Karateka Mania 'Aoi Inazuma' gameplay
Karate mini game from Rhythm Tengoku turned into a full blown game via pc homebrew
Capcom vs Tatsunoko Wii trailers
On Dailymotion much more superior than youtube
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IGN:To address the lack of Wii memory, you can now download software directly to the SD memory card. It will also be possible to easily move things from SD card to the Wii memory. That will start spring 2009.
They slapped a band-aid on the Wii memory problem. Direct to SD downloads but you cant execute from it.
14:25: Hey, it's Nintendo's solution to the Wii's crappy internal storage! Let's see what Gemaga has to say: You'll be able to download software straight to an SD memory card, and be able to easily copy that software to the Wii. They're rolling this out in Spring 2009. Not quite sure what this all means!
Well better then nothing.
One of the site's forefathers.
14:29: They're going to start including a three-and-a-half minute demo movie called "Things You Can Do With Wii" with new Wii hardware, to get more people using the Internet features of Wii. They're releasing a (new?) Wii Wi-Fi Adapter. And if you, a Wii owner, help another Wii owner get connected with the Internet, they'll give you both a free 500 Wii Points in a new campaign.
One of the site's forefathers.
Punch-Out Wii...
Help people connect online with the wii and receieve a 500 wiipoints card... what?
VC on DS seems to be a lie.
One of the site's forefathers.
Its DSware on the DSi, it could have VC games on it.
Animal Crossing being shown...
I want to (legally) play Pokemon Gold on my DS.
Here are the "Wii" titled games. Ugh.
Damn. Yeah, IGN didn't mention it, so I sure it isn't true.
IGN" Punch Out and Sin & Punishment 2 announced for Wii!
This conference is awesome!
If thats what they are showing now... what are they going to close the conference on... OMG OMG OMG.
Miyamoto!! Doing Wii Music. Why? What have you done to this man.
I hate Wii Music, I hate it with a passion. I will not allow you to destory a good conference, be gone foul beast and give us back our Miyamoto!