Japan and Europe.
Kid Icarus and Pikmin 3 are being worked on so again it's not like they are working on Wii Music instead of something hardcore, they are working on both types of games. Your argument is that a spring game will be casual instead of a hardcore game, but that isn't some deliberate choice to go towards casual, that's just a matter of development times and release schedules. It's most probable that Pikmin 3 takes much more time, thought and money to make than Wii Sports 2.
Sure casual games take up time and money but very little in comparison to larger games like Zelda for instance. It should probably be noted that Miyamoto's role is more as someone who gives an overview and feedback to large teams on many games. It's not like he's having his brain sucked away by casual games, hell he made mario galaxy which was critically received as one of the greatest games ever made, Wii Fit and Wii Sports developement didn't seem to impact on the making of that title, so why should we worry?
No one said that you have to like nintendo's casual games, I'm saying that if you look at nintendo's output there is a very good balance, perhaps a balance which actually skews far more towards the hardcore traditional gamer than this casual image which is bandied about these days.
It would make sense for Punch-out to use MotionPlus, but I'm not sure how it could be used with the Nunchuck unless you can play with two Wii remotes and two MotionPlus sensors. Perhaps they'll have mulitple settings or something.
I still need to get the balance board, but it's been sold out here since it came out.
I'm all for another F-Zero just as long as Nintendo or someone other than Sega makes it. Sega made a money-stealing arcade game with GX instead of a fun console game. I know there are people that like that kind of extreme challenge, but it just wasn't fun for me. If it wasn't for the Time Attack mode, then I wouldn't have played GX at all.
Hamster you are doing it wrong. To win in F-Zero you do not have to finish first, you just have to make sure that your rival does not finish at all. Yes, that is right, to beat F-Zero you need to fight dirty! I think Punch-out will have multiple setting like Kart and Brawl. Two motionplus FTW!